I'm about to have a nervy B!!

my mother just told me that my hair looks JUST like my father's and how when it grew out it still stayed thick and afro like and you never get a chance to see the curls because of the thickness. im freakin out cuz i'm not lookin to have no afro for the rest of my life, this isnt the 70's. did anyone have a BC head like mine and can hopefully show me what it looks like now cuz i'm almost to the point of crying!

This is my hair right after the BC, before I wet it. I was weary b/c I looked just like my dad (I saw pics of him in the 70s)... I never noticed that I have such a masculine hair line.... I already have side burns, all I needed was a mustache and I'd look just like a stunt double for Pulp Fiction

but girl all I did was add a nice tight head band, and I regained my cute girly nature back. And hell if you don't like the afro just straighten it... flat irons work wonders!
Including transition time its been 20 months and STILL NO HANGTIME whatsoever i'm still looking like this...


thinking about just getting a perm because this is stupid.​

OMG I didnt see this before I posted :lachen::lachen::lachen:Why is Samuel L the poster child for jacked up afros? hahaha
wait what.... so what was your reason for going natural?... I'm curious to know if it occured to you, before you BC know and read up on the hair texture. I mean when your new growth was coming out you didn't check and read up on what your texture might be. I don't quite understand why your natural if you don't like "big hair". Big hair is a common reality of being natural no matter what hair type. Based on what you wrote, I think you went in being natural with superficial idea of what your hair might look and upon realizing the truth it freaked you out. I suggest for you to relax, and read on hair types and think really hard if you want to continue the jorney.

The last thing I want is to see another blog which you express your displeasure with your natural hair, and I won't want that impression to affect the journey of another newbie.

Best of Luck!
OP you'll probably look back at this thread or think of how you felt in a few years from now and laugh! Embrace the thickness, you are blessed!
I guess you assumed your hair's curl pattern would look like it did when it was relaxed and wet?

In my best Gomer Pyle voice "surprise surprise surprise" lol

Sorry but you either gon have ta texturize or accept your inner Kunta like the rest of us! Lol

By the way everyones texturized hair doesnt actually elongate curls. Sometime they lose all curl and doesnt coil either.

Your statement reminds me of Chris Rocks daughter and his so called inspiration for making that "Good Hair" movie.

You have loads of options but you really do already have normal negro hair. That relaxer lied to most our arses! Lol.

I cannot stop laughin at this shiznizzle! Nappy hair aint neva hurt nobody baaabee!
WOW! im very surprised at the responses. People told me once you BC you will go through your ups and downs and when i was having (downs) doubts instead of more support i have people criticizing me? and no i dont mean a CURL texture. heres a PERFECT example of someone WITHOUT curls who has beautiful hair! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRFZ7Yi5YgA Obviously my hairs going to hang down eventually thats the law of gravity, im not expecting big beautiful curls (oh and its funny how everyone said i was a 3c/4a in my BC thread but after this thread now i'm a 4a/b...lol) anyways its fine i found what i was looking for on youtube. i apologize if i offended anyone, but if i have anymore questions about my hair i'll just PM the more understanding members, thank you for the responses.

Ok so now you mad?

Gurl BYE!
OP now u know the rules of LHCF. Don't post or start a thread until you read it from all angles, examine it, picture all possible reactions. Then and only then hit reply.

And ur back better be broad cause ya might hold licks..... anyway.

Then I see threads with ppl wondering where ppl gone, why they stop posting etc.

Lol singing Earth, Wind & Fire thats the way of the world!

You think her thread got negative responses here? I wish she would post it on Napputarility or whatever they are.

