I want to stay natural but . . .


Well-Known Member
I just BC'd and I'm loving my texture. However I have arthritis in my hands and its not under control yet. I never know when my hands will become stiff and make styling difficult. I want to wear twists as a protective style but the idea of doing them :perplexed . My hair is too big for a TWA but not long enough to puff. Any suggestions on styling? I would hate to have to wear braids all the time. If things keep going like this, I may be forced to go back to a relaxer. I thought about pressing weekly or biweekly. I used to do this in the past with no ill affects but now that I know better I'm afraid my hair will rebell. Help! (My hair straight can fit in a ponytail, thats why I am considering straightening it.)
That's tough, b/c natural hair can be kinda hard on the hands. Maybe if you did twist w/ extensions, and had someone else do it. It'll last for awhile and may get you past that awkward hair point. From the way it sounds once you get to a puff point then you'll be alright, but I know it can take forever. You could try doing big twists (sometime I do like 5), and let them dry and then do a twistout, that way it wouldn't be so taxing on your hands, and if you wrap your hair up the style can last for 3-5 days.
The decision is up to you, and I'm sure whatever you choose you'll look fabulous! Good luck and lots of hair blessings!;)
Have you tried headbands? I lived in them for 6 months (I have millions of them lol) Once my TWA stopped looking so cute at about 2.5 inches I started wearing them, I've only stopped because I'm at around 5 and finally decided to plait my hair, FINALLY. You could try that, you don't have to much, just wash and put them on.
I would try wash and goes w/cute head bands. IF your hair is long enough you can put your hair in a few twists and take them out.
ITA about the hair accessories. I have a big head, yet was able to fiercely rock the TWA with the assistance of accessories. I think it's about turning what can perceived as a negative into a positive. A TWA is a wonderful hands-free style. I would just CW daily, apply a little gel, shake my head from side to side, add a headband, click clacks, or scarf, and out the door. It was wonderfully carefree. I actually spend more hands-on time forming my hair into a puff than I did with the shake and go TWA. I sort of miss my shorter hair a bit.

I bet people think you look much prettier with a TWA than you do. We are our own worst critic.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Get a set of braids and your hair will be long enough for a puff before your know it. That awkward length is very temporary, the 2nd time I went natural I corn-rowed for about 2-3 months and then it was over. There's no need to consider a relaxer. A headband or some flat twists in the front will help get you through as well.
Have you thought about just wearing the TWA?

I'm asking because even if you relax, you still have to use your hands a lot (Like for rollersets or flat ironing).
Yeah, I know what you're saying; I have arthritis as well, which is why I stopped doing my individual braid extensions, but I never contemplated going back to a relaxer; I've been natural for over 10 years, why ruin it now?:lol:
But you can be pretty much hands free, you can just use the headband, like the others said or just shake it out and let it be or get someone else to twist you hair for you.
Being hands free is better for you hair, anyway, right?
Don't give into that arthritis girl!! Don't let it win!!!!!:lol:
Thanks ladies. I think I will braid it up. Some days even squeezing water out of my hair after a CW is uncomfortable. I don't like braids because my hair is fine and frizzes out so quickly, but I will just have to deal with that. I so enjoy not getting relaxers, I don't want to go back to them.
DeepBluSea said:
Have you thought about just wearing the TWA?

I'm asking because even if you relax, you still have to use your hands a lot (Like for rollersets or flat ironing).

I agree with DeepBluSea. I also symphathize with you. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Some days I have trouble even turning a door knob so I know how you feel. The ladies have given some good suggestions. If you decide to go with braids. Putting your braid spray in one of those plastic spray bottles from the store will be easier on your hands. Anything I spray has to be in one. If staying natural is what you want don't give in. Where there is a will there is a way.