I'm 4A Nappy, Happy & WaistLength! Pics Inside:2009 Update

damn pinkskates!!!! :drool: I used to think WL might be too extra or work for me to attain, but now that I see your hair, I'm changing my ultimate goal from full bsl to WSL. That and we have similar hair (4a) so I realize to get my wash and gos to sit on my shoulders once the curls shrink up, I will have to grow it to at least MBL stretched anyway. Thanks for posting this; its so inspirational.

How many years did it take to go from APL to WL?
Amazing growth! I have to say that you ladies are making me want to see how long I can grow my hair this year. We'll see :)
I was just thinking this too....I will have to have WL or MBL hair for my WNG to look like I want:perplexed

That could mean 4 more years assuming I retain all my growth at my average of 5 inches per year.

damn pinkskates!!!! :drool: I used to think WL might be too extra or work for me to attain, but now that I see your hair, I'm changing my ultimate goal from full bsl to WSL. That and we have similar hair (4a) so I realize to get my wash and gos to sit on my shoulders once the curls shrink up, I will have to grow it to at least MBL stretched anyway. Thanks for posting this; its so inspirational.

How many years did it take to go from APL to WL?
Aloha chicas, thank u so much for all of the well wishes and compliments.
You all inspire me also, natural and relaxed ladies.:bighug:
damn pinkskates!!!! :drool: I used to think WL might be too extra or work for me to attain, but now that I see your hair, I'm changing my ultimate goal from full bsl to WSL. That and we have similar hair (4a) so I realize to get my wash and gos to sit on my shoulders once the curls shrink up, I will have to grow it to at least MBL stretched anyway. Thanks for posting this; its so inspirational.

How many years did it take to go from APL to WL?
Hey Kurlee, I reached full APL in 2006. So, 3 years; also '06 is when I became serious about my hair care.


where can I find your regimen?
Hey IB, my regimen is in post #77 of this thread.
Aloha chicas,:hiya2:
I needed approximately 4 inches to reach my WL goal. So I went on a heat ban from 9-1-08 to 1-1-09. I retained 3 1/2 inches of growth. I wore a full sew-in weave for 8 weeks and wore my hair in its natural state for the remainder.
After straightening, I trimmed off 1/4 inch due to raggedy ends.:ohwell:

To my fotki buddies: my hair albums are gone but i created my new hair diary slide show, which chronicles my hair from chin length to present.
It will be posted on my webzine later on today.
Well... my hair journey continues, I'm off to join the "full waist length challenge". If I stay on top of my game, I'll be full WL by end of March.

Congrats! You would know I'd wait to long to decide to transition. I went on your site to get tips since I finally did the BC. I left a little relaxed hair for style.
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