PSA dont ask a questions if you dont want all kinds of answers. Bye!
I'm natural now and I understand your question because my hair looks like your's ; I'm asking myself how they will look when they will be longer , I 'm obliged to make braids or another style although I prefer afro ; with my work ( sometimes I sleep in the hospital ..when a patient comes during the night , the nurse call me and I have to wake up and I don't have the time to comb my hair to put all my lotions ... )I decided to stay natural but I understood one thing , natural hair doesn' t mean the same " work " for everybody just think of that and make the best choice for you.... Good hair journey ...
The BC brings out different emotions for different people - fear, shock, excitement, liberation, sometimes all of the above. When I BC'd I did it at 2:30 am the Sunday before Christmas. I cowashed and moisturized, put on my satin bonnet and went to sleep. Woke up Sunday morning, and almost cried, this was before looking in the mirror to see that I had a shrunken, dried up looking mess on my head! I had about 4 inches of hair but it looked like 2, relaxed ends were hanging off, it looked ashy, goodness! When I woke up before seeing my hair I couldn't believe what I had done and I missed my bun. Really, what had I done? When I saw it in the mirror I knew I had to head to the BSS and pick up a lace front wig until I figured out what to do. I put a baseball cap on my head and wore it around the house. I only showed my hair to my 2 year old son, and his response - "Put hat back on mommy, put hat back on!" Yeah, from a 2 year old!

I went to my mom's house and found the courage to take my hat off, and my mom and my niece and I could see the potential, once I figured out how to moisturize my hair I could see that it was going to be what I had hoped for. I wore the lace front for a few days and then began rocking my hair Christmas Eve.

It has evolved so much since then! It took a few days but with daily cowashing the curls I thought I had while transitioning came back, and some curls I didn't expect! While transitioning I figured I had size 4a curls, and two weeks before I chopped I found some looser size 3c curls in the back. My hair now has a majority of size 4a curls with 3c size curls in the nape area, edges, and crown. Then I have some sort of kinky straight or tight wave pattern in the front. It looks like I crimped my hair - I don't know what to call that! And I don't care, I love my hair!

I now cowash or shampoo once a week, use Ecostyler gel to define my curls using the rake and smooth method, and baggy every night w/Trader Joe's Nourish spa mixed with water. I put on a headband, lightly fluff and go. My tiny curls are beautiful and lush and thick and I wouldn't trade my hair for anything. And as it grows, yep, it sticks straight out, so I have these tiny corkscrew curls pointing in every direction. Will it hang eventually? Probably with some manipulation, or as my hair grows the weight will probably weigh it down, but that will be a while. It really doesn't matter to me.

See, I never even stretched a relaxer before I transitioned for 8.5 months, so I studied and researched and got comfortable with what I thought my hair would do. I knew I would have a type 4 curl pattern before I even knew what type 4 was lol! And my hair has surprised me even more with what it will do!

Listen, forget about the number and letter used to describe your curl pattern and learn about your hair - what size are your individual strands, is your hair prone to frizz, do you have porosity issues - this information coupled with your curl pattern and your overall density will help you to figure out what you can do with your hair and open your mind up to all of the possibilities. Give yourself some time to learn your hair, seriously be thankful for the thickness, and let your hair show you how it will turn out. Research natural hair journeys on youtube so that you can get an idea of how people with BC's similar to yours turn out in a few years, and then realize that with natural hair every journey is unique. Your hair may never look like theirs, and that's okay.
Moms....if only they knew the measure of how their words affect their daughters.

Don't relax. I would hate for you to do something drastic because this really still is something new to you. You are still learning about your hair.

I encourage you to try different things with your hair. Blow it out to increase the length.
Do a twist out to give it a more defined texture.

Of all those things, I would encourage you to add some extensions and braid it up while you get through this rough time. Anytime my hair started to stress me out, I usually braided it up and forgot about it. After a month and a half of wearing braids, I'd start to miss my hair and appreciate it much more when the braids were out. Up until 4 years ago, I would feel that way at least twice a year (and I've always been natural). Braiding helped me from making drastic changes in times of insecurity. My mom can tell you about the time I held a clump of my hair hostage with the scissors threatening to cut if all off. lol. That was in middle school. I'm in my mid 20s now. I laugh at it all.

