Okay I need some really nice weave that will mimic my relaxed hair.. The price doesnt matter as long as it will last for a loong time with NO tangles and shedding! Im so tired of buying extensions which tangle up and cant be reused
its too damn expensive!
So which brand do you recommend??
I was eyeing these brands:
Halleys curls, Silky relxed texture from extensions plus, senghori shells and wagmans.
Please give me your recommendationg especially since im ordering from america and it will be expensive! But if it lasts a lifetime then im willing to pay

So which brand do you recommend??
I was eyeing these brands:
Halleys curls, Silky relxed texture from extensions plus, senghori shells and wagmans.
Please give me your recommendationg especially since im ordering from america and it will be expensive! But if it lasts a lifetime then im willing to pay