I Wanted to Go Natural Until...


New Member
I took my braids out!!!!!!!!!!:eek: I have true 4a/4b hair. I have not relaxed since February, and decided to go for a year stretch. I think my hair has grown, because the braids had grown out tremendously since I got them. I just can't really tell due to the texture.

Help me though... my hair line was already tore up before I got the braids (which probably wasn't the best choice to improve my hairline). I have added vitamins to my regimen (MSM and Nioxin) as well as MTG and surge. Is there any hope for my hair line and nape area? Help!!
Try putting rosemary oil on your hairline every night before you go to bed and in the morning too, if you can stand the smell. If you do this consistently, your hairline should recover. Also, try to stay away from the braids for a while, if you can. Couple whatever you do with prayer and you will be fine. Yes, God does care about your hairline!

"But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered...,"
Luke 12:7
mommylioness said:
Try putting rosemary oil on your hairline every night before you go to bed and in the morning too, if you can stand the smell. If you do this consistently, your hairline should recover. Also, try to stay away from the braids for a while, if you can. Couple whatever you do with prayer and you will be fine. Yes, God does care about your hairline!

"But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered...,"
Luke 12:7
I would like to add to this great advice: Rosemary EO is a wonderful thing but it should not be used if you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant.
I understand how you feel! I am having some problems with my nape and hairline, and I wear braids all the time. But for some reason, the nape has simply began growing and my hairline is filling in and growing! I just keep massaging the area and keep it moisturized and yes, prayer! Girl, yes there is always hope for your hair, no matter what the circumstances! HTH!
balisi said:
I would like to add to this great advice: Rosemary EO is a wonderful thing but it should not be used if you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant.

Thanks Balisi for adding that, I had no idea. That is good to know.