What no one has seems to mention is that, we will go through times of insecurities throughout this hair journey (no matter the length), but you have to be wise enough not to make drastic changes (such as perming) during these times.

It's a good thing I already had an idea of what my hair was going to look like. I'm sure I was natural until 12. If not I think I had one chemical process but it grew out. I hadn't seen pics of my hair in forever but I still had a visual. I was already prepared for that. It's all good that I don't care what other people think about my natural hair. Especially if it's in a neat style.

I hear of somethings that happen to people and things that have happened to me but it rolls right off, cause some people are just ignorant and they were raised that way.
Including transition time its been 20 months and STILL NO HANGTIME whatsoever i'm still looking like this...


thinking about just getting a perm because this is stupid.​

:lachen::lachen: "They call me...Mr. Glass" :lachen::lachen: you a mess!

Don't perm it! I feel you though. I used to put bobby pins in my braidouts to create some sort of hang.
Ok I forgot the Mommy factor OP. I posted here about how the first time my Mom saw my big afro she cried and told me your hair is soooo ugly like that.:perplexed Along with how much better I look with straightened or short texturized hair. Basically as long as it wasn't kinky curly it was beautiful. I was shocked to say the least. :blush:

I joined this board in 2003 and bc'd in March 2005. I got my inspiration and courage from this board and after seeing a woman in flight with a head full of 10-15 two strand twist. I tried transitioning from a relaxer for a few months. One day I was feed up with twisting the two textures and bc'd.

I tried all kinds of products and styles, read threads, looked at fotkis for hair twins before I texturized right before the year mark. I texturized because I wanted my hair to hang and loosen my curls. I tried to relax bone straight again but that didn't last for more than 5 months. That wig in my siggy pic is during that time period. I missed the elasticity of my natural and texturized hair.

Many of us here have had several forays/trips into the natural, relaxed, texlaxed, texturized hair world. After alot of trial and error many of us have learned what works best for our life and hair.

The world at large may not ever like or love your hair in its natural or kinky state. Hopefully you will learn alot about your hair and learn to love it during this journey. I get loads of compliments and questions about my hair along with some naysayers to this day but later for them. :look:
WOW! im very surprised at the responses. People told me once you BC you will go through your ups and downs and when i was having (downs) doubts instead of more support i have people criticizing me? and no i dont mean a CURL texture. heres a PERFECT example of someone WITHOUT curls who has beautiful hair! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRFZ7Yi5YgA Obviously my hairs going to hang down eventually thats the law of gravity, im not expecting big beautiful curls (oh and its funny how everyone said i was a 3c/4a in my BC thread but after this thread now i'm a 4a/b...lol) anyways its fine i found what i was looking for on youtube. i apologize if i offended anyone, but if i have anymore questions about my hair i'll just PM the more understanding members, thank you for the responses.

I didn't agree with the whole "oh year girl you're a 3c" either. You are clearly a 4a/b ( I believe I said that in your bc thread). There is a lot of support on this board, and I really hope you are able to get what you need.
Even if you end up relaxing, I think it's a good idea for everyone to know what their true texture is at some point in their lives. No harm no foul. :spinning:
Even if you end up relaxing, I think it's a good idea for everyone to know what their true texture is at some point in their lives. No harm no foul. :spinning:

That's why I BC's and stayed natural for a couple years. I felt like I needed to "know" myself, if that makes any sense. Surprisingly, dealing with some negative comments and looks REALLY built-up my self esteem too. It prompted me to get rid of some "friends" who were too childish to accept the napps.
i'm sorry, but yeeees @ the Samuel L pic ^^^^^! lmfao. While I appreciate the frankness in here (as as lawd knows many times, posters arent told the truth) and do think some were trying to understand from where she was coming/what she was asking, I do think others of you are being nippy and harsh. yall dont have to play captain save a natural, Just pass on by the thread.

