I'm bout to freak out!


Well-Known Member
Please pray for me! I keep googling my husband's name and his unit. I haven't heard from him in over 2 weeks. I saw the headline that 6 soldiers were killed and I can't help to worry that he might've been one of them. Especially since they were in a house and I know that he's usually with the infantry guys when they "secure" homes. He even showed me pictures so I have all types of images going thru my head. When I got home from work I was scanning the street to see if some soldiers were waiting outside to deliver me bad news. I've even noticed my temper becoming short with my daughter. I feel like I'm going crazy. Please pray..I know it's just Satan but I feel out of control.

I"m off to bible study, I need to hear a word.
God is yet God! Hang in there stay in prayer not in fear. I am praying for your family.
Thanks you all...I went to the bible study and she definitely preached to me...but I'm still worried. I'm not gonna post in here anymore tonight because I don't want to see my thoughts in writing and realize how crazy they are. But please know that I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate all of the support.
You're in my prayers. Just try to be positive even though I know it may be hard. My husband was deployed for a year last year and I hated to even catch a glimpse of the news. You're on the right path, stay in your "word".
You're in my prayers. Just try to be positive even though I know it may be hard. My husband was deployed for a year last year and I hated to even catch a glimpse of the news. You're on the right path, stay in your "word".

i pray for you and your family and she is right about staying in the word!
As a military member, I know you would have already been notified if something happened to him. They would not wait 2 weeks. Being in Iraq sometimes it is hard to get to the phone because of everything that is going on. Be calm, take care of your daughter. Everything will be fine
Thank you so much you all....I can't express how much your words mean to me. I don't have the words. I'm at work right now..but you all are making it so hard for me to not burst into tears. I had to close my office door for a minute so I could get myself together.
I was reading this morning about how we dropped 40 bombs over baghdad and it really bothers me how inhumane we come across in our reports of the war. As if there aren't innocent people living there. It's a lot to take in. But I won't go into all of that. I just really want all of this to be over.

I'm sorry for burdening you all with my issues. Yesterday I just felt so overwhelmed and it's like the emotions just hit me all at once. And sometimes it's just easier to tell you all since you don't really "know" me. Plus, I hate telling my family anything and in their eyes...I have no emotions. They've never seen be emotional. They think of me as cold and heartless. Which is cool with me. And to be honest, you all are like sisters to me (as crazy as it may sound). So please know that I appreciate all of you for your encouragement and prayers and not only in this thread but the many others!

I love all of you.
I just said a prayer for you and I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

God's angels are protecting him don't worry.
I am pretty good at not worrying. I always always tell others as well as myself the old adage the 'NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS".

like one of the other posters said you would've been notified.
You are definitely being prayed for right now! Please continue to show love and kindness to your daughter and family.....especially your daughter because you never know how she is thinking about things internally with her father being away. Don't worry about being vulnerable to us, we all have your back 100%! Even if you need to vent from now until he gets home safe, feel free to do it here.
Thanks again ladies...I still haven't heard anything. Usually when there are a lot of deaths they have a blackout where they turn off all means of communication so that no one can notify the family before the soldiers that come to your door notify you.
Stay in encouraged honey...I am praying for you and will pass this on too my prayer group as well. There is power in prayer.
I pray that God will give you and your daughter peace and comfort during this time. I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Stay encourage.
I jut got off the phone with DH and he is fine. He had just come back from a 2-week mission away and he’s on his way to another one tonite. I’m kinda concerned because he was not himself throughout our whole convo. He seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. It’s hard to know that my big, brave, strong husband fears for his life. And usually NOTHING bothers him. I tried to reassure him that everything would be okay because I was praying, you all are praying, my family and my church are praying. But I can tell it didn’t really offer him much comfort. He’s feeling overworked (since there aren’t many people who know the system that he knows, they are always calling on him). But since they are training some other soldiers to use the system, things should slow down for him in the next months. I wish I could erase the things he’s seen which I’m sure are gruesome, especially since he’s been on missions with the infantry guys. I asked him if I was doing enough to make him feel supported and he said yes (but still thought I should be sending more packages). He said he’s been praying. We prayed together. We talked about DD and that was about it. I was happy about our convo because I know that he’s okay but I got off the phone feeling so angry that he has to go thru this.

