Wow-I'm glad you're back on track now. I feel like a Sistaslick pusha sometimes telling people to check out her articles,but she is on it with the moisture/protein balance info and tips on how to self assess and whatnot. I was not overdoing it with the protein but I wasn't actually using a REAL moisture shampoo. I went back over the article and got some great recommendations on those. I'm not surprised you got GREAT info from her.

p.s. You tell a heck of a story-very enjoyable read, plus it sounds like it's gonna have a happy ending;)
You and your hair have been through some trials and tribulations! But I am glad things are back on track and I am sure that you are going to have great days from here on out. Now I do have a question, if you hair grew using the dominican products why attack that stylist. What she told you worked from what I am reading....I don't know about using heat so much daily and washing 2 times a day but other than that it seems like you had great progress from washing with the products she recommended.
You and your hair have been through some trials and tribulations! But I am glad things are back on track and I am sure that you are going to have great days from here on out. Now I do have a question, if you hair grew using the dominican products why attack that stylist. What she told you worked from what I am reading....I don't know about using heat so much daily and washing 2 times a day but other than that it seems like you had great progress from washing with the products she recommended.

Hey girl! Notice that I'm knocking the stylist, not the products. Those products were AWESOME & grew my hair so fast, with constant use. In fact, when my hair gets properly balanced, I plan on returning to them. BUT using them the RIGHT way!--- that is, Protein shampoo followed by a moisturing conditioner once every 2 weeks. Then, I'll watch my hair carefully to see how it responds.

I'm knocking the stylist because she told me to wash EVERYDAY with protein products, and said nothing about moisturizing. Seeing how well my hair has improved thru' moisturizing, I know these protein washes played a major part! She also told me using as much heat as I was was OK. You know what, I was going through my hair journal (yes, I started keeping little scraps of paper in a binder when i experienced the tremendous growth)...anyway, in my journal, I saw a note to myself to ask the stylist why my hair was coming out so much in the shower! I remember asking her & you know what she said? It'll take a while for your hair to get used to being washed everyday, until then you'll have some shedding (then i didnt know the difference btw shedding & breakage) but at least your hair is growing fast. :perplexed

Now I know better :)
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Hi there, WonderWoman! I can really relate to your story, most of my life I'd had long, super thick hair that I somewhat took for granted and didn't have to work for. Long story short, I started experimenting while not knowing what I was doing i.e. relaxing my hair then attempting to dye the middle of it myself when it wasn't in great shape. It was pretty damaged and needed a couple inches off but my stylist at the time HACKED my hair to a little above shoulder length which you probably would understand is pretty short for someone who's had long hair most of their life. Honestly I wish I could pull of short hair but I have a dumb square face.
Anyways, this incident was five years ago and I've been a slow learner, but my hairs quite a bit better health wise, especially since pinpointing my weak areas and how to deal with them. Still I'm just waiting for length to start being retained, split ends are my number 1 enemy...
Wow Wonderwoman, you have really been through it!
This story had me cringing, for real. Glad to have you on the board, and can't wait to hear more stories about how your hair is growing and changing for the better! :grin:
Welcome. Thanks for sharing. Very motivational, especially for those who feel like "giving up" for whatever reasons. Happy growing. :)
WELCOME, What I like most about what you said is that you got to know your own hair. I think that's key.

Knowing my hair is more difficult than taking the time to know myself.:lol:

Thanks for sharing.
Wow. What a story. I enjoyed reading it and am glad your hair is on its way back to recovering. I had a similar experience, and wind up going natural as a result. I'm sure things will continue to improve for you. Welcome to LHCF. :)
Hey **WonderWoman**, and fellow H-Town girlie! :) Welcome to the board. Sorry about the hair trauma, but at least you're hear now.
Welcome WonderWoman!

Your story is so interesting. I'm glad you were open enough to post your experience so that others can see what NOT to do when caring for hair....

The important thing is that now you know what you know, there's no limits in your hair growing journey. Don't eventhink about that stylist.

Sistaslick's advice on balancing protein and moisture is FABULOUS! (Big up to Sistaslick;)) It's really helped me acheive stronger and healthier hair through choosing particular Products and the way I use them.

Yes Salerm 21 is still a good product, but like you said, only when used the RIGHT way.

Keep us posted on your hair journey.

Summa B :)
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Ok so, I have...had a luscious head of hair. I mean, everywhere I went ppl constantly commented on my hair. I wasn't even hooked on hair growth b'cos my hair was soooo thick & healthy. Until...
It is great that you are so positive after all of those experiences! I am happy that you're happy. :)
Thanks for all the support guys!!!!

I really think getting to know my hair has been the most important remedy for my hair. Like some of you, since I realized that washing my hair everyday (but only after a workout) grew my hair out, I did not want to stop.

Even now, I still wash everyday, but thanks to LHCF, i CO-WASH. I get the benefits of a clean scalp daily, no MTG clog-up ;), & more moisture for my hair. Plus I just found this awesome conditioner that I looooooove. It's helping my thickness come back...J/A/S/O/N Biotin Conditioner. Plus some ladies have been raving about GIOVANNI'S LEAVE-IN...That stuff really works! It tamed the thickness new growth!!!!
Yay, another fellow newbie! :D It sounds like you have a positive outlook on the experience and that's the best way to overcome it. Your hair will be back in no time. Girl, you us LHCF'ers can grow and keep some hair now!
Hey girl! :wave: I' m so glad to see you posting! You know I was looking for you right? :lol:
Welcome aboard :newbie:!

ETA: And ummm....yeah. I would have had to be restrained from getting at that stylist too!
I'm sorry you had some trauma, but I'm happy to welcome you to LHCF. :dance7: MTG and BT will help you recover. There are plenty of ladies here that can help.:rosebud:

Sorry to hear about your hair experience. :(

Sistaslick has been helping me along the way also:), and I feel confident that I made the right decision to join this forum.

Here's to healthy hair:weird:

Welcome WonderWoman,
I can relate to a lot of what you are saying and I'm sorry about your ordeal.
I went through a lot a trauma myself including "trusting" hairstylists.
This is how I found LHCF. So don't feel bad, I fell for a lot of pie in the sky too.
You will find great people like Sistaslick (as you mentioned) who are so nice and helpful too.
LHCF has taught me that I CAN take care of my own hair. I've received some great advice here and I hope you will recover all of your hair soon. :yep:.
In response to your J/A/S/O/N product use, I've heard good things about it...and funny enough I just bought Giovanni's Leave-in today. Giovanni's products I can vouch least for my hair.
Best of luck.