I saw Niko's Cousin yippy.

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Last night I went out with a couple of my friends to this club. It was ok and I saw a couple of young sista's trying to wear their hair natural ( note the word trying) one even had in cornrows that should been taken out like 3 months ago.:ohwell: But anyway I was checking out the dance floor when out of the corner of my eye I saw the most gorgous,lushest, massive,puff that I have ever seen in person. I had seen her before and told her that I liked her hair but last night it was on point. Here are her stats cause I asked every question that I could think of without being to much into her bizz ness and she was just so cool and soo sweet.
How many years natural? 4 1/2
Bc or transsion? Transsion don't know how long though dang it:wallbash:.
How long is her hair? mid back when pressed out.
And most important is she Niko's cousin? Who is Niko?
oh and she uses Taji Waljeb I know I spelled that all kinds of wrong. and she gave me the website. Now if oh boy hadn't wasted half a drink on the back of my silk shirt I might could have said it was a perfect night.:ohwell:
First, glad you found a hair inspiration!

Second, Its NIKOS' (not Niko's).
Nikos Dimopoulos

Third, If she didn't know who Nikos is then she's not our cousin.
First, glad you found a hair inspiration!

Second, Its NIKOS' (not Niko's).
Nikos Dimopoulos

Third, If she didn't know who Nikos is then she's not our cousin.

not true..as you can see from the post below yours. there are alot of ppl who dont kno what that means when one asks if they're nikos cousin

and idk..i see alot of ppl here say niko's. i dont think it matters but..thats just my opinion. either way when you say it it will still sound the same
I met a fellow member once and I asked if she was a cousin and she said yes! I told her I saw her on the forum. Her hair was so thick and long. She introduced me to her husband. He said to me,"oh it's got you too. " it was so exciting!!!
I just love these stories. I'm still stalking the girl at Costco near me. I have watched her grow her hair from a TWA to midback. Her hair is beautiful. One of these days. I am going to ask her.
not true..as you can see from the post below yours. there are alot of ppl who dont kno what that means when one asks if they're nikos cousin

and idk..i see alot of ppl here say niko's. i dont think it matters but..thats just my opinion. either way when you say it it will still sound the same

His name is Nikos not Niko so I think it does matter IMO. She was not trying to be mean, just helpful. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you will see his name.
not true..as you can see from the post below yours. there are alot of ppl who dont kno what that means when one asks if they're nikos cousin

and idk..i see alot of ppl here say niko's. i dont think it matters but..thats just my opinion. either way when you say it it will still sound the same

The OP never said that the girl she saw was a member. You have to be a member to be a cousin. Having nice hair alone does not make you Nikos' cousin.

Yes, it matters because its a person's name. It's not something we made up. That's why I included his full name in the post. Out of respect to him we should use his correct name. Agree?

If you see a lot of people saying "Niko's" keep scrolling in the thread, its a safe bet you see someone has corrected them. And I wasn't being mean spirited, I just wanted her to know the correct name and usage.
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Aww man I wanna spot one of yall. Ima start asking every lush head I see :grin:

Meeeeee Toooooo!!! Man, I don't even say are you Nikos Cousin. I just say, do you go on any hair forums? :nono: <-----That's what I get.....just no, but they are the ones who do nothing but bun their hair, they don't even moisturize daily. Hmpf, beats me.
Niko's Nikos' Nik-o's Nik,os. Who cares? I know that's his name, but why do people have to hi-jack people's threads with nonsense? It's a little mistake folks!
The OP never said that the girl she saw was a member. You have to be a member to be a cousin. Having nice hair alone does not make you Nikos' cousin.

Yes, it matters because its a person's name. It's not something we made up. That's why I included his full name in the post. Out of respect to him we should use his correct name. Agree?

If you see a lot of people saying "Niko's" keep scrolling in the thread, its a safe bet you see someone has corrected them. And I wasn't being mean spirited, I just wanted her to know the correct name and usage.

thanks for the clarification for those that don't know. :yep: as for the spelling, i'm sure she didn't mean any harm by it :)
So anyone else had any spottings? It's like seeing a celebrity when it happens. I can hardly wait until my hair is all long and either in a giant puff or straigthened down my back and someone asks me if i am a cousin. That will be the day!
I just know not to post next since I get my head bit off. I ment no disrespect to him or the forum for that matter. Wont be posting again thanx anyway.
I just know not to post next since I get my head bit off. I ment no disrespect to him or the forum for that matter. Wont be posting again thanx anyway.

I know you meant no harm. :yep:

The responses given were for clarification and not intended to disrespect you but I understand the tone of delivery can be perceived a number of ways.

I'll close this thread but I encourage you to continue posting. I see your join date as May 2009 so you have many, many viewpoints to encounter and members to interact with.:yep:
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