im just soo sad


New Member
i honestly feel like crying, as soon as i get a little bit of hair it gets taken from me...maybe im just not meantto have long hair.

A little over a week ago i got my hair blown out by the was gorgeous and thick and appoaching full BSL..all of my hair dreams were coming

Now i wanted a protective style because i was going back to campus and i wanted to be...cute.:wallbash: And i wanted a break from my hair. so i got a style called a fish bowl braids. It is alot of little baids ( cane rows/corn rows) that was braided into two french braids....does that make any sense??

Now i knew she was pulling a little tight on my edges so id knew id pay for that but the rest i did not bargin for..

I took out my braids and this is what i got... loss/GEDC0460.jpg

I know it doesnt look like alot but my hair feels shorter and thinner. Am i crazy?
How long did you have them in? A week? That doesn't seem like a lot of hair loss for a braid take-down.

I don't think you're crazy, though. My hair always feels terrible after I take down any type of braids besides large cornrows straight back.

....did you make sure that she braided all the way past the ends of your hair? Did she do that annoying thing where they try to trim all the flyaways? I would say do a good DC and explore buns as a protective style. I know they are boring, but your hair should be long enough to do some cute/sleek ones.
That doesn't look like a lot of hair but you know your hair better than anyone else.
I try to avoid small braids at all cost.
DC your hair and try low manipulation for a little while.
Your hair is gorgeous in the siggy pic, I am sure it's not as bad as you think.
Solitude i had them in for a week.. she did try and cut the flyaways but i told her to leave them alone... she didnt put in fake hair. The conrows were my hair the two big fench braids down were with the fake hair.

I have been doing buns for about 2 yrs now, i just wanted to try something new and different..look at where that got me.

Did i mention im about 4 mo. post relaxer??

What kind of DC would you reccommend?..(one that i could get at a drugstore)
please dont cry ok, its not alot of hair at allll, remember that your strands are long, and your supose to shed 50-100 strands a day, so just think of how much that is in a week! your hair is fine .I]
Thanks Adora surpisingly that made me feel better..i was on the verge of tears going to DC with some protein and see where that gets me.

Also Adora it wouldnt be alot of hair for you...your like tripping over you itty bitty hai is barely
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That doesn't look like too much to me. The amount of shed hair I get in a week is at least that much. No worries sweetie!:yep:
Oooh girl you scared me! I thought you had gone from bsl to sl or something. Doesn't look like that much hair to me either. Just be careful about trying different things on your hair that you aren't familiar with, stick with what you know works. And never let people continue to do something to your hair that you know is damaging. Best to stop them in the middle of it and go home. Your hair is beautiful by the way, at least from looking at your siggy pic.
please dont cry ok, its not alot of hair at allll, remember that your strands are long, and your supose to shed 50-100 strands a day, so just think of how much that is in a week! your hair is fine .I]

I'm gonna agree with Adora and offer you this big hug, mama. :bighug:

Looks like you've been doing a fantastic job at taking care of your hair and it's been thriving. I suspect you'll continue to do so with equally fabulous results. You're feeling it differently than we're seeing it because it's your hair and I feel you on that. I hope the gloomies fade quickly so that you will again feel that your hair is on and poppin. In the meantime, we're here for ya. (Doing the cute faces that Biggie did in Notorious to cheer up Faith :yep:)
Get a few DC's under your belt and maybe go back to your bunning and you should feel better in a few. :yep:

If you have a BSS store in your area there should be some products there for DCing that won't cost a lot of money.

Maybe even a good hot oil treatment or two would be okay. You can use Olive oil or coconut oil for those.
Shoot, that looks like the amount of hair I lose a day! That's nothing! I know after a braidout, my hair seems thinner and weaker, so I'm assuming that's why you feel that your hair is breaking or shedding too much. Do a good protein treatment and DC - you should be fine :bighug:
Thanks Ladies!!!

Hopeful i know i should stick to what i know buti was tired of doing my hair and im tying out new hairstyles for the cruise im going on later in the summer.

Njoy i know exactly what face your talking about

Lovenharmony thanks for the hug!!

Mscocoface i am on my way to CVS to see what i can pick up for this hair..i think im looking to get some ORS and maybe some oil for a hot hoil treatment.
I don't think that's a lot of lost hair, especially considering that you were braided up. Your hair looks very pretty in your siggie!

Sorry you're feeling bad, but that honestly doesn't look like that much hair loss over the course of a week. I think you'll be fine. Here are two inexpensive conditioners that you could try sitting under the dryer w/ a cap for about 45 minutes:

Elasta DPR-11 (Sally's Beauty Supply)
Motions CPR (Walmart)
Suave Humectant (Walmart)

I hope this helps. Your hair still looks good girl!:grin:
That's not really a lot of hair loss. I was expecting much worse. I don't think small braids are the route to go as your hair gets longer. Cornrows may be better as a protective style or cornrow tree braids.

I have some pics of this on my blog at

Your hair is braided straight to the back as she pulls the extension hair through the cornroww. I can rock this style up to 6 weeks and no breakage or damage.

Hope that helps and please don't cry. If you want to see a setback, refer to my siggy.
I don't think that's a lot of hair at all, and I pretty much live in braids.

Hold on, did you say in your first post "Maybe you're not meant to have long hair."????!!!!

Chick?! Don't let me slap you! Your hair is already long! Look @ my strip and then look @ yours and complain about hair not growing!

Your hair looks good and listen stick to what works for you. Do your buns and maybe experiment with more intricate buns or pretty flowers or accessories to add to it. This is exaclty the time that if you persevered you would really get that growth.
I find that exactly when we want the change is when we should just leave it alone before we do something stupid and then we should've just left it alone. just my 2 cents.
Thank You Princess!

Supermodel i know it may not be a major steback but still, i just got to some kind of thickness and i dont want to lose it.

Pringe lol. My hair just looks long in my siggy it really isnt. i feel you on sticking to what you know, i sure have learned my lesson. im going to have to reseach some intricate buns to do.
You know what op...I always feel like that after I get my braids taken out. I feel like I've lost a lot of hair.... I don't know what it is but be encouraged...because usually after two or three washes my hair feels back to normal. I pray this will be the case for you.
nnmiles: yeah ive washed my hair once and cowashed twice so it kinda feels a little still feels shorter and thinner..but it may be the fact that i am about 4 mo post relaxer...

Thanks TwisnMx

Well Jodan from the looks of my hair i dont have that length
I used to get braids a lot years ago and when I took them down a serious fistful of hair would come out. I don't think your amount is to much to worry about.

I wouldn't get little or micro braids though. Those can really take your hair out.