If U Don't Already Know, Eggs Make Ur Hair Grow!

I tried this a few months ago. I was eating 2 boiled eggs a day ( I hate scrambled) I didn't notice growth. Maybe I wasn't doing it long enough. It sure makes me want to go boil an egg right now :grin: .
I am having such a hard time with my hair that I have to go back to what worked for me and what was simple. I may want 1-2 inches per month but I will accept 1/2 inche then nothing or less each month. Its breaking so much I am going to stick with eggs.
How much growth were you experiencing while doing the "egg thing"?
Re: If U Don\'t Already Know, Eggs Make Ur Hair Grow!

Below is a link and quote about eggs and L-cysteine. Maybe 2 eggs per day is all that's necessary.


"It is very common in many foods. For instance, there are about 250 milligrams of cysteine in the yolk of an egg. (Now, perhaps, you see why the doctors tell you to NOT eat eggs? They don't want you to get those valuable proteins in the egg -- they suggest you eat carbohydrates and get sick so they can make more money giving you drugs!)"

So true...Most doctors do not explain to patients what a healthy lifestyle intells, instead they dole out medication to treat the symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle. People would be better off if they just ate healthy, unprocessed whole foods.
How much growth were you experiencing while doing the "egg thing"?

The average of 1/2 per month, but it was something that I got consistantly with eating eggs, it was without vitamins mostly, but sometimes maybe some MSM, or biotin those where the not hard for me to take. It could be 2 a day or sometimes 6. I was just how much I could take eating.
This is cool that this old thread got bumped! As someone who did Atkins a few years ago and lost a lot of weight (and then gained it back cuz one day I wanted some pancakes and then it was kinda down hill from there :lachen:), eggs were a main part of my diet. Problem is, I didn't really equate it with hair growth, but of course, I wasn't paying attention back then.

Now that I am back on the "eating right/get fine for life" plan, I am converting back to some of my habits from Atkins and that was eggs. I hard boil a few in the beginning of the week and have them for breakfast somedays. I will have to check and see if there is more hair growth as a result!

HHG, ladies!
Eggs contain B-Vitamins, including Biotin, Omega-3's, 6's and 9's, high Protein, Lutein, and L-cysteine.

So, if you take a daily multivitamin, eat meat/fish/lean protein regularly, and eat an occasional handful of almonds/nuts, eggs aren't really going to make much of a difference. It's the biotin/protein combo in egg whites that help with the hair growth, but we would have to eat eggs daily to get this constant supply. And if you already take biotin, well... the vitamin will just flush out your system, not to mention cause a breakout.​
Do ALL non-organics eggs have hormones in them??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Even the so-called USDA organic-approved eggs have some hormones in them... There is no telling what they give chickens that hasn't already passed onto the eggs. But the USDA still says they're "organic". Besides, only 10% of any product has to be organic to be approved as "organic". I'm not saying that no chicken in the US is hormone-free, but it is a tad bit suspicious when other countries put a ban on our livestock....

... I'd rather eat kosher foods instead.
Re: If U Don\'t Already Know, Eggs Make Ur Hair Grow!

That explains it all !!! Im an egg lover i know sometimes I pop too much eggs (rarely boiled tho) and that can be bad as well for cholesterol..anyhow. When I was in Morocco ...I use to eat 4 boiled eggs everyday if not more because I love it a la coq...miammm. I did have a growth spurt over there and thought it was because of the richness in the food and less processed food + natural oils I was using in my hair+ temperature . Gurl you really have me thinking right now .

...According to the cashier at the health food store where I purchase my essential oils & vits.

I was there yesterday buying castor & peppermint oil. Well, the cashier struck up a lil chat about how cold pressed castor oil is helping to rid skin cancer. I told her that I'm using it to soften my new growth & other hair benefits.

Well, she immediately said "well, if u want a ton of hair growth, eat a lot of boiled eggs". (yeah, i know, i didn't mention anything about hair growth) Her hair was in a single cornrow, down the back of her head. BTW, she had a scrunchie securing it that was even with her waist. There was about 4" of hair hanging below the scrunchie. She was sorta a "motor mouth"
, but I just didn't have the time to talk to her further about retaining length, products, etc. BUT I WILL ON ANOTHER VISIT
(& if she's there

Well, personally, I don't eat eggs
.... maybe this info can help someone here

(btw, she was white with really thick wavy hair)
Re: If U Don\'t Already Know, Eggs Make Ur Hair Grow!

Thats me I can eat a dozen eggs per week easily!! Its just so good !!! I do it in different ways( scrambled with 2 diff cheese in a taco w/ salad tomatoes and mayo, scrambled with bacon and gruyere and swiss cheese...etc) ...this convo reminds me of my mom whenever I tell her im fiending for eggs and shes like sometimes I wonder if you were a snake in a previous life or something because I eat too much of it..its so yummy!!


How many eggs do u eat per day? and do u eat the same amount everyday for a month at least? people who I heard from or claim that eggs grow their hair faster said that they eat a whole lotta eggs, like eggs eggs eggs everyday, someone said that they eat 1-2 dozen eggs a week (that's 12-24eggs), I think that u probably have to eat that many eggs for that weeks/months to be able to see if it works or not. Well, for me I can't really do that cause I'll be sick of the eggs after a couple of days.


I'm currently taking 1500mg of L-cysteine a day. I tried to eat eggs every other days to but I think that it's not enough and I'm usually not consistent with the eggs, so I tried to supplement with L-cystein everyday now.
I used to eat 2 boiled eggs everyday...
I did have a growth spurt, but my friends
said it smelled bad so I had to stop bringing it
to lunch at work... maybe I will start again... idk idk
I love to eat boiled eggs even more than I like fried eggs. I can eat 4 to 6 in a day but I try to pace myself. I usually boil the whole pack for the week and just eat one when I'm feeling snacky. It's so yummy.
Re: If U Don\'t Already Know, Eggs Make Ur Hair Grow!

