I need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

Crackers Phinn

Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
Prior to discovering hairboards, the hair at my crown stayed broke off when I relaxed. If I didn't use something heavy (grease) to keep it down I'd be walking around lookin like Alfalfa.


When I was natural the area grew, but when stretched I could see that there were a variety of different lengths going on, but it wasn't extreme.

At my last touch up, the stylist asked me what was going on in that area when she was basing my scalp. I hadn't noticed because I keep my hair in a bun or ponytail the majority of the time so this part is rarely "out". What she did was applied relaxer to the area last so that it woulnd't be on as long.

I decided to wear my hair down yesterday and discovered this:


I checked the rest of my hair looking for other broken areas and couldn't find anything else.

I need a strategy to deal with this. If 95% of my hair is growing and doing well with my regimen, what can I do to combat breakage in this area? My first thought is to have my stylist not relax the crown and just take my chances with the run off. I'm open to other suggestions. :)

My regimen is to wash twice a week, add leave in, coconut oil, fantasia gel and throw into an airdried bun or ponytail. I always use a moisturizing shampoo and alternate between moisturizing and protein conditioners. I deep condition once a month and use direct heat every other month or so.

Any and all suggestions are welcome, cuz this. is. not. the. bi'ness.

ETA: I've also been told by folks (regular folks not doctors) that it could be stress related.
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

I don't know if this might help but another member made a post about a similar problem in one section of her hair and it turned out to be linked to her anemia. Is it possible you could be anemic?
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

My hair broke off bad right there too. ( do to too many cones:cry2:) I just make sure its not tangled and it stays mositurized. It has been helping.HTH
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

Is this area causing a lot of tangles/knots, causing you to over-detangle? This looks like you may have combed the area out, kinda like Ateeya's setback. IMO, there is no way this can happen in only one area that doesn't scream over manipulation to that section.
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

Coily was it bald there before and now it's growing out? Or is it just getting chewed up to that length for some reason?

Why are you dc'ing only once a month?

I don't know why but the crown for me and a lot of women is a very challenging area. I'm thinking that if that part was doing better as a natchal maybe you shouldn't perm that area at all anymore, or at the most maybe every 6 months.
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

I don't know if this might help but another member made a post about a similar problem in one section of her hair and it turned out to be linked to her anemia. Is it possible you could be anemic?


I am anemic and as a relaxed head my crown was WORRISOME to say the least :perplexed
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

*Rushes in* Could it be that the style you wear daily is putting stress on that area? Like a ponytail holder or clip or bobby pins or how you tie it down at night? Is that area on the outside of a ponytail, so that it gets brushed or combed the most often

*crosses fingers and wishes real hard that this makes me part of popular clique*
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

*Rushes in* Could it be that the style you wear daily is putting stress on that area? Like a ponytail holder or clip or bobby pins or how you tie it down at night? Is that area on the outside of a ponytail, so that it gets brushed or combed the most often

*crosses fingers and wishes real hard that this makes me part of popular clique*

You and all that thick hair are starting to down my self esteem. Me thinks its time for you to do a big chop :yep:
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

Could the crown be breaking from bunning? Do you pull to tightly in that area?
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

You and all that thick hair are starting to down my self esteem. Me thinks its time for you to do a big chop :yep:

:kiss: (<-- I got that smiley from Nonie) Again?! No more chopping! Besides, you have nothing to be jealous of with your own full head of lovely hair. :yep:

In random news, what in the world is this smiley:

Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

overmanipulation maybe..u know u can't do the same to your hair now that u did natural.
i had breakage in my crown area like that..overmanipulation,overprocessing
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!


oh snap...popular people responding...to a popular poster starting a thread...

*there's gonna be a thread about this in off topic...just watch..*
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

I have broken sections like that wiht my hair too. Try to apply more moisturizer and conditoner to that section.

Maybe relax it last or every other touch up?

Like someone said are there any accessories tht you are using to cause it to break?
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

*Rushes in* Could it be that the style you wear daily is putting stress on that area? Like a ponytail holder or clip or bobby pins or how you tie it down at night?
This happened to me because I wore my hair in tight pony tail 95% of the time for YEARS. The area was also very tender. The only thing that helped was wearing looser styles and not put stress on that area.

ETA: I always wasn't moisturizing enough and that area was usually dry.
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Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

:kiss: (<-- I got that smiley from Nonie) Again?! No more chopping! Besides, you have nothing to be jealous of with your own full head of lovely hair. :yep:

In random news, what in the world is this smiley:


OT- That smiley is a smiley version of a well known short movie from a couple of years ago.
A normal guy in a suit and he is lying on the ground in the middle of a normal looking sidewalk. A bunch of people come and see what is wrong, and he says not to touch him. They ask him why he is lying on the ground and he says that he knows something and he cannot tell them, because it will change their lives. Another man guesses that the secret is that none of this, normal life matters, and the man on the ground says that he cannot tell them.
The people beg him to tell them, and he tells them, it is not shown on camera, and the end of the film, everyone is lying in the street.
I cannot remember what it is called, but the smiley looks like they used the whole short, or a good chunk of it....I hope that was a little helpful.
ETA- Haha, I typed that out before I looked to see if the smiley used the whole movie.
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Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

I don't know if this might help but another member made a post about a similar problem in one section of her hair and it turned out to be linked to her anemia. Is it possible you could be anemic?
I am anemic. I'll ask my doctor about it because short of taking iron supplements during my period, there isn't much else he has me do about it.

