I Think My Abstinence is Causing a Strain on My 2 Year Relationship :(

OP, how can you enter into a relationship knowing you are going to get married?

What do you want for your life? What has the Lord told you directly were His plans for your life pertaining to marriage? How do you know it is the will of God for you to marry in the first place? Do you want to be married to a holy man of God who will lead and guide you and your family and be the first example of Christ in your household or do you want to marry your boyfriend? The two are totally different things. Just because the two of you are Christians does not mean that it's the will of God for you to marry him.

You two seem to have chosen each other without actually asking God if it is His will for you to marry this particular man. I find that most Christian women refuse out of fear to just say," Lord, I love him and want Him but what do YOU want me to do? Is it ok with you for me to date this man? Is it ok with you for me to enter into a relationship with this man? What is YOUR will for me pertaining to this man?" Most pray, "Lord if you don't want me to be with Him end it OR Lord if you don't want us to be together, take away my desire for Him." He will do neither. Our will will be done on earth not the Lord's. That's why Jesus said we are to pray for His will to be done because it's not, we have to will (allow) His will to be done in our lives. So when He doesn't remove the man or the feelings.......... we use that as the reason to continue in a relationship that may not meet His approval. He will not go against our will.

Most sisters find a man on their own and are surprised at how hard the relationship is. The blessings of the Lord have no sorrow added to it. You are stuggling with a man who isn't even your fiance' let alone your husband. Maybe God is trying to ask you some questions and bring up a talk between you and Jesus that is two years over due. The delay in even an engagment to this man may not be because of the reasons you think. It may be the Lord trying to prevent a potential disaster.