If ya'll don't wanna eat eggs, the main ingredient for hair growth in eggs is L-cysteine, protein, other vit/minerals. a large eggs has 6gram of protein, so I don't think that is super alot, but u can drink protein shakes instead. I think the main ingredient in eggs that makes hair grow faster is the L-cysteine, u can take this in supplement capsule, (I'm taking it now), read on the post "My friend's hair grown like crazy" there's info on L-cysteine. Well, u can try this, it's like eating the eggs without the cholesterol. well, I hope that this work out for me anyways, good luck.
I'm interested in doing this. I'm primarily eating vegetarian but ovo veg, which mean I can eat eggs, and I'm even thinking of adding fish. No I don't have anything against meat, it's just an experiment on my part.
So anyways, I like the idea of consuming instead of taking vitamins. I've found that my hair responds better (and my skin) to real food, not stuff engineered in a lab. Don't get me wrong, if you can't stand eggs, or can't get the amount of nutrition needed, go for the vitamins. But is you can, why not ingest it? I'm also drinking green drinks, and sipping rooibos, burdock and nettle tea (great for hair and skin and my skin looks fierce). I can't tell you about my hair as it's braided up, but I know it's growing, from the looseness of the braids.
No more braids. My hair is growing. I just washed it and pressed it, though I only flat ironed the roots really straight, as I decided to put the rest up again.
I'm getting back on this. I love eggs and only buy organic. Ladies please only get organic [and in other dairy and meats if you can] the copious amounts of hormones in non-organic eggs and animal products may mess up your cycle. I noticed this thread is 5 years old and around this time I was on this and my cycle was messed up for a few years had cysts on the ovaries and everything. Switched to organic and I've been back on for two years now.

But yes the eggs bandwagon I'm going to climb back on and salmon daily too.
I'm getting back on this. I love eggs and only buy organic. Ladies please only get organic [and in other dairy and meats if you can] the copious amounts of hormones in non-organic eggs and animal products may mess up your cycle. I noticed this thread is 5 years old and around this time I was on this and my cycle was messed up for a few years had cysts on the ovaries and everything. Switched to organic and I've been back on for two years now.

But yes the eggs bandwagon I'm going to climb back on and salmon daily too.

LD, were you eating cage-free eggs and still experiencing the same problem? I consume Organic or cagefree.

For the last month I've been drinking a morning shake made of wheat-germ + raw egg + soy milk + etc.
LD, were you eating cage-free eggs and still experiencing the same problem? I consume Organic or cagefree.

For the last month I've been drinking a morning shake made of wheat-germ + raw egg + soy milk + etc.

Ahhh I'm assuming you mean Free Range the chickens that are allowed to roam free?

Those chickens are just kept in more humane conditions, still hormone ridden though.

I eat organic + free range.

There are 3 types of eggs you can buy

Cooped up chickens + hormone ridden
Free Range chickens + hormone ridden
Free Range + Organic

I'm not sure if there is an cooped up + organic range. I haven't seen them though.


Before I was eating Cooped up chickens + hormone ridden.

Butter, milk, soy milk, cheese, chicken, fish, other meats all switched to organic. Less hormones in my body = less fertility problems.:yep: Switching only that in my diet and cerrassie tea my cycle came back after a 2 year absence straight away in Jan 2007.
You can buy non-organic eggs from free range chickens that are hormone free and antibiotic free. They sell these at the place I buy groceries (a food co-op).

I don't know if these eggs are available at regular supermarkets. The food co-op also sells certified organic eggs, but they cost more.

Thanks for sharing this. I've never really been an egg person, but I've upped my intake over the past few weeks because I needed to improve my diet. I'm sensitive to hormones and such, so it's good to know exactly why certified organic is best. The ones I'd mentioned before are better than regular eggs, but, after reading this, I'm only going to get the organic.
Ahhh I'm assuming you mean Free Range the chickens that are allowed to roam free?

Those chickens are just kept in more humane conditions, still hormone ridden though.

I eat organic + free range.

There are 3 types of eggs you can buy

Cooped up chickens + hormone ridden
Free Range chickens + hormone ridden
Free Range + Organic

I'm not sure if there is an cooped up + organic range. I haven't seen them though.


Before I was eating Cooped up chickens + hormone ridden.

Butter, milk, soy milk, cheese, chicken, fish, other meats all switched to organic. Less hormones in my body = less fertility problems.:yep: Switching only that in my diet and cerrassie tea my cycle came back after a 2 year absence straight away in Jan 2007.

I know they're free range, but I'm assuming they are hormone free. I'll have to check the packaging. I'm not aware of any fertility issues, but in general I'm leaning to a more organic diet, especially when it comes to meat products - especially in the age of cloning; though I am not sure if clone animals can techincally be considered organic. . . this world has changed.
I know they're free range, but I'm assuming they are hormone free. I'll have to check the packaging. I'm not aware of any fertility issues, but in general I'm leaning to a more organic diet, especially when it comes to meat products - especially in the age of cloning; though I am not sure if clone animals can techincally be considered organic. . . this world has changed.

Free range doesn't guarantee them being 'as pure as can be' only certified organic products can.

To fatten up your food and mass produce it, the hormones play a huge part. Notice your organic meats will be smaller in comparison and cook very differently. They'll also taste very different. So check your meats sooner than you normally would when cooking. I learnt that with my organic chicken less water/fat in the meat and dried out a lot quicker. :look:

The same with fruits they will be usually smaller and bruise more easily and not be such a perfect shape and colour like genetically modified grapes, strawberries and cherries.