I need help with my Regimen.


Well-Known Member
I wash my hair now every three days, I was at first cw but it would itch so badly that I just stopped doing it and decided to wash and moisturize condition it on Wednesdays. Saturdays to wash and moisturize and deep condition it.

So I poo and cond I use Millscreek keratin poo-- UBH conditioner or Dudleys protein with a few drops of sage oil

then I put the Moisturizer on which I was using Surge 14 and some of the UBH dew

then MTG - which is mixed with Aloe Vera Gel and Mango CocoButter and a few drops of sage oil

then I put almond oil or sometimes coconut oil and mango butter on my sides and tie it down at night. When I want to curl it I would add Serum by Prosilk and a little more oil. If i decided to roll up my hair I add the serum each night before I do it. Mind you my hair is very short.

What am I doing. Am I over doing it? I am a PJ for real. I have maybe 20 different bottles of stuff but no real moisturizers. I have UBH dew and the lotion but I don't like lotions I prefer sprays - Not sure which one would work for me. I was thinking about making my own but actually right now is not a good time for me to do that I rather get a good moisturizer spray and dilute it and go from there. I am just not sure which is best. I looked at the S-curl but I am not sure how every one is using it I just understand its diluted - are you using it in place of lotions - I Don't get it!! I haven't been on the site a month yet, but I am always reading. MTG is really great stuff - My daughter after only a week has shown amazing results. I mix mines up in a small container that you get at the BSS and it keeps for a full week it would keep longer but I am using it on her so it last a little over a week and I just mix up more but I only been using MTG for one week and a day. I grew my sides in and I have acheived some growth but after only a week I can't really contribute it to MTG since for a month I have been washing and conditioning my hair more, something I never use to do sometimes I would go as far as three weeks or more without washing my hair and it was longer then. I just though it looked better dirty. So I am open to suggestions. Do you think this is to much to add to the hair every night. I use MTG every night I have had no ill results from doing so. I use surge 14 every day. I also take 3800 mg of Biotin. sometimes thats hard. I am thinking about Primrose oil and a mulit vitamin but the pills chokes me--- have to try something else soon. I have Magn- Calicum and Zinc. The problem with this is my toe nails grow out long Yuck. I hate that. I just got them done. I have to clip all the designs out. Thats my only treat, my oldest daughter treats me to getting my toes done every so often and they are growing out like crazy except for my fingers nails, they have only gotten stronger. I have almost no breakage - I can count how many hairs fall out of my head a day. I was told that I am using a lot of protein and no real moisture and that shocked me, I am so worried that I will eventually start having major breakage and I haven't achieved any real growth yet. thats the thing about cutting off your hair its hard to save the ends trying to grow it that short or this short.

Re: I need help with my Regiment.

yes all you expert. i aslo need help with my regiment. i actually don't have one and would like it if someone can create a good one for me. my products are listed below. any help will be appreciated.

thanks in advance.
i am not relaxed. but let me see if i can help here. You need to use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner weekly. Deep condition weekly as well with heat for at least 45 mins to an hour. for your edges, i am going to reccommend getting rosemary oil-use 10-15 drops- and dilute it in sweet almond oil. do daily scalp massages with this and you should see improvement in 2 weeks to a month. also you can use castor oil to do pre-shampoo treatments- with a cap and no heat- leave it on for an hour- with a cap and heat- stay under the dryer for 15 mins. Hope this helps somewhat.

For shedding i use either nutrine garlic shampoo or queen helene garlic shampoo. I also use nutrine garlic conditioner. there are other brands available.

For breakage i use either jherri rheddings's 100% natural protein conditioner or my dominican cocktail of miss keys 10 en 1, rivas silicon mix and crom laboratories toque agico emergencia tratmiento intensivo capilar.

For moisture i use a spritz which contains water, glycerin, liquid aloe vera and a little rosemary eo.

i also add a little glycerin and a little liquid aloe vera to my conditioners.
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Does rosemary give you that tingle like peppermint oil? I am not feeling the tingle I can handle it with the conditioner but with that I can't wait to get it out my hair. it feels like a air conditioner up there just blowing and blowing -Good lord I can't stand it. Thanks by the way. I thnk I am going to make the moisturizer that you describe I really want something I can spray. Thanks so much