Not sure what I'd do with the thickness...the length is what mid back or almost waist length so I'm already past that. She's in the early 3s right? That means's not much longer than it is already...she doesn't have huge shrinkage like the 4's (or even 3c). And she's tilting her head to the side so I'm thinking she's mid backish or so...could be wrong. It's beautiful but the length isn't putting me in awe, but the thickness IS because mine is ridiculously thick (or rather dense, more strands per diameter because the strands aren't thick) and I think of cutting it all the time...but know that shorter makes it harder to work with (go figure). Longer you have buns, you can straighten it, or braid it up for weeks at a time a KIM. So I think if mine was even thicker, I'd have to continue with what I'm doing now (buns, braided, and sometimes straightening).