Thanks for caring everyone. It means a lot. I know there is strength in numbers, especially when it comes to prayers and I’m sure your prayers are a part of the reason he was able to call me today. I really appreciate everything.

I promise I won’t flip out again. LOL
I jut got off the phone with DH and he is fine. He had just come back from a 2-week mission away and he’s on his way to another one tonite. I’m kinda concerned because he was not himself throughout our whole convo. He seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. It’s hard to know that my big, brave, strong husband fears for his life. And usually NOTHING bothers him. I tried to reassure him that everything would be okay because I was praying, you all are praying, my family and my church are praying. But I can tell it didn’t really offer him much comfort. He’s feeling overworked (since there aren’t many people who know the system that he knows, they are always calling on him). But since they are training some other soldiers to use the system, things should slow down for him in the next months. I wish I could erase the things he’s seen which I’m sure are gruesome, especially since he’s been on missions with the infantry guys. I asked him if I was doing enough to make him feel supported and he said yes (but still thought I should be sending more packages). He said he’s been praying. We prayed together. We talked about DD and that was about it. I was happy about our convo because I know that he’s okay but I got off the phone feeling so angry that he has to go thru this.

Thanks for caring everyone. It means a lot. I know there is strength in numbers, especially when it comes to prayers and I’m sure your prayers are a part of the reason he was able to call me today. I really appreciate everything.

I promise I won’t flip out again. LOL

I am so happy that you heard from him. May God bring him home safely. Until then, stay faithful and be strong.
I jut got off the phone with DH and he is fine. He had just come back from a 2-week mission away and he’s on his way to another one tonite. I’m kinda concerned because he was not himself throughout our whole convo. He seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. It’s hard to know that my big, brave, strong husband fears for his life. And usually NOTHING bothers him. I tried to reassure him that everything would be okay because I was praying, you all are praying, my family and my church are praying. But I can tell it didn’t really offer him much comfort. He’s feeling overworked (since there aren’t many people who know the system that he knows, they are always calling on him). But since they are training some other soldiers to use the system, things should slow down for him in the next months. I wish I could erase the things he’s seen which I’m sure are gruesome, especially since he’s been on missions with the infantry guys. I asked him if I was doing enough to make him feel supported and he said yes (but still thought I should be sending more packages). He said he’s been praying. We prayed together. We talked about DD and that was about it. I was happy about our convo because I know that he’s okay but I got off the phone feeling so angry that he has to go thru this.

Thanks for caring everyone. It means a lot. I know there is strength in numbers, especially when it comes to prayers and I’m sure your prayers are a part of the reason he was able to call me today. I really appreciate everything.

I promise I won’t flip out again. LOL

If you do, we'll still be here for you! :yep:

What a wonderful blessing. When this is all said and done, you all will be stronger than ever.
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I'm so, so happy about this, kween. Thank you Jesus.

I will continue to pray.

I jut got off the phone with DH and he is fine. He had just come back from a 2-week mission away and he’s on his way to another one tonite. I’m kinda concerned because he was not himself throughout our whole convo. He seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. It’s hard to know that my big, brave, strong husband fears for his life. And usually NOTHING bothers him. I tried to reassure him that everything would be okay because I was praying, you all are praying, my family and my church are praying. But I can tell it didn’t really offer him much comfort. He’s feeling overworked (since there aren’t many people who know the system that he knows, they are always calling on him). But since they are training some other soldiers to use the system, things should slow down for him in the next months. I wish I could erase the things he’s seen which I’m sure are gruesome, especially since he’s been on missions with the infantry guys. I asked him if I was doing enough to make him feel supported and he said yes (but still thought I should be sending more packages). He said he’s been praying. We prayed together. We talked about DD and that was about it. I was happy about our convo because I know that he’s okay but I got off the phone feeling so angry that he has to go thru this.

Thanks for caring everyone. It means a lot. I know there is strength in numbers, especially when it comes to prayers and I’m sure your prayers are a part of the reason he was able to call me today. I really appreciate everything.

I promise I won’t flip out again. LOL