I thought this was a forum for women to...

Personally I loved the color--- you wear it well. I like how you had the color change in the front so we can see the new growth clear as day I thought that was great, I am glad you deleted the comment because I wouldn't want to deal with that person had a I read that comment. Its depressing knowing that woman on here would say that and now you know who it is that makes it worst. That makes it harder for people like me to want to put my picture out there and the changes. I dont' even look like my picture anymore but I dont' want to put any more out there right now. private PW is best.
You and all the women on this forum who take the time to create photo journals for all to see are my heroes:) . The beauty of LHCF is that all types of hair are welcome and celebrated. I color my hair black, it's not for everybody but it matches what used to be my original color as a child:lol: . I love to see all the variety and knowing that you have gained length while bleaching destroys the myth that all hair color damages hair.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for sharing your hair journey!!!
:eek: Are you kidding me???

If you don't like someone's hair, DON'T SAY ANYTHING. If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING. How about that??? Sheesh! The nerve of some people. YOU have to wear it, so if YOU like it, that's all that matters. That person needs to get a life and get off this board! I see why people lock their fotki's and/or don't allow people to post comments. That was rude, ignorant, childish...just plain WACK.

This kind of foolishness just makes me ill.
You should make your hair alubm comments accessible only to people who have fotki accounts so that you can monitor who is making comments in your album.
I am so sorry to hear this – it is awful. I don’t understand why some people are like this. I am not sure why some people equate sharing their opinion with being mean. – Especially when no one asked them for it.

Sylver – ditto on what so many ladies here said: your fotki was such an inspiration to me … the fact that it was possible to grow my hair, your product suggestions (Yes I am a NTM convert), and of course your scarf method. I also live in the metro Wash D.C. area – so I was so surprised and disappointed to see it closed especially since I didn’t know why.

this is sad :(:(
Sistaslick said:
awww . . . see thats exactly why mine is and shall remain on lock.:ohwell: I'm sorry you had to endure that girl-- it really is a hurtful feeling. In albums we chronicle the good with the bad and some people take the opportunity to remind you how bad the bad is. (Or what they think the bad is) I'm not saying all comments should peachy and perfect, but people should treat others as they would want to be treated and use a little tact. Especially with people who have the courage to share their albums freely w/o password protection. Its like people get particularly bold when your album is open like that.:ohwell:
Hey...I can't let something like that make me close down my fotki. I opened that to share and learn.....
OK...so I know there's at least 1 person who doesn't like my COLOR!!!:grin:
msportugal said:
i'm late but: oh no i feel responsible i think you turned on comments after my pm
oh well shake off the hater she probably has broke of hair with horrible ends and even if her hair is healthy her attitude is stank

Hon...the only thing I blame you for is being a great person!!!!!!!!!:D
I can take a little poo pooing... Speak of stank (going to put on the MTG>........):ohwell:
qtgirl said:
You should make your hair alubm comments accessible only to people who have fotki accounts so that you can monitor who is making comments in your album.
I agree, so that way there will be no misunderstandings of who is posting what in your album.
I will share a piece of advice my brother gave to me....
"Baby girl in this world there are a**holes and there are a**holes. How do you deal with them???????? Don't."

She has to be a miserable person to try to inject venom like that.
byrdmail said:
I agree. If that person does not think your hair color flatters you, then she could have said it with a bit more tact (or she could have kept her comments to herself). This forum is about encouragement and inspiration...and not about trying tear people or "black women" down with ugly comments. If this person can't provide constructive criticism then, maybe she needs to find another fourm.

I just had a discussion with my best friend about this recently. I love LHCF but I never realize how trifling and ignorant some women can be and for some reason it seems so prevalent among black women (which attribute to personal issues, low self-esteem, and a lack of trust. I call it part of teh crabs in teh barrel syndrome.). There are some people who I think it would hurt if they came out with one positive thing out of there mouth! Again, in many cases, it displays some really strong self-esteem issues when you can't give a compliment or at least constructive criticism to somebody.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
OK I went visual!!!!!

ILuvsmuhgrass said:
I will share a piece of advice my brother gave to me....
"Baby girl in this world there are a**holes and there are a**holes. How do you deal with them???????? Don't."

She has to be a miserable person to try to inject venom like that.
CookieLAD said:
I agree!

PS Wish I could rock me some blonde hair...tried it once and all that mess fell out! :lol:

Girl!!! Trust me...if I put any other process in my hair...IT WOULD ALL BE ON THE FLOOR!
czyfaith77 said:
I just had a discussion with my best friend about this recently. I love LHCF but I never realize how trifling and ignorant some women can be and for some reason it seems so prevalent among black women (which attribute to personal issues, low self-esteem, and a lack of trust. I call it part of teh crabs in teh barrel syndrome.). There are some people who I think it would hurt if they came out with one positive thing out of there mouth! Again, in many cases, it displays some really strong self-esteem issues when you can't give a compliment or at least constructive criticism to somebody.

All I can do is wish her Happiest of Hair growing!!!
Comments like the one that was sent to you remind me that even though I joined this forum to get help and encouragement on growing a healthy head of hair I need to be just as focused on growing and maintaining a healthy and loving attitude towards others because that is what truly makes us beautiful. Brownsugar your is lovely hair and the way that you handled this situation lets me know you have a lovely attitude as well.
God Bless
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gradygirl said:
Comments like the one that was sent to you remind me that even though I joined this forum to get help and encouragement on growing a healthy head of hair I need to be just as focused on growing and maintaining a healthy and loving attitude towards others because that is what truly makes us beautiful. Brownsugar your is lovely hair and the way that you handled this situation lets me know you have a lovely attitude as well.
God Bless
Thank you kindly..but trust me...if you run up on the back of my heel in the store with a grocery cart.....I MAY not be as gracious!!!!!
Comments like these makes me want to password protect my album. I think I may need to do this soon!


I think you handled this very well!! You exemplify great Christian character and I know firsthand that it is not always easy to show kindess and love to someone who doesn't give it to you. For what it's worth that color is beautiful on you! We are all beautiful here and our uniqueness and differences are what makes this a great forum. Continue to see yourself as God sees you and that's fearfully and wonderfully made! God is so marevelous in that there's no one else on this earth made like you and no one can beat you at being you! So, do you girl!