I started an album...


New Member
ok guys... i started an album... it's not so great :-( because I have noooooooo idea what I am doing. I have a lot of pictures on my computer, but I didn't put them in my album because I don't know how to edit out my face. It took alllllllll day for the pics in my album to upload so I just did four pics and called it a day. Is there anyone out there who can help me with yahoo album? :-( I've been trying to up and download all day and my album still sucks.

Copy and paste the link or look in my signature...

Your hair is awesome, and I think I have that bra.

I'd recommend fotki, it has an easy upload tool and it's free, too *until a certain storage limit*

You can take out your face in paint.
Your hair is fabulous!

In order to block out your face, you need to use another program (like Microsoft paint). Open the photo and click on like a shape on the side (an opaque one) then you should be able to go over your face by clicking and holding the mouse button down (I know I am doing a horrible job of describing this). You should be "drawing" a shape and when it gets to the desired size, let go of the mouse button. Voila I hope that was clear enough to help
thanks for the compliments ladies...

I do plan to switch to fokti in a little while. I thought it costs 30 for a year? I plan on switching over pretty soon.

lol i understand you kaddy. i was trying to do that and It wasn't working. i think i was just frustrated. I'll try it again when I get back from work tonight.

Fotki does cost $30/year IF you want the premium account. You can have the regular account for free, but you are just limited with the amount of pics you can post. When you sign onto fotki it gives you the premium first, but after 30 days (i think) if you don't pay it automatically switches you to the regular (or basic) account.

Also, try the pics again, just save it as something else when you save
KAddy said:
Fotki does cost $30/year IF you want the premium account. You can have the regular account for free, but you are just limited with the amount of pics you can post. When you sign onto fotki it gives you the premium first, but after 30 days (i think) if you don't pay it automatically switches you to the regular (or basic) account.

Also, try the pics again, just save it as something else when you save

No. Actually they closed my account after I didn't renew my subscription.
thanks ladies...

Sexy C- girl I lost soooooooooo much hair when I was on accutane. It just officially stopped shedding in handfuls about a week ago. It's funny that no one can tell it has thinned out, but me. It looks soooooooooo thin to me. I can tell when I wear two stranded twists. Before Accutane my twists were THICK no matter how small I made the parts. Now I can see my scalp in between the twists. I'm trying to thicken it back up. It's funny that no one notices it though. I lost at least 5 handfuls of hair in 3 days one time.
oh yea... if anyone is wondering (it looks funny to me) the silver thing jutting out of my lip in one of the pictures is my piercing. lol i have two labret piercings on one side.
lol thanks to you ladies my hair grew past it's usual shoulder/collarbone length.

Ayeshia! your hair is beautiful! I see why someone made that post about you!
Your hair still looks healthy allthough it may have sheaded allot. I'm scared because my hair was thin before I started the accutane and I am on month 4. I recently noticed some sheading I don't know if it's the meds or the surge. Was there anything you did that help minimize the sheading?
Sexy C- I wore individual braids for about 3-4 months. I heard that you shouldn't do that, but it kept me from messing in my hair everyday. Just try to keep manipulation to a minimum. When I took my braids down I usually lose a little quarter size ball of hair, but I combed out 5 big handfuls when I took my braids down. It was a lot, but I think I would have lost a lot more if I didn't braid it up.
babyblue said:
your hair looks so lovely, thick and long. I cant even tell u had a shedding problem.

ahhhhhhhhh babyblue! you are my hair idol! I dreamed of the day you would say my hair was pretty. lol I'm always comparing my hair to yours. your hair is BEAUTIFUL!
bellydancer said:
ahhhhhhhhh babyblue! you are my hair idol! I dreamed of the day you would say my hair was pretty. lol I'm always comparing my hair to yours. your hair is BEAUTIFUL!

thanks ::blushing::. Hurry up and put up some more pics. I think you and me may be long lost hair twins!!!!
candibaby said:

i am resisting the urge to just do the BC right now..

:laugh: So am I !

Your hair looks great bellydancer! It must have been super thick before if you think it's thinner now.

Everyone with natural hair who's posted pics on this board is literally causing me to hide scissors from myself! Since I'm obsessed with having long hair, If I go natural I'll have to do a looooooooooooong transition, but all these healthy natural heads around here are making it difficult for me to keep from chopping!
hey candi and christian- when I transitioned I didn't do the BC. I slowly trimmed it all off over the course of two years. I was afraid of cutting off my hair because the shortest it has ever been was collarbone length.
Hey buddy! :wave: your hair is beautiful-- I finally get to see it after one year of us chatting online! whoo hoo :dance7:
bellydancer said:
hey candi and christian- when I transitioned I didn't do the BC. I slowly trimmed it all off over the course of two years. I was afraid of cutting off my hair because the shortest it has ever been was collarbone length.

thats exactly what i'm doing.. cutting the relaxed ends off little by little to go natural--- starting in April (had to postpone it..). you are TRUE inspiration.. let me save your album to my favorites..
lol has it been a year? dang. it has!! lol i was trying to get you to help me make the album, but you weren't online!
anky said:
Hey buddy! :wave: your hair is beautiful-- I finally get to see it after one year of us chatting online! whoo hoo :dance7:
(happy tears) awwwwwww candibaby. thanks so much. I'm so happy that I truly get to track my progress. On my way to waist length!