I agree with the ladies who have said it may just be bc shock. i do think bc'ing and having all natural hair is a different game from transitioning...and, to some that is a big shocker at first. give her time and she will get the hang of things. she's excited about her natural hair, just didnt know exactly how it would be. thus, her post sounds like "oh ish, what did i just get myself into" lmfao!

OP, I think Lynnie B, Gemini and some other ladies gave great advice. Love and embrace your thickness, youre gonna have a real "Mane N Tail" when you straighten or do out styles. Just let it grow and enjoy it. And, if you get a "fro", you'll be aight, as you have access to many styles and options. Oh yeah! moisturize, condition, and put some leave-in in that ish and rock it Amber Rose confident! *hugs* you'll be aight, stop the nervy b talk. lol

:yep: especially at the bolded. There is a difference between being truthful and being plain old rude. First it's people in her BC thread tombout she's a 3c when she clearly is not, now when she's questioning what's going on with her hair she has to be labeled as "in denial". She is in bc shock obviously and is trying to figure out how to handle a texture she didn't even know she had. No everyone bc's and is suddenly in lala land living the good life. Any texture thread that involves a natural dealing with the shock of their new hair always draws those "extra" comments. Why is that? So what if she doesn't like her hair right now, how is that a dis to anyone else?
No 'fense, but I don't understand why you thought your hair was going to hang anywhere. You have "normal" black girl hair (I know our hair comes in various textures, but when people try to "good hair" me I tell them that I have "normal, black girl hair" w/o chemicals).
There are lots of products/treatments out there that will make your curls pop, including the coconut lime treatment and caramel treatment. Also, your hair may change over time, especially within the first 18 months. I have 4b/a and 3c hair on one head. One! I didn't know what to do initially and I may have had "scab hair" aka new-natural-dont-know-wth-to-do hair. Once you find out what works for your hair and you establish a good moisture/protein balance you should be good to go. Throw some biotin, msm, silica, and patience up in your reggie. Just wait and see what happens. Give it @ least 2 years (you may be shoulder length @ that point and have a better understanding of your hair).

Having natural hair has been such a beautiful thing for me. There were times in the beginning when I didn't feel so hot. But after a collection of scarves, Giovanni Direct Leave in, and Wild Growth Oil (along with the occassional Mary Kay/MAC attack) I feel fly when I look in the mirror. I'm just me.
You're not your hair (but if you were, you'd find that you're beautiful).

On another note, natural hair aint for everyone. I know, I'm not supposed to say that. Let he who is without a flat iron, hair dye, a steamer, or shea butter cast the first stone. I have a white friend with lovely dark brown hair. People constantly compliment her on her hair and its color (she resisted blond hair dye). But when she comes with me to grab some kinky straight in the weave store, she gushes over the Chinese/Indian Remy hair. She loves her hair and she KNOWS her hair, but if she could get that kind of Remy hair...she probably would. I think she'd miss her old hair, though.
The grass may seem greener on the other side, but you can always silk press for straight hair or twist for uniform curls. Natural black hair is the happy schizo in the hair world. You never know what it can be like on any given day. So yeah...I talk a lot. 2 years. Even if you go back to relaxers later, it's worth the spiritual journey now.

On another note, ignore the negative comments. People are naturally self-centered and may feel like you're insulting them. But you really don't have to deal with how they "feel" @ all. It aint about them. Deal with reality. The reality is that you took a chance for yourself and did a BC. You dove right in there! The journey that will result from it is yours alone, don't let them stamp on your fire-- just breathe. You'll be fine.
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the problem is you cut your hair and you got gassed cause people said you were type 3. and then your mom sees you and says it's type 4.

I mean a lot of people go through it...wishing they had another type of hair. just own that upset ness.

sorry your hair isn't "normal"
My hair does not have a very defined curl or hang unless I manipulate it to do so. My hair is uber thick and I enjoy it. Twists, twist outs, and braided styles tend to work well w/my hair. If you are looking for wash and wear curls than natural may not be for your because your texture looks like it tends to grow up and out not down. You can manipulate your hair to hang more when you want and that is what I do. My hair looked similar to yours when I bc'd and I wore comb coils and coil outs for a curly look.

OT, but I LOVE your hair! I's so beautiful. Just looking at your avatar prior to joining LHCF helped me stay natural!
i love when people put words in my mouth. please dont tell me how the hell i "feel" or "think" but i wont take any of these comments to heart because people love to judge and point fingers when their hands arnt clean. if you have NEVER even for a second hated your texture or got frustrated with it then you can come at me but until then get over yourself and get off your high horse because no one put you up there. for the people who are being understanding i appreciate it. for those i offended ITS NOT ABOUT YOU. my mother always says, "if your offended by what someone says then you subconsciously or knowingly thing its true" personally i dont give two craps what you do to your hair because i'm not coming to your house every morning doing it. its your life, your hair, and if you hate it or love it it has NOTHING to do with me! i love my natural hair and for people to ASSUME what i meant keep on assuming i'm going to go play in my hair!
Seriously OP not everyone does the BC and immediately pumps their fist in the air and chants "say it loud...Im Black & proud" or go around singing about how happy they are to be nappy lol. Really each person is different and responds differently to their Bc. For me it was a freeing exp. I wasn't expecting curls or hang so I didn't feel disappointed. You couldn't tell me anything... I knew I was the ****!Your response to your own natural hair isn't wrong...after all who are we but e-nonymous (lol made that up) peeps to tell you how YOU "should" feel? Some ppl just feel a bit unnerved by your OP bc ya kinda implied your disappointment more or less that you don't have that "good hair". Now come on now you can't act brand new...you KNOW how we do up in LHCF! I aint mad at ya lol but maybe you could've worded your initial post a little differently IMO.
Oh, and I meant to add that you can keep your hair in a full head sew-in. That's basically what I do and it really helps. I get to learn how to take care of my hair in small doses. It's so not the same as when I was relaxed and not having it out probably helped me to avoid freak out mode. Some girls do it until their hair reaches their back. If you do decide to do a weave of any sort, make sure your stylist doesn't get all rough with your hair. If she gives you the stank eye, RUN!
Your response to your own natural hair isn't wrong...after all who are we but e-nonymous (lol made that up) peeps to tell you how YOU "should" feel? Some ppl just feel a bit unnerved by your OP bc ya kinda implied your disappointment more or less that you don't have that "good hair". Now come on now you can't act brand new...you KNOW how we do up in LHCF! I aint mad at ya lol but maybe you could've worded your initial post a little differently IMO.

Ooh, you are so correct. And you know I'm stealing "e-nonymous", right? :grin:
personally i dont give two craps what you do to your hair because i'm not coming to your house every morning doing it. its your life, your hair, and if you hate it or love it it has NOTHING to do with me! i love my natural hair and for people to ASSUME what i meant keep on assuming i'm going to go play in my hair!

This thread is effectively over. :killlurk: Peace and hair grease!
the longer your hair gets the more it will change you have no way of knowing how much "hang time you will get " till its longer. you hair is nice but the longer hair gets the more you can do with it. big hair is beautiful too. products also efefct how your curls and coils lay my stupid butt thought when i was younger i had coarse hair and like a dummy i would use a super relaxer,lol. my hair is so soft from using natural products and not dry or hard like it was when i wasn't taking care of it properly, know that it can take yrs of trial and error to style, figure out products or what you hair likes, technique and what protective styles work best for some folks everytime they get an extra few inches of growth it can change how you care for and style your hair. if your overwhelmed i suggest weaves or wigs to hide it and let it grow out more. you'll be fine.
I think you hair is beautiful the way it is.

As a nappy for over 12 years, I can tell ya, my hair has never had any hang time unless it is in twist. I have Side Show Bob hair, it grows up and out. It hangs if you want to call that just past my ears, but when stretched out I am almost tailbone length. It is what it is, but I will never go back to relaxing.

You have to be comfortable with you hair, if you aren't then no one will.