I performed surgery on my hair last night. (this one is long)


New Member
Well ladies I was dealing with the issue of tangled hair ,sticky ends and shedding. My products used where in this order.
Kenra clarifying
garnier length and strength shampoo and con
poroisty control
atone reconstructor (20 minutes under plastic cap)
than ntm mask mixed with The l'Oreal mask honydew had in her siggy
than applied Fermodoyl 619 and rusk smoother after detangling sealed wit evoo
This morning my ends are not sticky (Which I think I did to myself I made a homemade concoction to stop some breakage I had it was 1/4 cup each of dove intense moisture, scurl and water ,I think my breakage was a combo of both to much protein and moisture). The concoction did help with the breakage. For a while I had more shed hairs but, I think it coated the hell out of my hair since I applied it as a daily moisturizer it led to the tangles and sticky ends.

What did this surgery tell me
I need to do a corrective. I had some matting when I first detangled.
De-tangling the ends that are not texlaxed where a breeze to comb through. When I got to the taxlaxed sections it was rougher.
It got to the point that I could not make it to the roots. (This was done on very wet hair). When I quit those sections and went back it was some what dry. The hair was far easier to comb through and get to the roots area.
I think my relaxed ends are tangling around my texlaxed hair causing the mats and than knots.
If my next wash day Sunday is tangled and matted. (I just washed my hair this past sunday so I really should not have had and matts since I detangled well) This wash day is the same there's no way i'll be able to stretch this relaxer. And deal with tangles and matts and going to bed at 1 am when I start school and still deal with the kids both going to school and normal life unless I keep my hair in twists.

I'll have to figure out something
Any one have any suggestions? Is there some magic mixture that just makes the knots and matts disappear lol

Hmm, tangled hair, sticky ends and shedding.

For tangles, I would suggest detangling under running water in the shower with a very wide tooth or shower comb with lots of a conditioner that gives slip.

For the shedding, I would suggest garlic shampoo or conditioner (any brand), la bomba and crema negra. I don't know what it is but I have found dominican products work great for shedding.

Sticky ends, what do you mean by that?
Hmmmm think of when you run water down your hair and some times the ends divide into sections

thats what my hair was doing but they where stuck together i could'nt just shake my hair i had to pull them apart
Hmm, I'll try to help.. First off, the stickyness I'm almost positive can be linked to the fact that you've used so many products at one time. If your hair is weighed down with products you will not have any swing, all you will get is clumps of hair sticking together.

As far as the matting, some people have success with texlaxing and some people don't, if you feel that the corrective will make a difference with detangling then I urge you to get one because if your having all of these problems w/ detangling now, it can work against you maintaining length simply by causing breakage.

I'm not sure how you're washing your hair when you do wash, but I encourage you not to use too much poo and also not to overmanipulate it when you are washing b/c too much poo will lead to dryness and too much manipulation will lead to matting. It's not necessary to scrub the hair and scalp in order to cleanse it. I know for me, washing in braids eliminates my tangles. I've also had good results washing my hair in two sections by parting my hair straight down the middle and washing one section at a time when it was shorter.

Also for your next wash, please don't use so many products, I know you were pretty frustrated this wash and was anxious to get some kind of results, but you have to find out what products are working for you. So next wash just a simple shampoo and deep conditiong should do followed by a leave in.

I hope that helps and keep us posted :)
I think you're using too many products at one time.... maybe you should try to keep it simple with 1 shampoo (maybe 2 if you do a first later w/ a clarifying poo then follow with mositurizing one) a nice moisturizing conditioner that also detangles, and 1 leave in.

maybe you should also try rollersetting your hair so that your hair stays tangle free until your next wash. Also, i stopped "texlaxing" my hair because it led to tangles and matting in some areas... I have a much easier time dealing with my hair when its all pretty much the same texture.
Well ladies I was dealing with the issue of tangled hair ,sticky ends and shedding. My products used where in this order.
Kenra clarifying
garnier length and strength shampoo and con
poroisty control
atone reconstructor (20 minutes under plastic cap)
than ntm mask mixed with The l'Oreal mask honydew had in her siggy
than applied Fermodoyl 619 and rusk smoother after detangling sealed wit evoo
This morning my ends are not sticky (Which I think I did to myself I made a homemade concoction to stop some breakage I had it was 1/4 cup each of dove intense moisture, scurl and water ,I think my breakage was a combo of both to much protein and moisture). The concoction did help with the breakage. For a while I had more shed hairs but, I think it coated the hell out of my hair since I applied it as a daily moisturizer it led to the tangles and sticky ends.

What did this surgery tell me
I need to do a corrective. I had some matting when I first detangled.
De-tangling the ends that are not texlaxed where a breeze to comb through. When I got to the taxlaxed sections it was rougher.
It got to the point that I could not make it to the roots. (This was done on very wet hair). When I quit those sections and went back it was some what dry. The hair was far easier to comb through and get to the roots area.
I think my relaxed ends are tangling around my texlaxed hair causing the mats and than knots.
If my next wash day Sunday is tangled and matted. (I just washed my hair this past sunday so I really should not have had and matts since I detangled well) This wash day is the same there's no way i'll be able to stretch this relaxer. And deal with tangles and matts and going to bed at 1 am when I start school and still deal with the kids both going to school and normal life unless I keep my hair in twists.

I'll have to figure out something
Any one have any suggestions? Is there some magic mixture that just makes the knots and matts disappear lol


I agree w/the others that u need less product. When I'm shedding I know it's because my hair lacks proper moisture. This may or may not work for you but I put a dab of hair grease in my hand rub together and put it on my hair when it's wet. I then seal w/ojon hair serum (it costs $24). On dry hair I use chi silk infusion serum (the alcohol free one - it's great) I keep it simple and I do a ponytail rollerset. I know what you're going through because I went through this about 2 yrs. ago and w/persistence and a simple regimen (took me a yr.) my hair is finally on track to growing. Every now and then when I stray I see a little breakage so I try to stay persistent and be patient, patient, patient. A loose bun after you set (roller set w/leave in conditioner) might help also to keep your hands out of your head and no direct heat.
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