My 10mo. update...Am i BSL yet?

I read once on LHCF that we should take our pictures with our arms down. With the arms up you don't get a true picture of your length. I looked in the mirror today and I found that to be true.

Beautiful hair and HHJ! You"ll be there soon!
Girl please you want to be exact huh!! LOL next week you will be BSL..girl you are THERE!! LOL
Beautiful hair. Keep doing what your doing!!
gorgeous --
(1) you basically wet bun your hair?
(2) do you bun it neatly in like a donut bun or just a loose messy bun?
(3) does your hair dry overnight?
AdoraAdora: Thanks so much, you my hair idol!!

Cuteness: Thanks i absolutly love your hair!!

Ijanel: My waist is smaller than it looks i

Kbragg: Thanks!!

Gigi07:Really?..i look less that 6 inches away from waist?? Awesome. i wonder if i can make it this winter..hmmm??? You better watch out you giving me ideas.

BostonMaria: I love you hair!!

Learning and growing: The only real moisterizing i do to my hair is i cowash,and the only time i comb my hair is when im cowashing and/or putting it into a bun. I stretch my relaxer from 6-9 mos. So i trim/dust whenever i go to relax my hair.
Divachyk: Yes i wet bun my hair, after i cowash i get dressed which allows my hair to dry a little bit so that im not bunning on soaking wet hair. I do not neatly bun my hair,i put it in a ponytail that i position differently everyweek ( one week low right. low left, middle,high). Then i wrap my hair around the hair tie and i pin or put another hair tie around bun to keep it in place. My hair exposed to the open air dires overnight, anything that is hidden,like the middle of my ponytail is still wet even 2 or three days late if i dont take it down.
Thank you ladies so much,i had NO idea i wore my bra low. Here i am thinking imnever going to reach BSL because of my brastrap but i guess im already there..Yea!!

You ladies are amazing, not only am i BSL but i may be close to MBL. what?? yes!!!

Do you ladies think i could make or at least get petty close to WSL this year??

See what you guys
Chiming in, you are definately already there. Your bra sits low so in your case the line of your bra shouldn't be your determining factor for BSL. You'll be MBL before you know it. It looks great!
Lovely hair!!! BSL is so subjective, but IMHO, you are BSB and that's the true stop, MBL. Congrats!