I'm claiming SL. Finally.

Thanks so much ladies. I honestly would have probably not made it to this point with healthy fabulous hair without you all.

Next stop, even Collarbone or BUST!
I'm claiming SL.

I think it would be dry and entirely straight.

Although I don't even care you guys I'M CLAIMING IT.

Freshly relaxed, pretty sopping wet.

Also sorry about the streaky mirror. My new cleaner sucks.




Also awesome I found my first real gray hair and it's so pretty. And I think I finally did the best relaxer ever. No underprocessed spots, no itchies while I was doing it, no burns, no overprocessed bits. My texture feels exactly like I was hoping it would.

That's the first time I've had that.

More pics after the henna has been rinsed out and the fluff is dry.


Now if my bangs catch up over the winter I will be a happy happy girl.

I'm right here with you. I'm finding it most difficult to get bangs and sides to collarbone length. I would love to be confident enough to put my own relaxer in one day but I'm not there yet. You're definitely on your way!

Inching for APL! :grin:
