I'm A 100% Natural-Who'da Thunk It

WOW! Lady Aggie! I am Speechless (and that never happens). Amazing!:lovedrool:

You really wear that well.:thud:

Very, Very Beautiful! Thanks for Sharing!:congrats:
WOW! Lady Aggie! I am Speechless (and that never happens). Amazing!:lovedrool:

You really wear that well.:thud:

Very, Very Beautiful! Thanks for Sharing!:congrats:

:giggle: Thanks Terri. It was not planned at all. A very impulsive move on my part but none the less, I am happy that I did it:grin:.
Aggie....WOW!!!! Your hair looks awesome! Congrats on becoming a full natural...it is a beautiful feeling, I know!

I love the color too...how did you get it so black? Rinse? Permanent? Henna & Indigo? Please share :)