I swear this forum is going to make me live out of a


Well-Known Member
Cardboard box of course with great hair.
I buy too many products all on the simple fact that everybody in this forum is a product Junkie.
I spend all my money on hair care shoots i keep trying new things even though i know that im supposed to stick to one product to see how well it works for me i just simply cant.

I cant stop myself also with my DD's hair i always have to buy a head ban, hair clips and the funny thing is i dont use them because i always braid her hair so can somebody help me please cause i really am going to live out of a cardboard box soon if this dont end oh yeah did i say with great hair lol

So i swear tomorrow is my last buy for at least 3 months. I would love your help ladies to not buy anything Please Please pleas:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::sad::sad::sad:
Me too~~~

I gave away a lot of shampoo and conditioner to my friend as an excuse for me to buy something else....

Today, I am buying some flexi rods so I can learn to set my hair! (I think that is needed, all the more reason to spend money right?)
Girl, 1. focus on what works. Make a list of products you have and what they do. If you have things that work you do not need anything else. 2. Give yourself a reward for not buying new stuff. 3. Take the money that you would have spent and do something nice with your DD. 4. If your DD is old enough tell her to help you not to spend. 5. Find something else to focus on. 6. Set a cash budget. Put dollar bills in an envelope, mark hair on the outside. Once that money is gone, no more hair stuff. Replenish bills weekly or monthly.
Tell one of your family members to go to every BSS in the area you live and tell the owners not to allow you near the place and if they see they can do this :hardslap:and this if you happen to beat down the first guy:catfight:.

I too had noticed an increase of my spending on hair products. As I'm new to lhcf and still figuring out what my staples and reggie will be, I am trying out new things and adding products and procedures to my reggie.

I have had to be tough with myself not to get caught up in trying every single product that someone recommends (it will not necessarily do the same thing for me).

I will stick with a new product until it has finished (unless it is something that my hair and I hate), then I will make my decision as to whether or not I'll be repurchasing and this is based on how well the product worked for me. This also gives the product the time it needs to work for me.

I have a list of the products and procedures I'd like to try and then I work through it as explained above (will probably take a couple of years to get through). If I feel there could be something better out there for my hair, when the trial product is finished I move on to something new

I'm aiming to find the best two of each product( Shampoo, conditioner ect) that works for me which will be my staples and then I can rotate them.

OP: there's a use one buy one challenge going on, maybe you could join?
Make up in your mind not to have more than 1 or 2 products that fall into the same category (ex. shampoos, conditioners, deep conditioner, clarifyers, oils, leave-ins, etc.).

So if you already have already have 2 deep conditioners you can't buy any more until one of them is gone. But if you have zero heat protectants, and someone raves about one on the forum, then you would be okay to consider getting it (after doing some research on it beforehand).

This is what I do and I maintain a reasonable level of products. The only time I have more than 2 of anything is when it comes to my staple products. And that's only b/c I've had things be discontinued or reformulated and I want to have a small stash to tide me over in case I have to start hunting for a replacement.
Cardboard box of course with great hair.
I buy too many products all on the simple fact that everybody in this forum is a product Junkie.
I spend all my money on hair care shoots i keep trying new things even though i know that im supposed to stick to one product to see how well it works for me i just simply cant.

I cant stop myself also with my DD's hair i always have to buy a head ban, hair clips and the funny thing is i dont use them because i always braid her hair so can somebody help me please cause i really am going to live out of a cardboard box soon if this dont end oh yeah did i say with great hair lol

So i swear tomorrow is my last buy for at least 3 months. I would love your help ladies to not buy anything Please Please pleas:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::sad::sad::sad:

Okay....how about I say that if you DO keep this up you'll live out a carboard box with not enough room to store all your favorite products, no place to plug in your laptop so you can update on LHCF or plug in your phone to see if your local BSS has your product on hand before you waste gas driving, and worst of all-NO RUNNING WATER to wash out that nasty product you just thought was gonna be your saving grace....:grin:

My work is done here. :lachen::lachen:
Try to force yourself to pick up another bad habit. I now am addicted to bath and body products and purses. After you've spent a whole paycheck on a designer purse, all of a sudden that $24 of KBB hair milk don't seem so bad LOLOLOL j/k
Cardboard box of course with great hair.
I buy too many products all on the simple fact that everybody in this forum is a product Junkie.
I spend all my money on hair care shoots i keep trying new things even though i know that im supposed to stick to one product to see how well it works for me i just simply cant.

I cant stop myself also with my DD's hair i always have to buy a head ban, hair clips and the funny thing is i dont use them because i always braid her hair so can somebody help me please cause i really am going to live out of a cardboard box soon if this dont end oh yeah did i say with great hair lol

So i swear tomorrow is my last buy for at least 3 months. I would love your help ladies to not buy anything Please Please pleas:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::sad::sad::sad:

Everybody? Nah uh! :nono: I'm not guilty of influencing your crazy shopping coz I am not a PJ. :p

What are you buying and why are you buying it? You don't have to buy stuff coz other people buy it. If what you have is working why do you need more stuff? Shopaholics can get professional help you know. The first step to healing is admitting you have a problem.

OK, I better run coz I see the tomatoes coming :duck:
Girl, 1. focus on what works. Make a list of products you have and what they do. If you have things that work you do not need anything else. 2. Give yourself a reward for not buying new stuff. 3. Take the money that you would have spent and do something nice with your DD. 4. If your DD is old enough tell her to help you not to spend. 5. Find something else to focus on. 6. Set a cash budget. Put dollar bills in an envelope, mark hair on the outside. Once that money is gone, no more hair stuff. Replenish bills weekly or monthly.

This might actually work. I have a huge affinity for handbags. One time I was in Macy's with my stepdaughter, and we were in the handbag section. I picked up a handbag and she asked, "Does that thing about you not buying anymore handbags for the rest of the year still apply (this was my husband's suggestion.)? I put the handbag down while I inwardly rolled my eyes.:rolleyes: KIDS!!!!!