I'm back!!! (and with 20 month progress pics too!!!)

Welcome Back!

When I first joined this board about 5-6 months ago, I remember it was your CW challenge that I got into right away! And, boy am I glad I did! Your recommendations were so appreciated and my hair benefited alot. I always looked forward to your suggestions on this board. So glad to have you back.

Way to go on your progress. You are truly an inspiration!
Welcome back Tiffers...you were gone but didn't forget what you needed to do for your hair and oh boy did you do it well!! Congratulations..I missed you and that little figure from your avatar!!!
you know what?? your hair is beautiful and you really make a new transitioner really vulnerable and stuff and make em wanna back slide and stuff.

good job girlie - happy growing.
Your hair looks really healthy. Do you always wear it dry? I keep my hair moist and followed with Coconut oil as a sealant. I wonder if my hair would look as nice in a bun like yours because my hair is always sort of semi wet. I would love to try some of the hairloom designs.

Thanks for the update.
You're hair looks awesome! Thanks for sharing. I especially like your notes from your 1st relaxer stretch. Gives me hope for my uneven hair! :grin:
I was so excited to see this post! I was waiting for your progress! Congratulations! Your progress is really wonderful.
Thank you soooo muc ladies! Wow, I can't believe I'm an inspiration to some of you! :shocked: :grin:

ElizaBlue: I'm like you, my hair is almost always damp or wet. But there are rare times when I get tired of it, so I'll rollerset or airdry and put it in some fancy (aka not wet bun) style :lol:

Cookie1: I would definitely recommend Bee Mine! I got great growth from it, even though I couldn't use it for long. I have the rest of my bottle sitting on my dresser, and I wanna use it soooo bad! Get the strawberry kiwi scent :lick:
Wow...your hair grew alot, Tiff!!!

Congratulations and continue on in your growth!!!

Hey ladies! I've been MIA for a while now. Been going through lots of drama, stress and health issues, so I haven't really been thinking about the board (BLASPHEMY!!! :giggle: )

I'm back now, and have a new phone that can post pics! Woo hoo! :woot: I also made a photo album, nothing special. I have lots of old pics somewhere in my email, but don't feel like searching for them, so you'll just have to deal with what's there :grin: the address is www.picturetrail.com/tiffaree-roo It's nothing spectacular, but I'm just glad to finally have an album!!!!!

The one downfall with this phone is I can't answer my pm's. I've tried and tried and tried, but this dumb phone won't let me!!! The only things I can do are start threads (sometimes) and quick reply :ohwell: I have my email address in my profile for anyone who wants to talk. To my little sis's, write me!!!! Eisani, don't think I was ignoring you. Don't cuss me out! :poledancer:

So I know this is long, I'll shut up and get to the pics. This is the first time I've ever posted progress pics! :grin: They're small and sucky cause they were taken with a cell phone:

This is about 2 months after I started (4/07) and I had some good growth. I don't have any pics from when I FIRST started, cause my hair was just a HAM sandwich, and it took about 2 months to get all the glue clumps out :perplexed

This is after my first stretch (5/07) I had tons of breakage, which caused the uneveness, but I left it alone and it evened itself out. I was EXSTATIC because this was the longest my hair had EVER been!

This was about 6 months into my journey (8/07) and you couldn't tell me NOTHIN! :lol:

Here's my ponytail now (10/14/08) I'm 4 months post and in hell because of the relaxer stretching challenge. I was too through with foolin with it, so I flatironed it. I was quite surprised by the progress. I didn't think I had made any because I was losing fist sized clumps of hair a day (that's another story)

Side view of my hair

Had to have hubby get a back view :D Even though I'm not where I wish I was, I'm still satisfied with where I am. I'm still hoping I'll be BSB by the end of December. But with how slow my hair grows, IDK :ohwell:
Grrrrreat job! When I saw th side pic of your hair, I was on the phone and said oooooo, lol. The person was like what, what?! I was like, oooh nothing just looking at something online, lol. Great progress!