I Need A Transitioning Buddy! 6-12 Weeks Post Please!


Well-Known Member
i decided to transition, but I feel so alone! There are ladies that have been transitioning, or long term stretching for months and I can't relate to that! They are on another level! That is some Jedi Knight stuff that I have yet to experience! Anyone just starting out? Need some support? Just need to rant/vent/brag?

I'm 11 weeks post, but my last relaxer didn't take at all. Not even texlax!
I will just hang out here for awhile!
So I'm having trouble with finding time to style my hair. I want to try some hairstyles that will blend the two textures.
I'm also having to use thicker and creamier products on my new growth, and different products on my relaxed ends.
Still waiting!
Going to go workout tomorrow. Guess I will wear my hair in a bun. I will have to tie my roots down though.
Ok lesson for today is only style on wash day! I flat twisted my hair on the sides and put my hair in a little bun. Parting my new growth was a beast. I did have a bit of breakage.... I won't do that again. Well my hair looks a little better now. I will try this style again. I need some hair clips for my sides, since these bobby pins are snatching my hair out no matter how careful I am.
Hello. I'm going through a long term transition/stretch. Last perm was the 1st week of October so I'm about 28 weeks post. I'm doing mine because I'm pregnant, plus I don't know what I want to do with my hair. When I get perms, initially my hair looks great but about one year later, it's long but stringy and thin. I would love to try natural hair, but afraid of the extra work so that's why I'm on the fence. I did the same thing during my last pregnancy-10 months without a perm. When I relaxed, hair looked great for about 18 months then post partum shedding wrecked havoc on my locs.

Currently, I wear my hair in buns because there isn't much I can do with it. I'm down to washing/deep conditioning once a week and tying my hair down in the am in order to make it look presentable. Tomorrow, I'm going to get braids which I will keep in till June. Then take out for 2 weeks then braid again (I'm due at the end of June) and will make a decision about my hair by September. I won't be a good buddy because I'm too tired to stress about my hair. However, my long term plan is to find a natural hair salon that will be able to transition me if I decided to continue with this path (I've seen some lovely work with thermal silkening but I have to do more research). Best of luck with your transition!
Hello. I'm going through a long term transition/stretch. Last perm was the 1st week of October so I'm about 28 weeks post. I'm doing mine because I'm pregnant, plus I don't know what I want to do with my hair. When I get perms, initially my hair looks great but about one year later, it's long but stringy and thin. I would love to try natural hair, but afraid of the extra work so that's why I'm on the fence. I did the same thing during my last pregnancy-10 months without a perm. When I relaxed, hair looked great for about 18 months then post partum shedding wrecked havoc on my locs.

Currently, I wear my hair in buns because there isn't much I can do with it. I'm down to washing/deep conditioning once a week and tying my hair down in the am in order to make it look presentable. Tomorrow, I'm going to get braids which I will keep in till June. Then take out for 2 weeks then braid again (I'm due at the end of June) and will make a decision about my hair by September. I won't be a good buddy because I'm too tired to stress about my hair. However, my long term plan is to find a natural hair salon that will be able to transition me if I decided to continue with this path (I've seen some lovely work with thermal silkening but I have to do more research). Best of luck with your transition!
I think the braids will help out a lot! Do you plan to do any major trimming during your pregnancy? I had some serious PP shedding as well. I ended up cutting my BSL hair to neck length! I relaxed during my pregnancy though.
Another reason I am transitioning is due to not wanting to stretch relaxers anymore, and not being able to go to the salon like I want for touch ups. I never have the time! It's always a hit or miss when I self relax. I love relaxed hair though. I'm not interested too much into wearing my hair loose as a natural. Been there, done that! I would like to straighten it! I'm a sucker for length! I would have to grow 5 years of natural hair to at least have NL-SL shrinkage!
Sorry hun, I did'nt respond since I'm close to 7 months post and I understand you need someone closer to where you are now in terms of weeks post to relate to. The struggle is real though when it comes to stretching. I have not yet committed to transitioning yet, I'm just cruising along :look: lol. Hope you do find someone to buddy with:)
I think the braids will help out a lot! Do you plan to do any major trimming during your pregnancy? I had some serious PP shedding as well. I ended up cutting my BSL hair to neck length! I relaxed during my pregnancy though.
No trims during pregnancy but will definitely need one after I straighten it.
Sorry hun, I did'nt respond since I'm close to 7 months post and I understand you need someone closer to where you are now in terms of weeks post to relate to. The struggle is real though when it comes to stretching. I have not yet committed to transitioning yet, I'm just cruising along :look: lol. Hope you do find someone to buddy with:)
I wish I could post pics! I saw a member's new growth on a blog and her six months looks like my 3 months! But like I stated before, my last relaxer didn't take! Have you had to change your products, or methods? I thought about growing my hair out, cutting off of the old relaxing ends to start fresh with a new relaxer. But I'm just gonna stick to transitioning right now.
I wish I could post pics! I saw a member's new growth on a blog and her six months looks like my 3 months! But like I stated before, my last relaxer didn't take! Have you had to change your products, or methods? I thought about growing my hair out, cutting off of the old relaxing ends to start fresh with a new relaxer. But I'm just gonna stick to transitioning right now.

@shortdub78 self relaxing has been a miss for me, my hair doesn't straighthen easily anyway. Yeah I've had to switch up products since my new growth is on 100 about now lol. I was wearing two strand twists in the beginning but for now I just wear it in a bun.
Things are not too terrible right now surprisingly. I mean, I still get ssk's here and there with some tangling but nothing that is making me beg for a relaxer. Now I just use a spritz; AVJ/water mixed safflower oil, camellia oil, rice bran oil, and a few drops of Ceramide Complex that I got from Amazon.

So I use that for the most part and I also use BBD Stretch Growth Cream as a leave in for my rollersets since it's supposed to be heat activated. My last wash day I used those in addition to Komaza Coconut Moisturizing spray and Kerastase Oleo Relax serum and blew out my roots on cool after roller setting. That was on Monday and I haven't M&S my hair since then because my hair doesn't feel dry, and that's saying a lot because my hair usually feels like a Brillo pad at this point lol.
I just gave myself an oil treatment. I plan on washing and deep conditioning today. My hair needs the water! I also dusted my ends again. I think I will buy some new shears soon.

Is there anyone that is transitioning with SL, or shorter?
Anyone transitioning due to some form of alopecia?
@shortdub78 anyone in the transitioning without BC thread close to your weeks? It has been beneficial for me to chat with those further along to help me as I hit stretching challenges since they've been there and done that.
@shortdub78 anyone in the transitioning without BC thread close to your weeks? It has been beneficial for me to chat with those further along to help me as I hit stretching challenges since they've been there and done that.
You would be the closest, I think? Lol folks are just about ready to BC in there! I read that entire thread! Most have also gotten braids or a weave. I can't do anything of those things right now. I thought about getting braids, but I would have to wait for more growth in my problem area.
I'm at the 12 week mark. Tried to flat iron my hair.. Started on it, but had to stop. The sections I finished, roots are starting to revert from sweating at night. Think I'm just wash and DC. I have a shampoo cream that works well for my new growth. I may do a protein treatment first. Just use Aphogee 2 min. I will put my hair in sections and just rock some ceilies, or try bun and twists on the sides style.

This is my hair at 11 weeks stretched.
My hair doesn't become a ishtstorm until 20 weeks. I was rollersetting but stop due to DS. These I just blow it enough to stretch it and bun it.
I have never stretched past 14 weeks. And the first time I did it, it was a breeze. My hair was growing out from a neck length cut. My ends were nice, and my hair was healthy!