I Miss My Fro!


New Member
I'm currently wearing self-braided individuals (so proud of myself! hehe), but I really really miss my fro'. Like I have the urge to just take them down but they were hard work and lots of time and I'm a broke college student so the hair could've been groceries. I'm going to keep them in until August 1st, but I really miss my hair. I remember not wanting to wear it out anywhere when I BC'd and now I'm like dying to fluff it. Lol. I can finally say I really loveeeee my hair. Just thought I'd share.
I get like that too, that's why I don't put my hair in protective styles that I can't afford to take out :giggle: I want micros so bad, but I know I'll be itiching to see my hair after 2 weeks, so I definately feel you girl :ohwell:
When I was relaxed it was no problem, couldn't wait to put braids in, now it's the complete opposite. I'll just have to hold out.
I get like that too, that's why I don't put my hair in protective styles that I can't afford to take out :giggle: I want micros so bad, but I know I'll be itiching to see my hair after 2 weeks, so I definately feel you girl :ohwell:
Yes me too. I want braids so bad but I know I can't do it. I would miss my hair to much, but I want it to grow longer without me watching it all the darn time. I even made the appointment and canceled to afraid she going to hide my hair ( sometimes I feel so dumb about my hair) like I can't really tell anyone on the "outside" whats going on with me.
I always "miss" my hair if I straighten it. I can't imagine not being able to touch it for a whole month.
This is the main reason I haven't loced. I think I would miss my fro too much.

ITA. I really want to loc but I know I'll go crazy missing my fro'. I figure I'll enjoy my fro for the next couple of years then start the locs, maybe by the time I graduated from college.