Using heat (blow dryer or flat iron) on relaxer day


Well-Known Member
Anyone use heat (blow dryer or flat iron) on the day they touch up? If so, have you had an problems/setbacks by doing this?

I'm relaxing on Sunday and I really don't have the patience to do a rollerset. I usually rollerset and air dry after a touch up but this time around :nono:. I was thinking of air drying in 8 braids for a few hours until my hair is about 80% dry and then blow drying afterwards. I plan to use my ionic tourmaline dryer on low heat with a heat protectant (of course). What do you think? Do you think using a blow dryer would be safe or should I just suck it up and rollerset?

Keep in mind, I don't use heat on a regular basis; just occasionally. I need to trim my hair and I really don't want to flat iron.
I personally don't use direct heat for at least a few days after a relaxer. I just air dry and bun it up sometimes until next wash day...

You could just wear the braidout:yep:
I've had this done once (about 5 years ago). I got a touch up at the salon and then they flat ironed my hair. I didn't have any problems :ohwell:.
Actually, it wasn't a flat iron, it was more like a marcel thermal iron.
I've probably used a blow dryer on my hair about 5 times in the last 10 years and an iron once!
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When I was going to the salon, my hair was roller wrapped and then flat ironed. I never noticed a problem.
The only time I have direct heat used on my hair is touch up day, because that's the only time I go to the salon.

I am relaxed and sat under the dryer to dry to about 90% and then they use a handheld dryer to finish the job and smooth my hair. I've been doing this for more than 10 years and I haven't noticed any problems. I relax every 11-12 weeks.

I usually do a hardcore protein before a relaxer and if needed directly after.
Anyone use heat (blow dryer or flat iron) on the day they touch up? If so, have you had an problems/setbacks by doing this?

I'm relaxing on Sunday and I really don't have the patience to do a rollerset. I usually rollerset and air dry after a touch up but this time around :nono:. I was thinking of air drying in 8 braids for a few hours until my hair is about 80% dry and then blow drying afterwards. I plan to use my ionic tourmaline dryer on low heat with a heat protectant (of course). What do you think? Do you think using a blow dryer would be safe or should I just suck it up and rollerset?

Keep in mind, I don't use heat on a regular basis; just occasionally. I need to trim my hair and I really don't want to flat iron.

I do and i love it of course not myself if i flatiron myself the hair smells burned but the domenicans do a hell of a job and my hair stays nice for 2 weeks or more. they basically first perm then rinse neutralize, poo, put conditioner after, rinsing they pat my hair dry and on wet hair apply a blue black rinse ( i get all my black colors redone with each touch up that s the only time i get the rinse. i feel it fortifies my hair), after they cover put me under the dryer, rinse put deep cond and under the dryer again rinse

afterwards rollerset, then under dryer, then blowout. lol it s a heat day u can say just before the blow dryer they spread serum a nutshell and voilaaaa
last perm march 3, used heat and blow dryer same relaxer day:

its been 3 months since that pix if you saw all my new growth!!!! dayum i cant style the hair anymore so i keep cowashing daily with Praital silk worm rinse and applying my serum faithfully and put it in a single braid or bun and pop my vits i do nothing more than that. i'm try to hold out till july3 or august 3 then perm!!! that will be 5 months post if my hair hasnt matted before that :lachen: but that s why i m now forced to cowash daily else i shed.:wallbash:
My only advise is that if you have to use either, don't use them at their highest temp. Use it at the lowest you can get away with.

Thank you for responding ladies! I think I may just air dry completely in 6 braids and then flat iron on the lowest setting just to straighten out the waves from the braids. I'll also make sure not to flat iron the roots since they'll already be straight from the relaxer. I'll wrap my hair when I'm done trimming. I've always been hesitant about using heat on relaxer day because that is when the hair is the weakest. But this time around, I just want sleek looking hair with the least amount of work :lol:. Anyhow, thanks for the feedback. I'm looking forward to more responses.

:bump: :bump:
I know you really don't want to rollerset, but I think that's the best way to go. I usually just get a rollerset on relaxer day. I don't start messing with heat again until a couple of weeks post.
Well, I relaxed my hair yesterday and did a flat iron this morning. I must admit it is gorgeous. It's just too bad I dont have my usb cord to upload pics. Normally on relaxer day I tend to rollerset but, I just didnt have the time too. There wasn't any breakage and it looks great!
Very informative thread. I am on the no heat challenge right now, but normally I would relax and then either roller set under the hood or blow dry and then flat iron. According to some of these posts, that was a bad idea, which may be why, in the past I have had such a terrible time retaining ANY hair growth at all. I was stuck at the same length.
I do with no problems.

same here....sometimes i just don't feel like sitting under the dryer and rollersetting after i've i'll whip out my handheld blowdryer and FHI flatiron and gets to workin it :grin:....i haven't had any setback because of it either
Thanks for responding ladies!

I ended up relaxing (well texlaxing and I love the outcome:grin:) tonight instead and just decided to air dry in 6 braids. My hair was feeling a little dry (as it dries it is starting to feel softer and better) so I'm going to hold off on the heat for now until my hair feels normal again. I'll trim next weekend or the weekend after.
....sometimes i just don't feel like sitting under the dryer and rollersetting after i've relaxed....

That's exactly how I feel. My relaxing process is soo LOOOOONNNGG since I do the half/half method of relaxing. By the time I'm done with rinsing, conditioning, neutralizing a thousand times, coloring and then deep conditioning I just want to chill.
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