I'm Going To the Salon.....Wish Me Luck


Well-Known Member
I'm going in the morning for a relaxer & cellophane. She will use the new Mizani relaxer system & Matrix Prizm rinse. I'm nervous even though i've gone to her before, you just never know :spinning: Tonight im going to apply a generous coating of the Chi Silk Infusion on the length of my hair for extra protection. I'll be sure to post a review & picture of the end result. Wish me LUCK :rolleyes:
I'm going in the morning for a relaxer & cellophane. She will use the new Mizani relaxer system & Matrix Prizm rinse. I'm nervous even though i've gone to her before, you just never know :spinning: Tonight im going to apply a generous coating of the Chi Silk Infusion on the length of my hair for extra protection. I'll be sure to post a review & picture of the end result. Wish me LUCK :rolleyes:

Good luck!!! I am in EXACTLY the same boat as you. I'm going to a NEW beautician tomorrow and I'm getting the Mizani Butterblend too and a cellophane. However I still have some Sebastian colourshine cellophane in my stash and I'm going to have him use that. He told me he had Matrix but I found the Sebastian so I'll be bringing it with me. I'm going to coat my hair with Chi Silk tonight. Someone on this board recommended him but I'm still so nervous. Pray for me and I'll pray for you girl.
Thanks for all of your support. I'm not sure of the exact name for the Matrix cellophane but it will be a rich brown with a hint of mahagony :crossfingers: Ever since I made the appointment my head has been itching like crazy :wallbash: Why does that always happen right before you relax :spinning:
I'm so nervous...If she screws this up........ :samurai:
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I went to my appointment this afternoon and overall I'm not happy with the results :nono: First of all I planned to use the new Mizani system, I always use mild when I self relax, so when I get there she tells me she only had the regular strength :perplexed I'm disappointed but I decide to use the Affirm mild sensitive scalp instead. Applying the relaxer went fine, its when she proceeds to rinse & wash my hair when it starts going down hill.
She tried to only shampooed my hair 1 time, not the 3-4 times I do when I self relax. I told her to wash it again & this time let the poo set for a while. By this time I'm pissed & she is looking at me like who the **** does she think she is.
So after she rinses the poo out she starts to apply what I thought was the Matrix Prism (I never saw a package) to my hair & put me under the dryer. Once we return to the sink for her to rinse the color out, I notice a $2.99 bottle of semi permanent hair color in the same sink she applied my color. I can't say for sure if she used this cheap stuff instead of the Matrix but I have a feeling she did.
She proceeds to lather my hair & rinse but does not apply a conditioner!!! I had to tell her I wanted a conditioning treatment! She puts some kind of Redken product on my hair and leaves me sit for about 10 minutes.

Okay after this drama there was no way in hell I was letting her use direct heat in my hair so I told her to rollerset it. She applies some leave in cream, some liquid (don't know what it was), a serum & damn near 1000 sprays of setting lotion. She uses the RED rollers, which I think are way too small but those were the only ones she had. I sit under the dryer for 1 hour, once she take the rollers out I realize I forgot to bring my satin scraf for her to wrap & cover my hair. I told her not the comb the curls, I'll comb & wrap when I get home. So reluctantly I pay her & leave.
Once in the car I try to run my fingers through one of the curls... well of course it's stiff as a f***ing board & it's still DAMP! By the time I got home my hair was beginning to frizz.

As Soon as I got home I ran to the bathroom... my hair was a big frizzy mess & it felt dry. The color was OK but a little redder than I wanted. I immediately applied The Body Shops Brazil Nut Moisture Mask & Aveda DR to my hair & covered it with a hot turban.

I washed with Aveda DR 3x's and conditioned with Kenra MC. I applied Giovanni Direct leave in & a tad of Aveda serum, Rollerset, now im sitting under the dryer as I type.

