I'm Engaged!


New Member
I haven't posted in a while, but LCHF is one of my favorite boards, so I had to share! Here's my loooong proposal story in case anyone wants to read it:

Richard proposed on Friday, December 16th, 2011, my 31st birthday. He caught me completely by surprise, and I am very hard to surprise! He had been giving me clues all week, and finally on Thursday morning, he told me to pack a bag for 2 days.

He rented a hotel room overlooking the water and took me to the Kemah Boardwalk on Thursday night. The Kemah Boardwalk was where we had one of our first big dates almost 2 years before. On the day of my birthday we spent our time eating, shopping and playing. It was wonderful. We went to the Moody Gardens Rainforest, which was all decked out for the Christmas holiday, and we saw all the exotic animals and beautiful flowers.

Like a genius, I wore high heels to Moody Gardens and my feet were KILLING me. Richard, in true form, was extremely considerate and asked repeatedly if I needed to take my shoes off, or take a break. He even offered to carry me on his back! You'll see why this is important later.

After a few hours at Moody Gardens, he said that we had dinner reservations and rushed me back to the hotel, speeding the whole way. He rushed me up to the hotel room. Once we got there he started to take his sweet time, complete with an extra long bathroom break. I could not figure out what his deal was! It turns out that he was planning and texting during that time.

So we finally leave the room, and walk around the Boardwalk for a while. It was cold. I mentioned to him that I wanted to make a birthday wish, so he took me to a fountain where I could make one. Strangely enough, I wished he would propose! We went to have a pre-dinner drink at a restaurant called The Flying Dutchman, and then back to the Boardwalk for yet more walking. I was freezing COLD! For the life of me, I couldn't understand why Richard had rushed me to the Boardwalk claiming we had dinner reservations, when all he seemed to want to do at that moment was walk around. I told him a few times how cold I was, and this man who was so considerate just a few hours before about my foot pain, was pretty nonchalant about me freezing my butt off.

Me: Babe, I'm really cold

Richard: Yep...ummhmm

Me: Its so cold!

Richard: Just deal with it a little longer.

I couldn't help but wonder, who this man was and what he had done with my Richard, lol. So just as I was about to run away from him and find a warm place to be, he stops me in front of a dancing water fountain. He put his forehead to mine and put his arms around me and said:

"Baby, you know I love you more than anything in the world right?"

I can't remember everything that was said because around this time my head started spinning. I thought that maybe he was teasing me with a fake proposal!

Then he says;

"I have something to tell you, but I don't have the right words."

He turns me partially around, an directly behind me are his brother with a camera, and a set of twins from his church who are incredible singers. I was completely SHOCKED! They begin to sing the first verse of song called Empty by Raheem Devaughn. Its about how you feel when you know you've found the one. It took about 2.5 seconds for the ugly crying to start. I cried like a baby! After the song, Richard got on one knee and asked me to be his wife. I think I said YES before he was even all the way down! The yes was accompanied by a nod so hard I almost shook my brain out of my head...

It turns out that he had us walking around in the cold for so long because he was looking for his brother and the singers to turn up.

He put the most beautiful diamond and sapphire ring on my finger. It's white gold, with a blue sapphire in the center surrouded by diamonds. I turned and finally noticed his parents were standing there too!

We all hugged, and my first coherent thought was to wish that I could tell my mommy. Imagine how shocked I was when he tells me he has another surprise, and I turn to see my sister, my niece, my mother, my stepdad, my aunt, my grandmother, and a couple of my closest friends coming down the stairs! We all went to Landry's for my birthday dinner after all the congratulations from everyone, and it was amazing. I'm on Cloud 16, and I haven't come down since!!!

I'm marrying the man God chose for me, and he just happens to be the most handsome, considerate, loving man in the world.

Its a little glitchy, but here's the video his brother shot:


Time to plan the wedding!
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omg!! I just teared up for real!!! That was an amazing story, I am sure much more amazing for you!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations!!! Thank you for showing us your video. I could feel the happiness. It's awesome how your entire family was involved.

Did you set a date yet?

Sent from my fancy iPhone using LHCF
Congratulations! May you be blessed and eternally happy. This is a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

Thoughts by me.....Typos by my HTC Thunderbolt
That was a beautiful proposal. I was teary eyed as well reading it and seeing how happy you two were in the video. I love it!

Sent from my DROID3 using DROID3
@Boston Maria - Thank you! Since we got engaged on my birthday, we are looking at his birthday in 2013. It would be February 16th. That gives me just over a year to plan everything.

Thanks for the love everybody. It makes it that much sweeter. :)
How beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I couldn't help smiling for you two while watching that. Many blessings!