"If you wash your hair one more time....

I condition wash faithfully every day. My husband thought I was crazy to but now that I'm working on BSL from scraggly shoulder length 2 years ago, he don't say nothing. He doesn't even complain about all the conditioner bottles in the bathroom. It's a new concept he will adjust.
I had to laugh at that, imagining a man screaming, LOL. Just keep doing what your doing, and next thing you know your husband will be telling people your regimen.

Tell the truth. My husband be offering my hair tip to people and his hair is cut almost bald :lachen: . He ain't did no reading, no research and no experimenting but he's telling all my hair secrets.
You go girl. My DH has just stopped trying and he now sees how my hair is growing and that it is starting to look healthy and he doesn't care. He does mind how many hair products I'm buying. He is trying to put me on a budget.:lachen:
I shampoo 3 times a per week for more that 15 years now with no problems. Shampoo is not a scary monster. LOL

It's true. :yep: I shampoo twice a week and my hair is loving it so far. I do try to use poos that don't contain SLS though, unless I'm clarifying.
i co wash my twa everyday and my hair loves it. i dont see the big deal. when i was relaxed durring the summer i would co wash and wet bun every day and grew my sl hair out to almost bsl in less than a year. so obviously it works.
I shampoo 3 times a per week for more that 15 years now with no problems. Shampoo is not a scary monster. LOL
It is for me! I can't find a shampoo that doesn't tangle my hair. This is the part where you throw in some recs...LOL
Cowashing is what got me through last summer, and it's what will get me through this one too.

ETA: hey OP...where are those pics?
:lachen::lachen: My mom used to say that! And still does sometimes. A couple weeks ago everytime my cousin stopped by at our house I had my hair in a plastic cap dc-ing who KNEW what he thought:lachen:

Go ahead and keep washing girl! Now that summers here I'm washing 3x a week... i wonder what my mom's gonna say :rolleyes::lachen:
I'm with you on the frequency... My hair even seems to grow faster with the frequency... Shoooo if it's working for you keep it up - definitely. :drunk: I'm about to get back on my DC's every other day, see how your hubby feels about that! LOL... Nah don't say that:lachen:

Ditto here. My hair grows like a weed the more often I water it. I try to alternate everday between a co-wash and Amla oil rinse w/o conditioner. Works like a charm for me...BTW now at BSL :grin:
thats funny when I was married my x would always ask me about my hair, and would get upset when I would make my shea butter mixture in the kitchen..then one day I caught him using my shea butter saying it was the only thing that kept his head from itching! :lachen:
I've said it before and i'll say it again. The outside world associates washing hair with shampoo which equals dry hair. They don't realize cowashing is completely different. I cowash almost every day or at least every 3 days. If I shampooed this often I'm sure I'd have very dry and broken hair.

I love your puff!!
Mine is just the opposite. He's in luvvvv with the fact that I'm growing my hair and wants me to do whatever necessary to help encourage the growth. He doesn't complain of the loose hairs in the bathroom or anywhere. He loves laying on it and smellin it.

Weird I know. But gotta love him.

I was thinking the same thing. If I say I need something for my hair, he's like "Where do we need to go?" He wasn't this accommodating when I was pregnant with his big-headed boys. :lachen: He has been asking me to grow it out for eons, and he can already see the difference in a little over a month. He has become my official "Yes you can" guy. Even hid my hair-dryer.:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
He'll get over it. CW helped me get to BSL. When your hair is swinging he's gonna be grinning like he did something. Watch.
I shampoo 3 times a per week for more that 15 years now with no problems. Shampoo is not a scary monster. LOL

Shampoo is a scary monster when use incorrectly. Shampoo is similar to detergent. It cleans your hair by stripping off a layer. Making your hair weak and brittle. If you pre-poo you can avoid this and if you are focused on your scalp then you can avoid this.

Either way I bet if you reduced your shampoo routine to once a week or less you would notice an improvement to the retention and thickness of your hair