I saw Angie Stone on Tuesday...

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
and her hair was GORGEOUS!!!!!

I went bowling with a friend of mine on Tuesday, and as we were going up to pay for another game, Angie walks up to the counter to ask the clerk if she had seen the people Angie was supposed to be meeting.
I'm standing there next to her handing the clerk my check card and I sneak in some glances and stares of her hair which appears to be some fierce type of 4a. It was to DIE for...the coils were defined but it wasn't neat. Like you could tell she was just waking up or had had a long day or something b/c her whole demeanor was kind of disoriented or something and she didn't have on makeup, HOWEVER, her hair was lovely. It was JET black, and it looked very healthy. It was very big, and I wish I had the ovaries (not balls, but ovaries) to wear hair THAT big. It was beautiful on her and suited her face and her frame very well.

If I'm not mistaken, there are a couple of ladies on the board who like Ms. Stone's hair so I thought I'd share my sighting. It's funny b/c you'd think I would be trippin off the fact that I love her music or that she's a "celebrity" but I was too busy tryin to study those springs! :lachen: My friend was like, Oh look it's Angie...and he jokingly suggests that we should ask her to sing, but I was like, Man did you see her hair?! I would kill to have that color. :lol: I am a TRUE LHCF lady... :lol:
I also love angie stone and her hair,I read in a SBH magazine awhile back that she wears a Texturizer so that she can go from curly to straight, I think it still looks more natural to me and I like it,because I want that big hair!
NappyParadise said:
I also love angie stone and her hair,I read in a SBH magazine awhile back that she wears a Texturizer so that she can go from curly to straight, I think it still looks more natural to me and I like it,because I want that big hair!

I saw that article too. I would have loved to see her hair, sigh . . .:lol: