im finished!!...pic's.....

WOW I got to stand up and applaud you. No wonder it took you so long. My arms are hurting just looking at that style. Congratulations you did a magnificent job!!!! they look beautiful :yay:
thnx they are no where near micro...that would have taken me 3 are not small not medium..let call them smedium's...that's the new braid term...
Your braids look great. It looks like a professional job, plus you saved $130. :up:

(Next time get a cushy for the tushy. :grin: ) was not a game..i dunno if i can keep doing this though...ima have to retire from the braid too old for this..weaves are quick 2 hr prob..but this braiding..aww man..but the only thing is when i get it done, they braid too damn tight..
Your braids look great!!! I too understand your pain. Everytime I braid my hair myself it takes a couple of days. Sometimes I rebraid braids that were done professionally when the they start to slip but I'm not ready to take them out. That always takes me 3-4 days of starting and stopping.

I'm going to braid my hair for the first time on in 2 years on Friday, but I'm not doing it. A girl that goes to my church is going to do it and I'll probably only have to pay $60 or so (I'll ofcourse give her a nice tip since she's not charging too much).