Slick Back Effect on a Natural Hair

I used to slick my hair down before it was long enough to really go back. For me it all started in the shower. After I detangled my hair with lots of conditioner, I would comb it all back and get it smooth. Then I would put the ponytail on and lean my hair back and rinse the conditioner out with the ponytail in. Once I was done, I would put a little gel on the edges tie it down with a scarf and move on. I never had any puffing or drama. My hair would stay smooth until I rinsed it out.
For wasnt a was technique and a tool...

First, I have to COMPLETELY DETANGLE my hair BY SECTION before I even think about getting it into a pony. I cant skip this step and expect a smooth result :nono:

Second, my ponytail's best friend is my beloved DENMAN BRUSH :grin: I cant do a ponytail without it. It is my key to smooth even ponytails in spite of my super thick and ultra coiled crown. I believe I have the D4 with seven rows.

I do agree with the Fantasia gel...I usually use a little only on my edges for that completely smooth effect...but if I do the first two steps...that third is only a bonus not a requisite.

I’m not natural, but I am transitioning now. I think the advice is great, but my guess is that the texture of your hair also plays a role in how well it “lays flat” 3a/b/c hair can probably easily be slicked back, but I’m not as sure about 4a/b, especially 4b/c/d whatever!
For wasnt a was technique and a tool...
First, I have to COMPLETELY DETANGLE my hair BY SECTION before I even think about getting it into a pony. I cant skip this step and expect a smooth result :nono:

I think thats the key. Combing or brushing the gel through my hair makes it easier to get it to stay down. The comb will glide right through if it's wet or has gel through it. It I don't do it this way, once it's totally dry it will be uneven. If I'm wearing my phony pony it doesn't really matter bc it'll be on top of my head and the curls will hide it if it's not slicked up perfectly. But for a bun or a low ponytail it has to be completely flat and smooth.

To the OP - I'm glad you found something that worked for you.
Thanks ladies....I wanted to check with you first before I went to the BSS, which I'm about to do now. In using these gels, can I use them everyday without having any damaging effects or are these just for once in a while?
I do but I wash it out everyday. I never let gel sit on my hair overnight. I feel like it dries it out, I don't know for sure I just feel that way since I went natural. So I use the ic GELS BOTH BLUE AND BROWN AND YES THEY WORK WONDERS SLICKING YOUR HAIR BACK AND YOU CAN PUT IT ON AND SIT UNDER THE DRYER FOR A LONG TERM AFFECT ATLEAST A COUPLE OF DAYS.sorry about the caps cut my finger badly and it slips
I only slick it back when wet/damp. I detangle really well in the shower, put in my leave-in and decide which products I'm going to use from there.

I get good results using avocado butter and a thin film of gel along the edges.

I also get good results using TIGI Control Freak Serum throughout and then putting a little gel along the edges since the serum gives great shine and definition, but doesn't control the frizzies all day. I've been using the brown gel by Elasta QP, it's called Elucent.

Both combos work great. I've been feeling frumpy lately since I have been wearing a bun for several weeks, but I was at CVS the other day and the cashier asked me if my hair was real. Mind you, it was in a small bun so I'm guessing she was asking if the texture was natural or by way of chemicals. When I told her it was natural she just stared for a moment and replied that it was beautiful.
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Okay...I am so tired of doing twists and twistouts. My hair has grown and I can finally fit it into a ponytail. I read the other threads about smoothing down the edges but what about the top of my head. The crown of my head is very thick, lacks curl definition. When wet lays down but when dry it starts to puff back up. I want to do protective styling by slicking my hair back into a ponytail and covering with a drawstring 'phonypony.'
1. What can I use to help my hair lay down on the crown of my head? (please don't say the scarf cause I need more help than that---that part of my hair is just not long enough to fit into the ponytail)

2. Would mousse help or would it damage my hair with it's drying effects?
3. What can I use to accentuate my ringlets on the days I do not wear my phonypony? Jessie's Rockin ringlets?

I don't wear my hair in this style too often because of the puff factor. To get it to work successfully for me, I have to apply IC fantasia gel or SCurl gel to wet hair and smooth it back with a brush.
Cosigning with the IC fantasia gel. I use this and my hair does not move and it looks shiny all day. I also heard that Aveda Anti-humectant pomade works well and it does not leave your hair stiff. I am thinking of trying this in the near future.
For wasnt a was technique and a tool...

First, I have to COMPLETELY DETANGLE my hair BY SECTION before I even think about getting it into a pony. I cant skip this step and expect a smooth result :nono:

Second, my ponytail's best friend is my beloved DENMAN BRUSH :grin: I cant do a ponytail without it. It is my key to smooth even ponytails in spite of my super thick and ultra coiled crown. I believe I have the D4 with seven rows.
...but if I do the first two steps...that third is only a bonus not a requisite.

Girl, thats what I do all the way! My hair laughs at a ponytail that hasnt been detangled thru and thru with my Denman. I do that and slick her back with some of my Elasta EQ Eulance Brown Gel and it works great!