If A Man Tells You This...do You Run For The Hills?

Everything seems good so far with the guy you're seeing. First date was at a gala and while there was no second date yet, you talk on the phone often and eventually the conversation about sex comes up.
He tells you this: "I have a habit of losing interest after having sex with a woman. So please don't let me 'hit it'. I'm going to try, but please don't let me." And just to give more context, it was said in a bonding, closeness, sharing all things, honest, here are my flaws, let's be vulnerable, type of conversation. Fair warning I guess...

Do you hold off on the sex even if you don't want to, or do you peace out?

My vote is peace out because clearly he's only after excitement, the pursuit.
Assuming most of you would say peace out, WHY or WHY NOT?

PS- that's exactly what happened....smh

Girl....I'm already gone for you...I don't know what to make of this and wouldn't spend nan nother minute trying to figure him out.
So he is FREE AND CLEAR with a pass either way a. she's the 'loose" woman that let him "hit it" too soon and he blameless because he has not self control or b. they wait, he hits it and leaves because again he has not self control!
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They did it, he lost interest a bit. The woman suspects and I was rooting for her when she told him that she needed to think about this...
Then found out she'll be visiting him for V day. IDK rooting for her I guess.
But bottom line....he's not over his ex. ON TOP of his other issues....
Maybe I'll have a surprise love story to report back :)
I don't know her. But I'm rooting that something changes for her or them.
I know, I know....My lectures to him go in one ear and out the other.
When a man is not ready....he really ain't checking for a good catch. EVER.
*taking notes*

When you first wrote this I thought you were acquaintance of the woman.

Too old for this mess dude is a problem. You don't need to wish any woman on him until he grows up. A good woman isn't going to fix or change him. If anything he's going to ruin her. Hope she gets clarity soon. You can't build anything on a foundation of sand and dude is the epitome of quicksand.
I wish I could reach out to her but that would be a major violation.
Someone should put him on don't date him girl.com
Do they even still have that site?