I need inspiration & advice....


Beauty IS skin deep.
Okay, so I get all excited about doing a rollerset this week and everything. I get up this morning, wash my hair and all that good stuff and prepared to do my rollerset. Since this is my first time doing it, I know I need practice and everything, but I figured that I could at least do a halfway decent job. Ladies, I was so jacked up. I couldn't even finish it. I just took out the rollers that I already had in and pulled my hair back in a ponytail to airdry for the rest of the day. None of the rollers would stay in place, the clips kept slipping off of the roller and the hair, and all my other hair would get in the way. My lengths won't straighten up and my roots are horrible. My hair always curls back up when I try to straighten it out on the rollers. I got so frustrated that I just gave up for the rest of the day. I'm so upset right now, I was really looking forward to doing a rollerset and I was soo looking forward to the results, but right now I just don't have the patience. I guess I'll try again on Monday.

For those of you who rollerset, how did you learn how to do it on your first try? Was it a long and tedious process? How can I make it a little bit easier? I guess I might try pokahontas's method and go the alternative route (using little ponytails all over). I'm really blown right now and I just need to cool off a little.
i am sorry that you had such a hard time with your rollerset.

what i have found is if your hair is not a 3b or softer texture it is going to be tough to really get the roots straight. if you are using large magnetic rollers i would suggest you to do pokahontas method because this ensures SOME of the roots to get straight although it wont be totally and if u wont have the problem with some of the hair being mixed in and things getting messy.... I triedc my first rollerset and hated it also. i did get thro it ... it took FOREVER and i hated the results. for me i had to first start out with flexirods because its a bit easier to manuver, once i had that somewhat down i went back to the magnetic rollers, you may have to give up enitrely the idea that u can jus rollerset natural hair and have it look like relaxed hair.. i hope this helps.
I'm sorry to hear it didn't go well for you. With practice and patience, it will definitely get better. I've been doing my own rollersets for several years, and it would take me forever at first.

Have you checked out macherieamour's blog? It has a great rollersetting tutorial. One thing I think is important is to make sure your hair is very wet when you are rolling it - that should help to keep it from curling back up on you when you roll it. Also, make sure your sections aren't too big. To keep hair out of the way, I use ponytail holders or clips. Keep trying with the roller clips, you'll get them on securely in no time.

It will get better! Don't give up yet! You'll be a pro before you know it! :yep:

ETA: I didn't realize your hair was all natural. Like previous poster said, it might be easier to start with flexirods. The ponytail method is an option as well. I wish you all the best!! Don't give up!!
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When I started learning how to rollerset, I started with the snap covered rollers and I would only roll my crown area. Once I mastered that, I started expanding out from the crown with rollers each time until I was rolling my whole head. Once I got that down, I started transistioning into using roller clips. Take baby steps, it can help make it easier and less stressfull. Also, look in photo albums here at rollersets. Print out pics of each angle and hang them on your mirror to give you something to refrence too. That helped me alot when learning how to roll my sides.
Thank you all for your kind words, they really mean a lot to me. I did make one more attempt at it before I completely gave it up for the day. I tried pokahontas's method and did the ponytail rollers, but my roots were still horrible and my hair was sooooo poofy. My hair is thick enough and with all that volume, it just made the rollerset look awful. I tried to comb out some of the curls and tone down the volume, but I just ended up looking like some old lady with a 60's hairdo. I'm fuming right now. But, now that I at least know how to attack it next time, hopefully it won't be so time consuming and hopefully, it will be a little easier. Again, I appreciate your support. At least I know that I have someone who shares the fight with me!!

ETA: I might need to give the flexirods a try. I didn't get those because they weren't as big as I would like them to be, but I think I may go ahead and get some to try them out. Thanks sisters!!