Is this area causing a lot of tangles/knots, causing you to over-detangle? This looks like you may have combed the area out, kinda like Ateeya's setback. IMO, there is no way this can happen in only one area that doesn't scream over manipulation to that section.

I usually am brushing the hair from the front over this part of my head so maybe it tangles in the ponytail. I dunno.

Coily was it bald there before and now it's growing out? Or is it just getting chewed up to that length for some reason?

Why are you dc'ing only once a month?

I don't know why but the crown for me and a lot of women is a very challenging area. I'm thinking that if that part was doing better as a natchal maybe you shouldn't perm that area at all anymore, or at the most maybe every 6 months.

Naw, it wasn't bald when I was natural, but it was a bunch of different lengths and not as long as the rest of my hair.

I DC once a month cuz I'm lazy. I got the pibbs and should do it more often, but...yeah lazy.

*Rushes in* Could it be that the style you wear daily is putting stress on that area? Like a ponytail holder or clip or bobby pins or how you tie it down at night? Is that area on the outside of a ponytail, so that it gets brushed or combed the most often

Right when I posted, I was looking at my siggy pic and noted that where the hair clamp is holding my hair is where I have breakage so maybe I do my ponytails in different areas.

**crosses fingers and wishes real hard that this makes me part of popular clique*

The white lady with the wand says "it is so"

Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

JCoily when did you change your username?!

A few months ago I noticed that a small patch at the top was breaking off. At the time I was doing alot of co-washing and ponytails in that area. I started to get away from the daily bunning and decided to rollerset for 2-3 months consistently to see if it helped. The crown area grew back and I realized I was over-manipulating that area. After that I decided to go back and forth between wet and dry styles just to give my crown area a break.

Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

Hey.:weird::weird: Just wanted to post in the popular thread.:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

overmanipulation maybe..u know u can't do the same to your hair now that u did natural.
i had breakage in my crown area like that..overmanipulation,overprocessing

Every time someone types Manipulation all I can hear is your TY video "No manipulation, no manipulation." "I do not comb my hair."

ETA: I guess your YT vids make you popular :) And it rubs off on me because I watched them? :look:
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Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

^^^^^ LOL, I thought it was only me who heard Sylver's voice in my head if I even looked at a comb.
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

Every time someone types Manipulation all I can hear is your TY video "No manipulation, no manipulation." "I do not comb my hair."

ETA: I guess your YT vids make you popular :) And it rubs off on me because I watched them? :look:

im not popular:look: my threads barely get answers/replies too..thts y i hardly ever start them:lol:

^^^^^ LOL, I thought it was only me who heard Sylver's voice in my head if I even looked at a comb.

Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

I don't know if this might help but another member made a post about a similar problem in one section of her hair and it turned out to be linked to her anemia. Is it possible you could be anemic?

I was going to say this could be a health issue from anemia to thyroid disease (which I have). In addition you need a dermatologist to look at that area. Maybe you have something that could be treated with a topical creme, and you just don't know.

I would look into all these options and then try the other things the ladies suggest because if your health isn't in check, your hair will always be off.

BEEN there. Done that. I still have an autoimmune illness but I have to OVER do it to keep my hair healthy. That means over conditioning, etc in addition to taking my thyroid medication. You may find that you have to adjust your routine if your health needs tweaking.
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

I have that problem too but its all over. I have growth but mega breakage. I'll start dc'ing in a few days I also had seborhea but I think it's gone or going away and I always had dandruff but through it all my scalp is fighting it I just don't know why I have so much breakage I think it may be because of two strand twists.
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

Hmm, I just noticed the same thing about my hair last night so I'm going to follow this thread for suggestions.
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

I get breakage in that same damn area, and I'm the one who causes it. It's various textures, and thickest in that one spot. By the time I reach that portion of my head for any reason (detangling, styling, blowdrying, whatever) my arms are tired and I'm out of patience. I usually just rake through it, not giving a phluck. The only thing that allows me to grow it out, is if I start with that part of my hair first while I have the time and energy to deal with it. I don't know what your problem it, but that's mine...hope it helped.
Re: I'm popular and need hair help. GET IN HERE!!!!!

Definitely dc more (1-2 x's weekly) and really soak that area in conditioner to get as much moisture in there as possible. Also go to the natural living forum and see what vitamins folks recommend for anemia because that's probably a big contributor to the breakage :yep: What products do you use?
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