If you've ever worn a weave, I need your help please!

What about Halley's Curls? The Salon Relaxed is $76 for 16 inches and 4 oz. 12 and 14 inches are sold out so I imagine they are around $50-60.
yeah, i know that is ridiculously expensive. i agree and probably would not have taken the plunge had i not read up on the quality of this hair. because there is minimal to no tangling, shedding, matting, etc. and it can be reused over and over, it comes out to be actually cheaper than buying new hair each time i have a sew-in done. a friend of mine has had and reused the same hair for the last year and a half and it still looks good. also, the EP relaxed textured hair should blend with my hair perfectly.

already spent the dough so i hope it is not wasted. i am using the weave as a protective style for a while, at which point my goal is to do exactly what you suggest, which is wear out my own texturized hair. i can't wait and am hoping for positive results!

Oh okay. Well, I hope it is worth the money and I hope it lasts a long time for you like it did for your friend. Good luck! ;)
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hey girl. nope, i have not washed the hair yet. should i? :perplexed i am new to this whole weaving thing.

i will post pics in my fotki when i get mine done too. i'm hoping to get it done this friday or saturday.

It's recommended on their site that you should to detect any problems with the hair. The following is the link to the page on their site that says so.


No worries..it doesn't take long to wash and dry and since you're installing this weekend you shouldn't have a problem.
crap. i am just now seeing this and i am getting it done today. i will check out the link. thanks, nixx

It's recommended on their site that you should to detect any problems with the hair. The following is the link to the page on their site that says so.


No worries..it doesn't take long to wash and dry and since you're installing this weekend you shouldn't have a problem.
I've never been able to get away with 4 ozs. You might want to possibly wait because I think your stylist is right. Try this site: http://www.contagioushair.com/store/Default.asp

I get my hair from here and there is a guide on there that tells you how much to order, and I believe they still list it in ounces.

I hope that this helps!

I went to this website and it wasn't very helpful. They didn't even note how much is in each 'order'. I wanted this info to compare value between this and EP. Do you mean after I ask them? I may have overlooked it, but I think I clicked on about every link on the page
woww! They changed the site, there used to be a guide on there. I'm sorry that I didn't look first. I will check to see if there is another. Before they redid their site it was more informational. They had a video where the woman described the hair as well... It made ordering easy. (And it looks like they have relocated too.) I was ordering 8 - 10 oz which was 2 - 2 &1/2 packs. It was the difference between a full head of normal hair, and then a more full look. I have a normal size head, and I always had a little bit left. I don't like the big look.
ok, ladies i got my hair done! the 4 oz. was enough. in fact, i had a little left over. i don't know what it is about EP hair but this 4 oz. was plenty. i didn't go to queen to do it. went with someone else and i think she did a good job! i will post pics tomorrow, as promised, so you can be the real judge of whether she did a good job or not. thanks again for all the advice! one of the many reasons i love lhcf :yep:
ok, ladies i got my hair done! the 4 oz. was enough. in fact, i had a little left over. i don't know what it is about EP hair but this 4 oz. was plenty. i didn't go to queen to do it. went with someone else and i think she did a good job! i will post pics tomorrow, as promised, so you can be the real judge of whether she did a good job or not. thanks again for all the advice! one of the many reasons i love lhcf :yep:

:woot::woot::woot::woot:Congrats! Can't wait to see it!
sorry it has taken me so long. i was out and about all weekend. here is a link to my fotki with a few pictures of the results. don't mind the quality of the pics or the fact that i didn't neaten up my hair. my head was killing me and all i wanted to do was sleep! http://public.fotki.com/AckeeWalk/2008/

thanks again for all your help, ladies!
I'm getting my first full weave next week so this thread was very informative.

I wish I had read about Queen of the Wink before I made an appt with someone else.

Ackee..you're weave looks very nice and natural. I thought you were getting a full weave?

I hope your head is better . Was that because the braids were too tight? that's what I'm afraid of.

I'm doing this as a protective style to help me push past APL. I don't have a problem with thinning edges or nape so I hope the weave doesn't bring me any.
I'm getting my first full weave next week so this thread was very informative.

I wish I had read about Queen of the Wink before I made an appt with someone else.

Ackee..you're weave looks very nice and natural. I thought you were getting a full weave?

I hope your head is better . Was that because the braids were too tight? that's what I'm afraid of.

I'm doing this as a protective style to help me push past APL. I don't have a problem with thinning edges or nape so I hope the weave doesn't bring me any.

thanks. my friends have said the same thing. most of them didn't even know i had a weave in, lol. i bought a digital camera and took some better quality pictures. i will upload them some time this week. i ended up having the stylist leave out my edges and a little horseshoe for the side part. very little of my hair is left out.

my head is feeling much better. thank you. :) she didn't really braid tight at all. my head was hurting because it was my first sew in and i am tenderheaded to begin with. just tell whoever does your hair not to braid tight. if i felt her braiding too tight, i told her and she loosened up. any good stylist should do the same.

as for thinning edges, i was afraid of that and so that is why i left my edges out. however, i have seen ladies get a full head weave with nothing left out and they did not have thinning edges. i think this has to do with how tight the person doing the weave braids up your edges.

i hope your hair turns out great! let me know how it goes.