I need to install a weave on Thursday

Any suggestions for where I should buy good hair in New York? The only other time I have had a weave I bought semi wavy hair from Lugos and was pretty happy with it. I see lots of people complaining about Lugos though, and am wondering if I should be buying anywhere else?

PS. I plan to wear the hair wavy/in loose curls most of the time.
Well, I tihnk I need more information. Did you mean today Thursday? And did you want Indian Hair or good BSS hair? how much are you willing to spend?

There are some good places:

Lugo's - honestly, if it's worked for you in the past - go back again. If you do go to the store, you'll see plenty of ppl buying so just speak to them if the quality has gone down. I would say stick with what you're happy with.

True Indian Hair - Brooklyn http://trueindianhair.com/ but if you're not in brooklyn, it might be a hike.
I'm sorry, I meant next Thursday! Lugos was fine for me last year, but I was just thinking if there was a better option to try. I live in Brooklyn, so will actually be quite excited to check out TrueIndian Hair.