If you don't reach your goal


Well-Known Member
what will you do with your hair? My 6th year nappyversary is in October and I put a goal out for my hair (a unattainable goal when I think about it, but oh well). I figure that by then my hair should be waistlength when stretched, especially since it'll be 6 years into this thing. I believe when that time comes, I can take all of my pent up frustration out into that month to do whatever I want to my hair. That will include making an appointment with Dickey to chop chop chop!
Uh - you mean you will let it grow to waist length and then chop it all off.....noooooooooooooooooooo don't do it.

I will buy your hair and make a weave for Naomi C:lachen:.
To be honest, I've never envisioned myself not reaching my goal since I know it can be done.
The only reason, however, that I probably won't reach my goal is because I just might lock it up before reaching it.
I'll most likely be locking at MBL which will be about a year from now.
Or maybe I should wait unti l reach my goal before locking; who knows, we'll see:spinning:
My ultimate goal length was APL/BSL unstretched.
what will you do with your hair? My 6th year nappyversary is in October and I put a goal out for my hair (a unattainable goal when I think about it, but oh well). I figure that by then my hair should be waistlength when stretched, especially since it'll be 6 years into this thing. I believe when that time comes, I can take all of my pent up frustration out into that month to do whatever I want to my hair. That will include making an appointment with Dickey to chop chop chop!

I will never reach my goal because my hair is relaxed. I totally don't have any relaxed hair goals. Even if I went natural again, which I will the minute I start having babies, I will not reach the initial goal because I know I am not willing to deal with all of that darn hair.

So I will do whatever I want with my hair from here on out because I will never reach the intial goal. I will just keep my hair healthy.
To be honest, I've never envisioned myself not reaching my goal since I know it can be done.
The only reason, however, that I probably won't reach my goal is because I just might lock it up before reaching it.
I'll most likely be locking at MBL which will be about a year from now.
Or maybe I should wait unti l reach my goal before locking; who knows, we'll see:spinning:
My ultimate goal length was APL/BSL unstretched.

This is how I feel, not reaching it is not an option.
If you dont believe, you'll probably never make it. I am always a "glass half full" person. I may not get there when I want but I'll get there eventually. No more major cuts for unless I go natural.
I have seen a RELAXED hip length on this hair board so unless its past that length, any length is acheivable.
I will never reach my goal because my hair is relaxed. I totally don't have any relaxed hair goals. Even if I went natural again, which I will the minute I start having babies, I will not reach the initial goal because I know I am not willing to deal with all of that darn hair.

So I will do whatever I want with my hair from here on out because I will never reach the intial goal. I will just keep my hair healthy.
My goal length is to reach tailbone by 2010, the 4th year of my hair journey. This thread is interesting because it never occurred to me that I won't reach that goal. What's more of a possibility to me is that I will reach WL and think, "Okay, that's enough hair, honey...abort the growing mission and maintain this length." But I don't think that's going to happen either.
*shrug* I'll keep growing. I can't say that I 'haven't reached my goal' until I'm dead, and the hair, it's not growing anymore. :lol: I'm not super attached to a date - it's nice for it to be out there, but the further along I go, the more I'm becoming UNattached to the date - it doesn't really matter. I don't plan on cutting my hair, ever again, so - what diff does it make WHEN I reach goal, ya know?
I'll just keep trying :grin:
My ultimate goal is to have healthy, relaxed, thick, MBL hair and right now I am APL so I'm half way there.
interesting thread!
As far as my goals go, they are absolutely concrete; I've been many lengths before including my ultimate goal length and it's just the hair lengths that made me comfortable. In my mind, my goals aren't unattainable because it's more of a "been there done that... liked it want it back" lol But i wouldn't be totally crushed if i never made MBL...they make weaves that long... i'll make it.
I will prolly burn it all out with excessive heat usage and have to start all over...:burning:

but i'm hitting my goal length in 2009, so i won't have to worry about that...
I don't think that will happen but if for some reason it does, I will just accept it and enjoy the hair that I have.
Keep trying ladies. Regardless if we make our individual goal length, I think our focus should be healthy gorgeus hair whatever the length!
I plan on reaching whatever goals I set for myself (and my hair). There is no "if I don't" option. I may modify my goals due to various circumstances, but never because I can't reach them. :)
Keep it moving is what I'll do. I've haven't reached my hair goal since being an adult, so I am content with not reaching my goal.

My goal however for most is very attainable. I would like to be brastrap.
my goal was to see if i could grow my hair longer than APL, and i've already done that. everything else is icing on the cake and to satisfy my curiousity. :yep:

i still have those chop-chop thoughts every now and then, especially on these hot days. :look: if i ever make WL i'm going to celebrate by shaving my head bald, i swear! :lachen:
It will probably take me so long to reach my goal (esp being that I don't really know what it is) that the Mayan, or zombie, apocalypse will have swallowed us all so it won't matter. :lachen: If I don't reach it, hmm, I don't know. Guess I just don't. I'll have fun with what I got.
I'll kill myself:look: :lachen:J/K Nothing I mean life goes on. I'll just continue to take care for my hair the way I do now!
This thread is interesting to me! When I joined LHCF my only goal was to have natural, healthy hair. The length didn't matter. Now I am finding myself comtemplating making hair length goal. I guess shoulder length is fine. Having my hair chemical free, and healthy is big deal to me!
I have never considered not reaching my goal. My short term goal is full MBL. After I reach MBL I guess I'll keep on growing to see how long it can grow or maintain at that length for a while. I don't know...1" at a time:yep:
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Not reaching the goal never really occurred to me. After all, it's hair and it'll keep growing so it may take longer than planned, but it'll get there eventually.
I don't understand the question. What do you mean by "If you don't reach your goal?" I didn't realize that was ever an option. :ohwell:
I never considered not reaching it .. :perplexed

It was brastrap .. then WL, now a cute v-shaped tailbone.

Anywho, as long as I'm WL when I graduate HS or at the least start college (2010) I'll be happy ..
what will you do with your hair? My 6th year nappyversary is in October and I put a goal out for my hair (a unattainable goal when I think about it, but oh well). I figure that by then my hair should be waistlength when stretched, especially since it'll be 6 years into this thing. I believe when that time comes, I can take all of my pent up frustration out into that month to do whatever I want to my hair. That will include making an appointment with Dickey to chop chop chop!

If I don't reach my goals I'm just going to relax and cut all my hair off into a fierce short style.
Oh, I will reach my goal:lachen:. SL is what I want. Initially, it was natural, but now I relaxed. But, on the journey there, I will still debate having natural SL hair or relaxed SL. Then, I will take care of it, and maintain it. I have had short hair before, and look pretty darn good in it, so if it never grew, I wouldn't feel as bad. But, my hair is going to make it's goal!:yep:
If your only goal is to reach length then I can imagine it may be pretty devestating but look at the other positives.

Natural hair (that was a goal, right?)
Healthy hair
Long, natural, healthy hair.

You have a regimen, you know different styles for handling natural hair, you learned some patience, wisdom, and you also helped others along the way in obtaining some of the things you have accomplished already.

I think if you make a list you will see you have probably reach quite a few goals even if you did not set them.

The length goal is still obtainable, IMO, it's just that possibly by October '08 may not be the metric in which to meet that goal.

So set a different date. How far off in length are you from reaching your required goal?

It is possible to still reach it, just maybe not by October of this year. I had two major set backs due to health issues, but I am not letting that stop me I am back on track and on my way to reaching my next major goal which is also WL (stretched) but I have had to change my date to two years out. No biggie, its just a date and I have achieved the majority of my other goals, right?

If I did not understand your question, then let me know.