I Think MTG is giving me extra newgrowth!! Got Pics!!


New Cut for '09
Here's the deal. I gave myself a virgin relaxer on 03/18/05. I've been using MTG on my scalp and hair and washing and conditioning, about twice a week. My hair grows faster in the crown and back(with the exception of the nape area) as u can see. Anyway I'm happy yet afriad that I won't be able to manage my newgrowth since I haven't relaxed in years. BTW, is any of you knowledgeable ladies out there have tips on new growth management please,please help a sista out. TIA

That is excellent :p Of course I am happy to hear this because I am on this MTG mission as well, Ive only been using for 1 week though. Just keep it growing girl.
:eek: Looking good girl. I see lots of new growth. Keep your head up and keep up the good job:clap: . As for the new growth management tips, I suggest that you do co washes, use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, deep conditioner, keep your new growth as moisturized as possible with lots of oils and S- curl/ world of curls. I currently have 2 months of new growth and on Sunday I got really frustrated with my new growth because it became so thick and I couldn't part my hair to plait my hair up. So I reached for my World of curls and applied it to my new growth. Girl I was so happy and relieved that I could actually comb through my hair with ease. It made my hair so soft, moisturized and it just melted in my new growth. But be very careful it can get very greasy but I love it regardless because it prevents my ends from breaking.
Thanks Jamiette for the encouragement. Thanks so much for the tips Classy, I'm going to try the world of curls on my new growth. My new growth grows outward so my hair looks really high. When my coworker saw me the other day, she said,"Whoa you got a afro under there". I want it to lay down. Thanks again.
Well grow on girl! :antlers: I definately see growth. Have you been using MTG since your last relaxer on 3/18/2005, or have you been using it for a shorter amount of time? Whatever the case, keep up the good haircare! :)
That is some new growth for ya! how long have you been using the MTG???? DO TELL!!
Bmm said:
That is some new growth for ya! how long have you been using the MTG???? DO TELL!!

I've been using for about a month. I use my scalp and hair after I wash and condition. I'll say about 2 to 3 times a week.