The only positive thing from this is my hair is pretty straight & she trimmed my ends. The rest was a waste of my time & money!!!
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I went to my appointment this afternoon and overall I'm not happy with the results :nono: First of all I planned to use the new Mizani system, I always use mild when I self relax, so when I get there she tells me she only had the regular strength :perplexed I'm disappointed but I decide to use the Affirm mild sensitive scalp instead. Applying the relaxer went fine, its when she proceeds to rinse & wash my hair when it starts going down hill.
She tried to only shampooed my hair 1 time, not the 3-4 times I do when I self relax. I told her to wash it again & this time let the poo set for a while. By this time I'm pissed & she is looking at me like who the **** does she think she is.
So after she rinses the poo out she starts to apply what I thought was the Matrix Prism (I never saw a package) to my hair & put me under the dryer. Once we return to the sink for her to rinse the color out, I notice a $2.99 bottle of semi permanent hair color in the same sink she applied my color. I can't say for sure if she used this cheap stuff instead of the Matrix but I have a feeling she did.
She proceeds to lather my hair & rinse but does not apply a conditioner!!! I had to tell her I wanted a conditioning treatment! She puts some kind of Redken product on my hair and leaves me sit for about 10 minutes.

Okay after this drama there was no way in hell I was letting her use direct heat in my hair so I told her to rollerset it. She applies some leave in cream, some liquid (don't know what it was), a serum & damn near 1000 sprays of setting lotion. She uses the RED rollers, which I think are way too small but those were the only ones she had. I sit under the dryer for 1 hour, once she take the rollers out I realize I forgot to bring my satin scraf for her to wrap & cover my hair. I told her not the comb the curls, I'll comb & wrap when I get home. So reluctantly I pay her & leave.
Once in the car I try to run my fingers through one of the curls... well of course it's stiff as a f***ing board & it's still DAMP! By the time I got home my hair was beginning to frizz.

As Soon as I got home I ran to the bathroom... my hair was a big frizzy mess & it felt dry. The color was OK but a little redder than I wanted. I immediately applied The Body Shops Brazil Nut Moisture Mask & Aveda DR to my hair & covered it with a hot turban.

I washed with Aveda DR 3x's and conditioned with Kenra MC. I applied Giovanni Direct leave in & a tad of Aveda serum, Rollerset, now im sitting under the dryer as I type.

The only positive thing from this is my hair is pretty straight & she trimmed my ends. The rest was a waste of my time & money!!!

Having to wash and set your hair as soon as you get home from the salon is a dealbreaker. Never set foot in that salon again AND if it's allowed on the forum, you need to but her on blast so the rest of us can stay away from her!
Having to wash and set your hair as soon as you get home from the salon is a dealbreaker. Never set foot in that salon again AND if it's allowed on the forum, you need to but her on blast so the rest of us can stay away from her!

I am pissed! I was there for 3 hours now im home under the dryer again. I could have waited until tomorrow but I wanted all that crap out of my hair ASAP! I won't put her on blast by mentioning her name on the forum but I will NEVER go back to her or probably any other salon again :nono:
As long as my hair isn't damaged... I'll let the ***** live.
Having to wash and set your hair as soon as you get home from the salon is a dealbreaker. Never set foot in that salon again AND if it's allowed on the forum, you need to but her on blast so the rest of us can stay away from her!

I'm in St. Louis so if anyone is planning on visiting a new salon in North County pm me first.
Aaarugh..I am so fustrated for you... Man cant ANBYODY get it right for us??? Sorry for your experience. I am happy that you are pleased with your relaxer. Enjoy your hair when you are done.
I'mm SOOO co-signing on that!

I'm sooooo co-signing on this too!!!

This is why I did my own self relaxer on my virgin hair and my daughter's virgin hair.
But it's ok mama...You knew what to do to get your hair back in shape....This forum is a blessing.
I am pissed! I was there for 3 hours now im home under the dryer again. I could have waited until tomorrow but I wanted all that crap out of my hair ASAP! I won't put her on blast by mentioning her name on the forum but I will NEVER go back to her or probably any other salon again :nono:
As long as my hair isn't damaged... I'll let the ***** live.

"As long as my hair isn't damaged... I'll let the ***** live"

i feel you on this!!!:whip:
I am pissed! I was there for 3 hours now im home under the dryer again. I could have waited until tomorrow but I wanted all that crap out of my hair ASAP! I won't put her on blast by mentioning her name on the forum but I will NEVER go back to her or probably any other salon again :nono:
As long as my hair isn't damaged... I'll let the ***** live.

Wow! Sorry that happened. The positive your hair is staight and you allowed her to live.
Ugggh!!! So sorry to hear this happened to you. I LOVE the way you were telling her how to treat, your hair. I hate to say it but she sounds like an amateur what kind of stylist only has 1 size rollers??? Anywho at least your touch up came out good.
Wow! Sorry that happened. The positive your hair is staight and you allowed her to live.

