I think my satin pillowcase is evil...


Well-Known Member
lol so i got a satin pillowcase a while back and i've been sleeping on it every night... and i fell in love:infatuated:!!!... this is the first time i've ever been able to achieve 2nd day hair... but my hair growth is kind of stuck right now and i blame it on this d*mn pillowcase... every night i think to myself now you know you need to wrap that hair up and baggy... but then the pillow case says "no! you don't need all that... just come and rest your locks upon me... it's so much faster no need for all those time consuming steps... and you won't even have to cowash in the morning... think of all the extra Zs you'll be able to catch:evillaugh:"... she's evil i tell you:angeldevi:lachen:... i sleep with my hair out and i'm afraid the friction is damaging then i wake up and skip the cowash... the result is dry , dull hair:wallbash:... but night after night she taunts me with the idea of being lazy and just going to sleep!:seesaw:... i think i'm gonna have to let her go... i'll never get back on my routine with that B in the house!

am i alone here or does the satin pillowcase lead anyone else to laziness? and is the friction bad for my hair?
I don't know about all of that - my satin pillowcase just gives me the willies. I loved it because I would be lazy but then after a while it made my skin crawl...

Ditch it.
:eek: What a b!tch!

Hud that trick out :hardslap:

Then kick her triflin arse to the curb! :flush:

This is too funny! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I bought a satin pillowcase when i was relaxed and it had to go. Whenever I woke up the pillow was on the other side of the bed :perplexed and my hair was a mess. *sighs* i gets no love :nono:
beautiful hair ladie :grin:

but ditch it i actually have a satin cap
its suppose to make ur hair grow as it says :rolleyes: but it really prevents breakage which might make it grow:yep:

id ditch it
That title made laugh....silk or not these days I have been so busy that I am getting lazy put on my scarf. So if you know you are not getting out of the house later once you get home I suggest you wash off you make up moisturise your face and hair:grin: before doing much else then prepare your dinner with a scarf on your head. Because I usually find that once I eat and get myself relax after a hard day the last thing I want is to be creaming up my hair....this means once you lye down you can snooze off if you like without a care about the silk pillow as your scarf is sorted!:grin: (Well it helps me most times...)