I used NTM Silk Touch leave in cream for my wrap=fab!


New Member
And it only took a couple small dabs here and there!

I bought this weeks ago and couldnt figure out what to do with it, so when I was wrapping last night, my eye went to it and I said, "what the hey!" My hair was a little poofy last night, as in not as flat as i wanted it (I'd blown it out after touchup, had nice body tho) I took my wrap down and my hair looked and felt good, and it was blinging with shine...(I dont recall the bottle saying shine, so it must have been the ORS Olive Oil Lotion) and it wasn't pancake flat either.

This stuff is water based so a little dab will do ya here and there, about pea sized amounts.

But of course, it was rainy here in NYC and I went out and by the time I reached the subway, it was a lil' puffed out from the humidity, not that much, even though I was careful to wrap my scarf on my head, Marilyn Monroe Style (lol, or Little read riding hood, :lol: )

Can't help the weather, but it looked great...i found a use for this NTM silk touch, now I'm a fan of this!!

Congratulation on your NTM success! :up: I'm still using mine the way Silver2 shared, on my dry hair and promptly putting a scarf over my head. It's pretty good stuff.
I rekindle my friendship with NTM. It works wonder my new growth, so soft and managable, it is definitely back in my hair rotation.
cocowhite said:
I rekindle my friendship with NTM. It works wonder my new growth, so soft and managable, it is definitely back in my hair rotation.

Yes, for some reason Neutrogena Triple Moisture products remain in my hair stash - Love them all ! The silk touch leave-in cream is a wonder for my new growth too :)
I just went and bought this last week and it did help with all the newgrowth I had. I couldnt even comb through it but this made it more manageable and does the job. I'd recommend this for anyone who wants a lightweight leave in that inexpensive.