:lol: I agree. Plus you have nice ends. But I am sorry that you wasted your time and money. I am scared of going back to any stylists 'cause I have had two back-to-back bad relaxer visits. I'm becoming a 100% DIYer. Here's a hug for your bad day, hun.

Ugggh!!! So sorry to hear this happened to you. I LOVE the way you were telling her how to treat, your hair. I hate to say it but she sounds like an amateur what kind of stylist only has 1 size rollers??? Anywho at least your touch up came out good.

It's a shame that I need to tell a licensed stylist the basics of haircare like thoroughly rinsing & pooing after a relaxer and the importance of conditioning. And trying to explaining the whole less is more concept was pointless too.
I think the reason she had such a pitiful selection of rollers is because she flatirons 99% of her clients hair.
I finally finished my rollerset...My hair feels soooo much better. Even SO commented on how much better it looks since I redid it.
She did cut about a 1/2 inch but my ends look a lot better. As far as the color....it's really red!! I'm going to order a deep brown Matrix Prism from ebay. Hopefully the brown will tone the red down some :perplexed
This has been a long day, I'm emotionally drained from all this hair drama :nono:
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awww :bighug: am I so sorry about your ordeal...you sure you don't wanna put her on blast in the Salon Review forum?

Ignore me...I'm a evil *****:lachen: but seriously, I'm sorry that your experience wasn't what you wanted:nono:
I went to my appointment this afternoon and overall I'm not happy with the results :nono: First of all I planned to use the new Mizani system, I always use mild when I self relax, so when I get there she tells me she only had the regular strength :perplexed I'm disappointed but I decide to use the Affirm mild sensitive scalp instead. Applying the relaxer went fine, its when she proceeds to rinse & wash my hair when it starts going down hill.
She tried to only shampooed my hair 1 time, not the 3-4 times I do when I self relax. I told her to wash it again & this time let the poo set for a while. By this time I'm pissed & she is looking at me like who the **** does she think she is.
So after she rinses the poo out she starts to apply what I thought was the Matrix Prism (I never saw a package) to my hair & put me under the dryer. Once we return to the sink for her to rinse the color out, I notice a $2.99 bottle of semi permanent hair color in the same sink she applied my color. I can't say for sure if she used this cheap stuff instead of the Matrix but I have a feeling she did.
She proceeds to lather my hair & rinse but does not apply a conditioner!!! I had to tell her I wanted a conditioning treatment! She puts some kind of Redken product on my hair and leaves me sit for about 10 minutes.

Okay after this drama there was no way in hell I was letting her use direct heat in my hair so I told her to rollerset it. She applies some leave in cream, some liquid (don't know what it was), a serum & damn near 1000 sprays of setting lotion. She uses the RED rollers, which I think are way too small but those were the only ones she had. I sit under the dryer for 1 hour, once she take the rollers out I realize I forgot to bring my satin scraf for her to wrap & cover my hair. I told her not the comb the curls, I'll comb & wrap when I get home. So reluctantly I pay her & leave.
Once in the car I try to run my fingers through one of the curls... well of course it's stiff as a f***ing board & it's still DAMP! By the time I got home my hair was beginning to frizz.

As Soon as I got home I ran to the bathroom... my hair was a big frizzy mess & it felt dry. The color was OK but a little redder than I wanted. I immediately applied The Body Shops Brazil Nut Moisture Mask & Aveda DR to my hair & covered it with a hot turban.

I washed with Aveda DR 3x's and conditioned with Kenra MC. I applied Giovanni Direct leave in & a tad of Aveda serum, Rollerset, now im sitting under the dryer as I type.

The only positive thing from this is my hair is pretty straight & she trimmed my ends. The rest was a waste of my time & money!!!

I'm sorry you had to go through this !
awww :bighug: am I so sorry about your ordeal...you sure you don't wanna put her on blast in the Salon Review forum?

Ignore me...I'm a evil *****:lachen: but seriously, I'm sorry that your experience wasn't what you wanted:nono:

Thanks Luv!! I love my sista's here! I feel alot better now that I've had a chance to vent & my hair is swanging again. It's funny once I finished rollersetting my hair my SO saw me pulling out my laptop he said There goes Connie Chung :blah: reporting :user: . He knew I was coming here to :crying3: Thanks for understanding ladies :grouphug: