I think I need to leave the forum for a bit...


I've enjoyed being on this forum. I've enjoyed all the comments you ladies have made, the inspirations, the help and advice; it has all helped me achieve one of the many things I wanted to do. I just think it's best for me to take all the knowledge I know, use it, and take a break from hair care.

This board proved to me that I am obsessed about my hair and that it's a problem that needs to be addressed. It's one thing to have a hobby or favorite thing to do, it's another when it consumes everything about you. I've wasted money on trying to keep up with regimes, and that's my own fault. I am now throwing all the products and elixirs away and going the basic route. Since we all can agree that less manipulation = more hair, then I think leaving the forum can will allow me to get past the hair drama and it could, in turn, be better for the hair. For me, being here so much isn't exactly healthy.

I'm not leaving in a bitter manner. I understand that this forum was designed partly to help ladies defeat the negative stereotype that women of color cannot grow hair long, and I think that's great. But I feel that I'm doing nothing more than reinforcing another stereotype that all black women care about is our hair.

Sometimes, I just want to "let my hair down", and not being so bent about proving someone wrong. By the time I grow my hair to my waist, that person that stereotyped me will have forgotten what they said and moved on with their life. I realize that I need to move on with mine. I just know that those that judge me do not control me and I can't believe I let my hair care get so far as to make a political/ethical statement. Shame on me.

This obsession about hair I've developed proved what people said/think about me has controled the person I am. Only if I ignored what people said about black women and our hair, I wouldn't be spending so much time and money to try to prove them wrong. I'm not obligated to prove this. If my hair's long, it's long; if it's not, then it's not. I wont cry over it because I'm not the only person on earth that's ever had a split end. I want to give this a rest, stick with the basic stuff I know and step back from trying to find the "secret" to growing long hair. You ladies have already proven this possible for me, so I've realized that I need to chill. So thanks ladies for all your help and support :)
You'll be back :grin: I was gone for for years and I came back. Just kidding. Good luck on your journey.
Totally understand where u r coming from...good luck on your new journey,feel free to come back...god bless and remember to moisturize,protect,no tirms and stretch:yep: HHG
Good luck T and you know many know where you are coming from. Actually many ladies have done the same thing you are doing.

The board can be too much sometimes. It can make you get "too serious" about hair when there are so many other things that you could (and in many cases should) use that energy on.

If you take a break and come back you know LHCF will always have open arms. It has for me when I have taken breaks.
Do whatever is best for you. I suggest you don't actually throw away your products though, maybe there's a women's shelter near by that could use them :yep:
I understand you too.

And I keep it simple too. I am so glad that I didn't try to get caught up the different hypes (it's too much to try everything). I think you are doing the right thing cause that's what's best for YOU and what is in your heart.

God bless you, and keep growing (in every way).
Gurl, I know how you feel I went through this back when I first started on here in 06 and also in Dec of 07. Back in 2006 I just took a break because I had a setback and just got frustrated. Yet last Dec I took a break because I could see myself falling into the various bandwagons and really starting to exceed my own limitations as far as financially. So I set out to take a month away from here just to gain my own wits. Unfortunately I fell short of my goal and only lasted two weeks. However, within those two weeks I completely simplified my regimen and made myself stick with the basics. So the break did help a little bit.

So yeah all that to say do what you have to do sista. LHCF will be here if and when you decide to come back. However, this whole process is about finding your own personal route along the journey.
Yeah this broad is good and all but it can take up much of you time. I've found that I'm thinking about my hair more then I think about anything else. I've been on this broad hours at a time not realizing it LOL:lachen: If you feel like you need a break then do so, but that doesnt mean that you can't be a strong black women with short ( averge length )hair. Some of us to get to caught up on hair care. Taking it too seriously, even bashing oneanother for not agreeing on hair care tips, hair types and pictures!! I was thinking about this today in abnormal psy class I spend too much time on my hair not on my studies, Body, Health etc. Most importantly my relationship with God. I know he much be disappointed that I'm willing to stay on this site for hours on end but not will to study the bible and become a better christian. I hope you find what you need. God bless you Hun *muah*
That was a good post, puts things into perspective for me as well...I just got back from a long break and in August I have already planned a long break because I'm transitioning to a new place. We'll see you when you come back!:grin:
Yeah this broad is good and all but it can take up much of you time. I've found that I'm thinking about my hair more then I think about anything else. I've been on this broad hours at a time not realizing it LOL:lachen: If you feel like you need a break then do so, but that doesnt mean that you can't be a strong black women with short ( averge length )hair. Some of us to get to caught up on hair care. Taking it too seriously, even bashing oneanother for not agreeing on hair care tips, hair types and pictures!! I was thinking about this today in abnormal psy class I spend too much time on my hair not on my studies, Body, Health etc. Most importantly my relationship with God. I know he much be disappointed that I'm willing to stay on this site for hours on end but not will to study the bible and become a better christian. I hope you find what you need. God bless you Hun *muah*

Yep, when I start getting to serious, I go somewhere and write my priorities. God comes first, and as many people have tried to point out to others, my body and health should take precedence over my hair...
You know what, you are right about it. I'm glad you could move past your hair, hair, hair, hair.

As for me, I enjoy the board on another tip. I feel like its family here on this site. At first I came here to get help about my hair and I found a wealth of knowledge. Too much knowledge where I wanted to purchase every hair product that was hyped and try every tip that was reassured by the girls.:yep:

But then, after I calmed down a bit (just a bit...lol :rolleyes:) I now frequent the other discussion topics more often than the haircare.

I personally just like the "feel" on this site. There's no other place I've been (thats not in cyberspace) that a bunch of women of color can just sit back, relax and share knowledge, chat, and debate different topics. I LOVE IT!!!

But if your main reason for frequenting this site was haircare, I can DEFINITELY see how a person can get obsessive and I totally understand your reasoning.

Take care hun, and enjoy your other journeys in life.

I was like that too when I first joined hairboards. I would stay on them for hours at a time. I see you're kinda new, so I think it'll subside after a while. I still come on pretty often, but Ive moved on to the "makeup and skincare section". Its my favorite now. I hardly ever visit the hair care tips anymore. Oh well. Trust me, you'll be fine, sweetie.
:ignore: I can't hear u. No, You cant leave. you're just going through

some things and you're temporarily :nuts:.....Im, just messin with ya, lol.

I sho understand. It's so hard NOT to be addicted to/obsessed with LHCF. I know Im addicted (but Im okay with that :rolleyes:). Keepin things simple will definitely allow you more time in other areas of your life. You're doing what's best for you and you certainly have the haircare dos and donts down to help you continue... so fly Butterfly. Be free. ....If you come back, then we'll know it's meant to be.
I've enjoyed being on this forum. I've enjoyed all the comments you ladies have made, the inspirations, the help and advice; it has all helped me achieve one of the many things I wanted to do. I just think it's best for me to take all the knowledge I know, use it, and take a break from hair care.

This board proved to me that I am obsessed about my hair and that it's a problem that needs to be addressed. It's one thing to have a hobby or favorite thing to do, it's another when it consumes everything about you. I've wasted money on trying to keep up with regimes, and that's my own fault. I am now throwing all the products and elixirs away and going the basic route. Since we all can agree that less manipulation = more hair, then I think leaving the forum can will allow me to get past the hair drama and it could, in turn, be better for the hair. For me, being here so much isn't exactly healthy.

I'm not leaving in a bitter manner. I understand that this forum was designed partly to help ladies defeat the negative stereotype that women of color cannot grow hair long, and I think that's great. But I feel that I'm doing nothing more than reinforcing another stereotype that all black women care about is our hair.

Sometimes, I just want to "let my hair down", and not being so bent about proving someone wrong. By the time I grow my hair to my waist, that person that stereotyped me will have forgotten what they said and moved on with their life. I realize that I need to move on with mine. I just know that those that judge me do not control me and I can't believe I let my hair care get so far as to make a political/ethical statement. Shame on me.

This obsession about hair I've developed proved what people said/think about me has controled the person I am. Only if I ignored what people said about black women and our hair, I wouldn't be spending so much time and money to try to prove them wrong. I'm not obligated to prove this. If my hair's long, it's long; if it's not, then it's not. I wont cry over it because I'm not the only person on earth that's ever had a split end. I want to give this a rest, stick with the basic stuff I know and step back from trying to find the "secret" to growing long hair. You ladies have already proven this possible for me, so I've realized that I need to chill. So thanks ladies for all your help and support :)
I totally feel you girl. The board can take up a lot of your time, especially the other forums. I have tried to leave for a while but I never can seem to. I hope you do much better than me in that regard and I wish you the best! You know LHCF will be here if/when you decide to come back!
I understand - I'm taking a break too mainly b/c I can't even figure out if I got anything out of this other than seeing a bunch of people do 50 million things to get what I consider already long hair even longer.
I know how you feel. I made a thread about this yesterday that I'm too obsessed over my hair. I need to just forget about it and let it grow. And focus on other important things in my life.
I totally know where you are coming from, I have had to smack myself a couple of times for coming to the forum when I have an assignment or somethhing....:perplexed....But take your time and enjoy your hair as you do it!
That was an awesome post! And I do understand where you're coming from too. But whatever you decide to do, good luck in your journey and hopefully you'll be back. But only when you decide you're good and ready to come back. Hugssssss!!
Just come to off topic :look:
uh yeah thats what I do:lachen::lachen:, No seriously. good luck in whatever you decided to do. I totally understand. I had to step back too after I seen that I have spent over 2,000.00 on hair products and getting ready to spend 350 on some more. but I am not obessed about my hair anymore. I am okay with the slow growth. I just decided to do one more thing and that was ovations and thats it. so far nothing else has really worked and its long enough to put in a ponytail and thats important to me so I can wait it out. good luck and hope you come back soon.
uh yeah thats what I do:lachen::lachen:, No seriously. good luck in whatever you decided to do. I totally understand. I had to step back too after I seen that I have spent over 2,000.00 on hair products and getting ready to spend 350 on some more. but I am not obessed about my hair anymore. I am okay with the slow growth. I just decided to do one more thing and that was ovations and thats it. so far nothing else has really worked and its long enough to put in a ponytail and thats important to me so I can wait it out. good luck and hope you come back soon.
I know I spent so much money on products. I already do my regimine kind down packed with the products I know that work for me. Also techniques that work for me. The only new thing I'm going to try next is BT that's it.:lachen:
Good luck girl! I understand where you're coming from. I went through something similar when I was younger. And it's kind of the reason I mainly wear my hair in a ponytail. Eventhough I like it long, I just refuse to be styling my hair all the time.:nono: And the ponytail gives me "no worry" hair throughout the day.

I think it will definitely help you to not think about it so much. Good luck with your hair growing, and keep up the Salsa!!!
I was like that too when I first joined hairboards. I would stay on them for hours at a time. I see you're kinda new, so I think it'll subside after a while. I still come on pretty often, but Ive moved on to the "makeup and skincare section". Its my favorite now. I hardly ever visit the hair care tips anymore. Oh well. Trust me, you'll be fine, sweetie.

Yes, I agree. The obsession only lasts until you have found a sensible, low key regimen :yep:

I spend almost nothing on my hair and I never jump on any bandwagons. Sure, I'll try something once or twice, but I always go back to my usual regimen. All I need is a conditioner and some oil, if it came down to the nitty gritty. (Don't get me wrong, I use other stuff as well, but it's not really necessary.)

Ladies, we don't need to spend anything on our hair, more than we usually do. It's not really in the products, it's in the overall handling of your hair.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do :)
Tenacious! :kiss: Girlie, I feel you 100%. I have an obsessive personality so I know that I need to direct the energy I put into this into other things. I initially started my hair journey 'cause of my unhealthy hair. But chasing length has taken over. I too plan to take a hiatus from the boards soon to concentrate on some other things.

Some of the longest, thickest, healthiest and prettiest heads of hair have the most SIMPLEST regimens, with very few products. So going back to basics is a great idea. Just love your hair, and it will love you back.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Don't leave, just take a break. But if you do leave, good luck ma!