I spoke LHCF "language" in PUBLIC!!!

Do you ever slip up and speak LHCF in public?

  • Nope, it strictly a forum thing

    Votes: 46 34.1%
  • Yeah, and it was all good

    Votes: 21 15.6%
  • Yeah and I got the strangest looks

    Votes: 37 27.4%
  • Yeah and I'm spreading the lingo to others!

    Votes: 31 23.0%

  • Total voters
It's strictly a forum thing for me. I sometimes use it with my sis who is also a member here, and my eldest sister who also follows the regimens here but is not a member. That's it.
I do it all the time. I was at a women's conference last week and one of the ladies there had a braidout, I was asking her about what she used and everyting.
I don't "slip" and say these things. They have just become a part of my lexicon. If someone looks confused, I will stop and explain.
Omg! I know! I agree with the IRL thing.
I've gotten puzzled looks from using:
Saran wrap
and....when someone asks "what do you do to your hair?" I am so brainwashed that I actually correct them saying "Oh! You mean my regimen?!" What nerve?!!!!
My 13 y.o cousin even makes fun of me because I am starting to use "weird organic stuff" in my hair! LOL!
Only around my family and BF. They know all the terms:yep:. Once after I had finished talking to my BF about my retouch and length, he shook his head slowly and said "...and the sad thing is I just understood everything you said".

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Love this!!!

I don't slip up with terms. I try not to say anything although I'm always itching to say something. I talk to one person mostly about the forum and she listens and doesn't give me funny looks because to her it makes sense and she's seen some proof from me. The only time I got a funny look was when I was telling her about MN.
LOL I slipped talkin to my sis once and after the look she gave me i've pretty much trained myself to keepin it in da forum!

It's like there's us LHCF ladies...and then the rest of the world :lachen:
I use poo...cowash...and APL all the time. I'm weird like that though. I can get away with it with people looking like this :nono:. I say weird stuff all the time
Yes, I use it but mostly with my BFF and other naturals like me... At first they're like :huh: but once I explain it, they follow my train of thought. I was joking about that the other day with my BFF. I forwarded her a pic of a bride with a nice twistout and she asked me what it was. I had to tell her that the Hair Forums have their own lingo and it's fun to learn it!
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I didn't know until this thread this very moment that there was a difference between here and "real life." As far as I know, it is real life because I take what I learn here and do it in the open to hep myself have healthy hair that has the ability to grow as long as I can comfortably handle.

My mom, sister, friends..everyone I know well knows and uses the terms I have learned here...including pre-poo, cowash and all the length descriptions. Hubby too. :grin:

LOL. I thought this was real life...


I say cowash all the time and I get strange looks and asked what is that, when I explain i get even stranger looks! :lachen: Then the "But that doesn't clean your hair!" I just walk away slowly
I told my cousin the other day that I liked 'protective styles' I protect my hair.

She was like ' Protect it from what ?:perplexed'
I suppose I could talk to my step-DDs about it, but one is into burgundy braids and the other just got her first "real job" so she's in love with spending money at the hairdresser. I don't get into details with my DH; he just thinks I wash my hair a couple times a weekend, and he loves the way it smells. He doesn't know a shamoo from a CW from a DC and I leave it that way. He knows I'm bunning until around Memorial Day so he doesn't expect to see my hair down, so there are no questions about that either. It works for me :yep:
I have trained all the women around me about the hair care lingo I have learned on here and other boards.

Any female of color that will sit still for one minute and talk to me about hair care they will get an earful until I see their eyes glaze over then I shut up. LOL
Only talk to some family about hair and don't use the APL, BSL....lingo. Nobody else seems to care.
I only used to say APL, BSL, etc to my older sister because I told her about hair boards.

I say cowash, prepoo (which makes people laugh) as well... but then I have to explain what it is. So now I just say 'Wash your hair with a conditioner', 'What you put in your hair before you wash it', etc.

It's hard though... I try to limit my hair talk to fotkis and hair boards.

Prepoo is the funniest!
Yea, I used 'cowash' one time with a girlfriend and she was like..whoa, back up..lol.. I had to put her on to the site..