"If you wash your hair one more time....

this week I'm gonna scream" is what my husband said to me this morning. I washed on Friday, Condish wash on Sat and today. I asked him what was the problem and he said "black people just don't wash thier hair that much". Mind you his mom is near bald and no one else in his family has hair longer than neck lenght. I'm talking about cousins, aunts and all. And the neck lenght hair is not even healthy it is broken off and damaged. Why in the world would I want to do what they do and end up like them. My hair is the healthiest it has ever been. I looked at my 6th month progress (tried to post pics but couldn't figure it out) and couldn't believe I was rocking paper thin damaged hair like it was cute. Sorry so long, but I had to vent and guess what...I'm sittin under the dryer right now :grin:
My mom used to say the same thing to me too! Now that my hair is full and healthy, she has nothing to say when I cowash everyday! Keep doing what you do!!
this week I'm gonna scream" is what my husband said to me this morning. I washed on Friday, Condish wash on Sat and today. I asked him what was the problem and he said "black people just don't wash thier hair that much". Mind you his mom is near bald and no one else in his family has hair longer than neck lenght. I'm talking about cousins, aunts and all. And the neck lenght hair is not even healthy it is broken off and damaged. Why in the world would I want to do what they do and end up like them. My hair is the healthiest it has ever been. I looked at my 6th month progress (tried to post pics but couldn't figure it out) and couldn't believe I was rocking paper thin damaged hair like it was cute. Sorry so long, but I had to vent and guess what...I'm sittin under the dryer right now :grin:
That's our problem right there...doing stuff 'cause we think that's what we are supposed to do as a people... :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Hair care is a YMMV situation. What works for one, may not work for the other. However, you have to find what works for YOU, and stick with it - and what works may not be what the majority of people are doing. People need to learn to step outside the box sometimes!
Yeah. When I was younger, I only used to wash my hair every 2 to 3 weeks because I was told I didn't need to wash my hair that often. Ugh! I cringe after a few days now lol. Especially when it's curly.
I'll be honest--I can see a few times per week maybe (and that's CO) but everyday I don't quite get. :ohwell:

I rinse everyday because the water feels so gooood on my scalp. And it keeps my scalp and hair clean. Also, my hair is much easier to work with when wet. I don't use conditioner or anything though. People tell me it's too much all the time and I can understand their POV. I just can't stop though.
I wash my hair more days out of the week than not- even in the winter. I use shampoo and sometimes CO and deep condish a couple of times a week but I don't dry it into a style. I braid it up, spray a leave-in and let it airdry. My hair is BSL/BSB and has never been healthier. :yep:
This is me too. I just have to wet my hair or my hair gets cranky. I think my hair is addicted to water.

I rinse everyday because the water feels so gooood on my scalp. And it keeps my scalp and hair clean. Also, my hair is much easier to work with when wet. I don't use conditioner or anything though. People tell me it's too much all the time and I can understand their POV. I just can't stop though.
I co wash daily now that I'm natural. When I was relaxed, I'd wash n condition once a week. Some believe that dirt grows their hair, so they wash less and less.:rolleyes: Tell your hubby that you are learning some healthy hair practices that will help your hair grow. :yep:
this week I'm gonna scream" is what my husband said to me this morning. I washed on Friday, Condish wash on Sat and today. I asked him what was the problem and he said "black people just don't wash thier hair that much". Mind you his mom is near bald and no one else in his family has hair longer than neck lenght. I'm talking about cousins, aunts and all. And the neck lenght hair is not even healthy it is broken off and damaged. Why in the world would I want to do what they do and end up like them. My hair is the healthiest it has ever been. I looked at my 6th month progress (tried to post pics but couldn't figure it out) and couldn't believe I was rocking paper thin damaged hair like it was cute. Sorry so long, but I had to vent and guess what...I'm sittin under the dryer right now :grin:

I'm with you on the frequency... My hair even seems to grow faster with the frequency... Shoooo if it's working for you keep it up - definitely. :drunk: I'm about to get back on my DC's every other day, see how your hubby feels about that! LOL... Nah don't say that:lachen:
I co wash daily now that I'm natural. When I was relaxed, I'd wash n condition once a week. Some believe that dirt grows their hair, so they wash less and less.:rolleyes: Tell your hubby that you are learning some healthy hair practices that will help your hair grow. :yep:

On that "dirty hair" kick... I have wondered about if that's true for some... Dirty hair would cause me breakage.:ohwell:

Yes tell him the red:grin:
this week I'm gonna scream" is what my husband said to me this morning.

I had to laugh at that, imagining a man screaming, LOL. Just keep doing what your doing, and next thing you know your husband will be telling people your regimen.
I get that way during the summer. I will CO wash my hair everyday and wash every week and a half-2 weeks:yep:

Now that I have a workout reggie...it's almost the same...I wash once a week and CO wash 3 times that same week.

I love clean smelling hair..so does the SO. Water is the best moisturizer!
I don't wash every day but this past summer I (my hair) felt I needed it every other or every two days. My hair thrived but everyone talked so bad about me. It was awful. And now that my hair is really growing and swinging and lookin' nice, no one has s**t to say! :look:
Just ignore them and do what is right for your hair.
Mine is just the opposite. He's in luvvvv with the fact that I'm growing my hair and wants me to do whatever necessary to help encourage the growth. He doesn't complain of the loose hairs in the bathroom or anywhere. He loves laying on it and smellin it.

Weird I know. But gotta love him.
I'm getting too lazy to do it every day, but in the summer I for sure did and I think that is what helped with my major growth spurt after the BC. Now I"m trying to KISS (no choice anyway with 3 kids plus work, etc) so I may just wash &DC 2x/wk and maybe one cw in between.

