I think I need to leave the forum for a bit...

I understand - I'm taking a break too mainly b/c I can't even figure out if I got anything out of this other than seeing a bunch of people do 50 million things to get what I consider already long hair even longer.

I feel the same way; whenever I see somebody with MBL and I go to their Fotki and they had APL hair to begin with, I'm like "what??" and I get frustrated, so I have to take breaks; I just came back from a 6 week "break" (I'm using the term loosely) and I found out that I just need to let my hair be, keep it simple, and find something else to tune all this energy into, like my studies and my health...because my and Jesus already prety tight!
T it's ok and good luck, hopefully you'll be back to chime in in the future when you're ready.

I know how you feel, I posted about something really personal a week ago - that I think my hair obsession is turning into a hair anorexia of sorts. I worry because for years I suffered from eating disorders before embracing myself and becoming healthy. This sort of thing can become the same thing and I noticed the signs right away. I HAD TO STEP BACK. I'm posting less here, I'm limiting my time on the boards and really listening to my hair and sticking to my reggie. I'm not so much a product junkie so that helps, but I have indeed spent a pretty penny on products up to this point. I've simplified EVERYTHING over the past few months and I am doing a lot better though now that I'm not posting as much and researching and making myself crazy basically.

Do what you need, lurk if you want a quick fix, but just take a step back and then once things are calm, you can decide what's best for you!

Rox. :flowers:
I think we all take a break from here every now and then. Some of us quit LHCF all together and others just visit the other forums. Do what's best for you.
Yes, I agree. The obsession only lasts until you have found a sensible, low key regimen :yep:

I spend almost nothing on my hair and I never jump on any bandwagons. Sure, I'll try something once or twice, but I always go back to my usual regimen. All I need is a conditioner and some oil, if it came down to the nitty gritty. (Don't get me wrong, I use other stuff as well, but it's not really necessary.)

Ladies, we don't need to spend anything on our hair, more than we usually do. It's not really in the products, it's in the overall handling of your hair.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do :)

You just summed it up :yep:
That was a great post. I definitely identify with alot of what you wrote. God bless you and good luck in everything that you do. Sometimes all we need is a bit of perspective.
I agree with you totally ... I'm becoming one of those obsessed people too! I said earlier in another thread - before I started really "caring" about my hair it was thriving on it's own ... now I think I've done more harm than good in trying to keep up and trying different shampoos, conditioners, leave-ins, etc./techniques. This is really addictive. I've spent so much money in hair products/accessories and salon quality equipment over the past eight months that it ain't funny. Gook Luck with your new journey ... back to the basics. Sounds good to me.

Kudos to you for recognizing what is best for you, what is really important. I really admire your honesty and ability to take action. It's too easy to put an unhealthy focus on really trivial issues like hair length landmarks, counting shed hairs etc.. I wish you the best, and remember you can still have the length you want regardless.:yep:

Good luck to you. I sometimes have the very same feels that you expressed, you are not alone. I think it is the fact that I have learned so much more that is not even related to hair that keeps me here.

ALSO: I don't know if anyone else has asked but did you consider giving your products away instead or throwing them out. I for one would love to put them to use. :yep:Please let me know if they are already gone.
Wow, I thought I was the only one feeling that way lately... that's exactly why I don't post as much anymore, along with the fact that it just seems to be the same thing all the time and the vibe isn't always the best... Good luck to you, I'm sure you have all the tools you need to complete your journey in your own time. :wave:
Yeah this broad is good and all but it can take up much of you time. I've found that I'm thinking about my hair more then I think about anything else. I've been on this broad hours at a time not realizing it LOL:lachen: If you feel like you need a break then do so, but that doesnt mean that you can't be a strong black women with short ( averge length )hair. Some of us to get to caught up on hair care. Taking it too seriously, even bashing oneanother for not agreeing on hair care tips, hair types and pictures!! I was thinking about this today in abnormal psy class I spend too much time on my hair not on my studies, Body, Health etc. Most importantly my relationship with God. I know he much be disappointed that I'm willing to stay on this site for hours on end but not will to study the bible and become a better christian. I hope you find what you need. God bless you Hun *muah*

ITA WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAID! I am trying to stregthen my relationship with God and alli can think about if hair, i be in church DIAGNOSING PEOPLE'S HAIR in my head, or thinking bout mine like "hmm i think im going to try this moisturizer". I make myself sick :sad::nono:.
I know the feeling. It easy to become obsessed with your hair when you're on the hair boards and you see others with beautiful, long, thick, lucious hair and you are not at your goal yet. It's easy to become a PJ because some tries a product and it gets mad raves making you want to try the product and so on. I sometimes stress over my hair b/c I feel like I've been on this board for a long time for me not to be at least APL....... and then you see people who've onlt been on here for 3-6 months and their hair is longer and it looks better than yours:wallbash: Let's just say I've had some set backs and I hope i don't have anymore:grin:

Maybe you can cut back on the time you spend in the haircare section and you can spend time in some others like Off Topic, Book, Entertainment, Recipe, etc

About those products you're throwing away.......maybe you can sell them here or just give them away(hint,hint):grin: Megatek wouldn't happen to be one of them, would it?:grin:
See u when u come back- by then you'll have a nice stable reggie and every bandwagon will be just that to you. Just keep waving to those on them :wave:

ETA: You're giving stuff away? :sekret: Ok really this hair care thing is a scam- don't worry about shipping to the UK I have an address in the US u can send stuff to look out for my PM
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I feel you OP! Do you.....even going to the other forums sometimes does not help. Some women on here have such low self esteem that their questions just put me in a funk much less the responses.

I love my hair and I do very little to it now. I do not do bandwagons because my hair grew without them and because at lot of them are expensive to maintain. My hair just flows and I enjoy it everyday.

I appreciate what i have learned on this board in terms of tips and techniques. I also love the inspiration. I was almost to this length before LHCF and I cut it because I did not know how to handle it. Now I know that I can manage it at this length and longer.

Good luck to you in your journey!