I'm back!!! (and with 20 month progress pics too!!!)

Hi tiffers...

Your hair looks great. Remember that stress is not good for your hair or your body so take care of that. Hug the kiddos for us.
Nice growth! Your documentation is excellent. Your hair is fab -- lots of work and patience and it shows.

Go head nah.:yep:
Wow, it's really amazing to see all that progress. A reminder that it takes time, but your results are real. Good growing.
:yay::lick::creatures:notworthy:band2::shocked::drool::love::clapping::dance7::clap::woot::bouncy::cup::congrats::Copy of 2cool::meme::kneel::headspin::2cool::love4::reddancer::urock::wow::worship2::woohoo::sweet:

I hope to have progress that great soon! I been following your progress and that's great!
I was wondering where you were. I was missing all those condish recommendations. Welcome back.

Your hair looks great. Congrats.
Dang girl!!!! Your hair looks wonderful! You've come a long way and should be very pleased with your progress!!! I love the thickness as well!!! Keep up the good work, you will soon get to your goal....no doubt!:grin::drunk: