I need to hear your romantic MISSED CONNECTION stories!!


New Member
What's a missed connection? It's a romantic opportunity that you didn't take full advantage of or a love connection you let pass.

I met this guy Jake about 4 1/2 years ago. I always thought he was cute but didn't act on it because I didn't think he was interested in me at all and I thought he was conceited. Anyway, we would see each other maybe once every 4 or 5 months until about 2 years ago, when we just completely lost touch with each other (I went abroad, he was studying for the LSAT, etc).

About a year ago, we ran into each other again. I didn't recognize him but he saw me, ran up and gave me a huge hug, etc. Well, I find out that Jake thought I was really cute and wanted to hang out more with me - problem was, I had a boyfriend at the time. To be honest, I was a huge flirt everytime I was around Jake and I don't think he ever knew I was in a relationship (I kept that detail to myself). Also, I realized that he's really shy and not full of himself like I thought.

The last time we spoke, Jake basically told me that the ball is in my court and that I need to take the iniative to call him and see him because he didn't want to play games. That was nearly 3 months ago. Since then, I've broken up with my boyfriend and I cannot stop thinking about Jake. I'm tempted to buy a plane ticket out to California where he lives and see him. Yes it's impulsive but I'm still young. I can also arrange for a few job interviews or work on my graduate thesis while I'm out there so it won't be a total waste of time if I find out Jake is currently in a relationship or something

Can I hear your stories about missed love connections? What would you do differently if you can?
Do you have his number or e-mail (number is better cause then you can her how he responds to what u say) Yall are cool friends just tell him you have some interviews in caili and while your out their you wanna hang out. And i would ask him if he has a girlfriend before you go out their but in a causal way. And don't be dicurraged if he has a girl because people break up all the time:grin:. I've missed the boat on dude by not persuinng his advances when i had the chance. i think i hurt his feelings and a mans pride is everything. And whats funny is whe have mutal friends and he puts on this act thats really unatractive but when were along hes the guy i wish i would have given a chance to. oh well maybe are bridges will cross again. i hope you find the answer your looking for.