I took the plunge and BKTed


Well-Known Member
I just have to rave. I've been seeing all these results with BKT and sitting back and thinking I will never try it, but then a bug hit me and before I could think myself out of it I bought it and when the product came I couldn't just not use it. My main reason for bkting is shine.

Well I am definitely in love and will be using BKT for now on. I may even stop using relaxers. I didn't get the blinging shine everyone else has gotten, but that could be because my flat iron was being janky. It only heats up to 410 and it's not a constant heat. I will be getting a new one for my next BKT. Also it seems like the people who have done multiple treatments have the most shine, so maybe it takes a couple of treatments.

The benefits of my BKT is more than appearance. It's the way my hair feels. My hair is soft and silky and tangle free. No matter how my hair looked nice when I flat iron before it was never as soft and silky and tangles I had accepted. Minutes after flat ironing my hair would tangle. My ends did this weird curling thing where they curled over unto themselves and tangled. I was going to just do 1 or 2 inch trim, but I waited for Bkt. My ends are straight now. I am so in love with my hair again!

My process. I am not a by the directions girl. Ok so you are suppose to wear gloves. I put my gloves on, but I wanted to feel the product, so I took them off. My hands were really dry for 2 days, but they are back to normal now. I will use gloves next time. I uses 2.4 oz of Bkt, but I think that was mostly because I used too much. I was really saturating my hair with it until it was wet. I think I can make it with less product.

I didn't have a good clarifier. I used Nexxus Kelate Purifying Shampoo for the first wash and then went back with ORS Aloe Shampoo. The naked blow dry was my fear. I just blew it with no comb and used my fingers. I applied the BKT and blow dried with a comb and flat ironed. My hair usually gets straight in one or two passes. So I only did two passes and the hair was straight. Ok on to the pictures.


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I did my first wash 3 days later. This is my hair air dried. I let it hand until 50% dry and then just through on a bonnet and went to bed. It would have dried straighter if I had tried. This is also a perk I want from the BKT a straighter air dry. I tried to take some pics in the sun so you all could see my pitiful shine, lol.




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Stunningly gorgeous hair, Leona. Thanks for posting. I especially love the pic where your hair is 'draped' over your hand. *Sigh*
Your hair is just breathtaking! You did a great job for your 1st time out w/BKT.

Thanks!!! I can't wait to try again, lol. The fumes made my eyes water a little, but I did do it in my bathroom without a fan. I will have a better process next time.
I did my first wash 3 days later. This is my hair air dried. I let it hand until 50% dry and then just through on a bonnet and went to bed. It would have dried straighter if I had tried. This is also a perk I want from the BKT a straighter air dry. I tried to take some pics in the sun so you all could see my pitiful shine, lol.
Looks good.
Thanks!!! I can't wait to try again, lol. The fumes made my eyes water a little, but I did do it in my bathroom without a fan. I will have a better process next time.
That's how I do mine and my eyes water a lot. What brand did you use?
Ok please don't stone me, I have absolutely no idea what a BKT is, I've seen the threads I never go in. I came in here cuz I thought you may have pix and I love your hair.:grin: I'm looking at your pix and I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for, but your last 2 photos are GORGEOUS:shocked: :notworthy .
Your hair is very, very beautiful and I absolutely love the color:drunk:!! You do have lots of shine especially in the sunlight. How long did the process take? Thanks for sharing.
I don't understand why relaxed ladies BKT. Their hair is already strait. Your does look great. OP. I'm just trying to understand why a relaxed person would do this. Is this considered a double process?
Excellent results for your 1st try..... Which BKT did you use? I'm glad you're happy with your treatment. BKT is the bomb!!!!!
Oh my goodness!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :notworthy

I don't understand why relaxed ladies BKT. Their hair is already strait. Your does look great. OP. I'm just trying to understand why a relaxed person would do this.

I think this is the biggest misconception about BKT. The primary benefit of BKT is not straight hair. BKT provides silkier, tangle free, more manageable (and in my case) stronger hair with great shine and swang.

ETA: AND relaxed and texlaxed ladies can receive bone straight results with a coating that adds an additional layer of protection if they have porosity issues and such. Not to mention relaxed ladies can use BKT to stretch with ease.

Is this considered a double process?

Nope, it's not a double process. The BKT product, itself does not contain a chemical that "processes". That's why there is never any need to "neutralize" or stop the "process".
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Your hair came out nice, love the length! You really shouldn't refer to your hair as "pitiful" though

Are you going to stick to BKT and not relax anymore?