I'm A 100% Natural-Who'da Thunk It

Congrats my sweet Aggie!

Your coily curls are lovely!! Your skin is beautiful...looking like Ms. Bahamian Queen with those pics.
Beautiful!!! It looks great! I really can't wait until I'm 100% natural after seeing your hair!

I bet you'll be gorgeous too:grin:! Thanks hun.

Wow Aggie! Gawjus curls, girl! I can tell you are really feeling it in your pics! You and your hair are stunning! Congrats on your new naturalness. Your progress has been nothing short of amazing.:grin:
AwwwStell B, this is so sweet:kiss:, thanks so much.

I am so glad you decided to share pics. I love it. And not a straight piece in site. You did good cutting the rest off after she left some straight ends.

Thanks Tee. My stylist told me that I had enough new growth to still pull back in a ponytail so I couldn't understand for the life of me why she decided to leave the relaxed ends there in the first place:nono:. Anyway, I'm happy now that they're off my head and my new start is nice and fresh:yep:.
Hello Ladies,

I was not going to do this but some ladies from my blog insisted that I show them pics. For all the non-bloggers and non-blog readers, here are the pics of my 100% natural head of hair.

It is slightly damp with a little Fantascia IC Styling gel on the ends and I love the way it looks nad I will be wearing this look for a while I think.

I did the big chop on April 30th, 2010 and finally got my niece to take some pictures of it so here they are:


How long was your transition?
Your hair looks amazing Aggie! I had no idea you were transitioning to natural I thought you were just doing a 1 yr stretch. Loooove your fro!
Wow, I am overwhelmed with all the love and support from all you ladies. Thanks a million:bighug:.
Welcome to the natural side...The hair style suites you perfect..Very pretty!
(You should be on the cover of some natural product line)

Happy Hair Growing!