My DH complains too- about the shower drain, etc- like I"m going to walk around with dry, dirty hair (Besides I clean the tub myself anyway lol). So just keep doing you- I'm sure he'll come around. :grin:
My hair has done nothing but thrive with daily co-washing. I do believe that shampooing has a drying effect on my hair, which is why I only shampoo every 3 weeks when I go to the salon. I clarify with suave but have clarified with baking soda and water and my hair comes out very soft.

I love this thread because I have to listen to my daughter, I know you not washing your hair again.:lachen:

NO SHAMPOO!! NO SHAMPOO!! Well almost.
Mine is just the opposite. He's in luvvvv with the fact that I'm growing my hair and wants me to do whatever necessary to help encourage the growth. He doesn't complain of the loose hairs in the bathroom or anywhere. He loves laying on it and smellin it.

Weird I know. But gotta love him.

My husband does things out of love and craziness that I think are weird lol.
Everybody has been missing the point of this thread...


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I go through this as well with my SO :yep: but funny thing is, he is always commenting on how good my hair smells and how much it has grown...I must be doing something right lol...I think some men never respect the process,only the progress...eh,such is life :)
My mom used to say the same thing to me too! Now that my hair is full and healthy, she has nothing to say when I cowash everyday! Keep doing what you do!!

Same here....my mom, grandma and aunt would say the same thing. I constantly co-wash and deep condition my hair during the week. Now my mom and aunt ask me to do their hair when they visit.
I've said it before and i'll say it again. The outside world associates washing hair with shampoo which equals dry hair. They don't realize cowashing is completely different. I cowash almost every day or at least every 3 days. If I shampooed this often I'm sure I'd have very dry and broken hair.
I go through this as well with my SO :yep: but funny thing is, he is always commenting on how good my hair smells and how much it has grown...I must be doing something right lol...I think some men never respect the process,only the progress...eh,such is life :)

This is soooooo true!!!! Just yesterday I was speaking w/ my husband about Ayurvedic oils (b/c I bought a Ayurvedic Herbal Fusion Oil in March) & I was telling him how Ayurvedic oils are good for the hair & how they stimulate growth. He asked me how I knew this & I told him that it's talked about on the forum, plus I've done my own research online. Then he keeps asking me: but how do you know? THen he asks me how do I know if any of the ingredients in any of my products are good for the hair--or safe. He's leery about the stuff that I use (which is mostly natural) b/c "that stuff seeps into the brain & you don't know what kind of internal damage you could be doing" (his words).
Then he started asking me how do I know that nettle, sage, ylang ylang, lavender, etc. are good for the hair. I told him about my research, but he just thinks I'm crazy. I've told myself that I'm going to stop talking to him about hair b/c I always end up annoyed afterwards. It was just be fun to talk to someone about hair in real life. Oh well.
This is soooooo true!!!! Just yesterday I was speaking w/ my husband about Ayurvedic oils (b/c I bought a Ayurvedic Herbal Fusion Oil in March) & I was telling him how Ayurvedic oils are good for the hair & how they stimulate growth. He asked me how I knew this & I told him that it's talked about on the forum, plus I've done my own research online. Then he keeps asking me: but how do you know? THen he asks me how do I know if any of the ingredients in any of my products are good for the hair--or safe. He's leery about the stuff that I use (which is mostly natural) b/c "that stuff seeps into the brain & you don't know what kind of internal damage you could be doing" (his words).
Then he started asking me how do I know that nettle, sage, ylang ylang, lavender, etc. are good for the hair. I told him about my research, but he just thinks I'm crazy. I've told myself that I'm going to stop talking to him about hair b/c I always end up annoyed afterwards. It was just be fun to talk to someone about hair in real life. Oh well.

Yes, it is good to talk to someone in "real life" bout hair, but I too always end up annoyed. My sister has bsl hair. She has always had long hair, but it has never been truly healthy. I have finally gotten her into stretching and dc, but I can't get her to give up the dominican blowouts. I had an appointment today that I cancelled. I kept telling her I want healthy hair. She is like its only heat every couple of weeks and your hair will feel so good. She got hers done yesterday and I must admit it was looking fly blowing in the wind, but I have also noticed that it is getting thinner. I have vowed to keep all the info that I have learned on this board to myself until my hair is flowing and swinging cause with SL (healthy)hair they just kind of look at me.
Yes, it is good to talk to someone in "real life" bout hair, but I too always end up annoyed. My sister has bsl hair. She has always had long hair, but it has never been truly healthy. I have finally gotten her into stretching and dc, but I can't get her to give up the dominican blowouts. I had an appointment today that I cancelled. I kept telling her I want healthy hair. She is like its only heat every couple of weeks and your hair will feel so good. She got hers done yesterday and I must admit it was looking fly blowing in the wind, but I have also noticed that it is getting thinner. I have vowed to keep all the info that I have learned on this board to myself until my hair is flowing and swinging cause with SL (healthy)hair they just kind of look at me.

That's okay. When your hair is flowing & swinging & they ask you for tips, you can just look at them.:grin::grin::grin:
I've said it before and i'll say it again. The outside world associates washing hair with shampoo which equals dry hair. They don't realize cowashing is completely different. I cowash almost every day or at least every 3 days. If I shampooed this often I'm sure I'd have very dry and broken hair.

I shampoo 3 times a per week for more that 15 years now with no problems. Shampoo is not a scary monster. LOL
Your DH will be "aaaaaaiiiiight!" :lachen:
He sounds just like mine last summer, but if you look at my siggy that progress came from my daily Cowashing......now he just looks at me when I'm messin' with my hair and smiles while shakin' his head.....he knows wuz up.:grin:

And speakin' of family my sis all but thought I'd joined a hair cult.....and I saw her on Facebook the other day talkin' about her new addiction LHCF....:killlurk:......she prolly on here now!!!