i met cathy.....

Be careful with the usage of the conditioner...it's indeed protein.

I first purchased her system in June and after using the condish for the first time, I did not detangle since she advised against combing the hair when wet. I let my hair air dry, and when I proceded to straightened it with the curling iron method, my hair was super hard. That was before I joined this board and learned I should have done a instant condish rinse or a deep moisturizing condish after the UBH condish; it was just that strong for my hair. I didn't use it again until last week and I added some instant or cheap condish to it before applying. It was better.
The creme lotion moisturizer is okay; it was left my hair kinda limp after a few days. So if I use it I sometimes put it on my wet hair and rollerset it so the moisture will already be in my hair when it dries.
I first purchased her system in June and after using the condish for the first time, I did not detangle since she advised against combing the hair when wet. I let my hair air dry, and when I proceded to straightened it with the curling iron method, my hair was super hard. That was before I joined this board and learned I should have done a instant condish rinse or a deep moisturizing condish after the UBH condish; it was just that strong for my hair. I didn't use it again until last week and I added some instant or cheap condish to it before applying. It was better.

Similar story...my coworker introduced me to cathy howse conditioner in 2005. I did not have the hair boards to know that this was a protein conditioner and should not have been used on a weekly basis. I jacked my hair up with protein overload and lack of moisture which led me to LHCF.
The same here PinkPebbles.
I thank her for introducing me to my hair care journey, but I soon started looking for something else because the products just wasn't doing it for me. Maybe I didn't use the lotion creme Moist'er right.:ohwell:
All I know is at first, the condish made my hair super hard, the lotion creme made my hair super limp, and the dew was like spritzing water on my hair. Oh well...
I saw Cathy on Saturday also. I talked with her briefly and she let me touch her hair. Overall it looked pretty healthy. She says that she uses an $80 ceramic flat iron that she purchased at Bed Bath and Beyond. I purchased the Dew.

I also spoke with the ladies at roundbrushhair and I believe Jennifer is the owner. I purchased the Silicon Mix with the pearl extract. Has anyone used this one yet?

Finally, I spoke with Barry Fletcher his locs looked pretty good.
I used to love the Barry Fletcher Moisture Silk? Setting Lotion. I didn't know he was still in bizness. He had some good products back in the day!
Ok people, no need to get all mean and evil. No need to dis the woman's elbows and hair and whatnot. :grin: I know if her hair was on a member, you all would be lining up in a thread to post your "Congrats!" and "It's beautiful!" :lachen:

Cathy seemed kind of dare i say rude. not really rude but on the defensive side. .
She's always been like that. I remember reading a Q&A (I think on her website), and she just walloped people's questions back at them. E.g. someone asked her if eating more protein would increase hair growth. And she responded, "I keep telling people this is nonsense. You need to put protein on the hair, not take protein internally! Do you see white people eating more protein to grow hair?" :rolleyes: I just thought, "Well, Cathy, what does that have to do with anything? There aren't too much white people putting protein *on* their hair regularly either, are there? Isn't your whole career based on the idea that our hair may need a little extra? Otherwise, there would be no need for a book called "Black Hair Growth" would it? It would just be called "Hair Growth"." (Not to mention the fact that people of all races growing long hair often increase their protein intake).

She just seemed closed off to me - not open to learning anything new. Like she made the leap that protein was important, but couldn't go further to say maybe taking protein internally was good too.

I can't believe she was surprised at the thickness and length of people's hair! I guess she feels like she has a monopoly on black hair growth
Don't you know girl? On her website she calls her system *The *Only* proven black hair growth system".
Ok people, no need to get all mean and evil. No need to dis the woman's elbows and hair and whatnot. :grin: I know if her hair was on a member, you all would be lining up in a thread to post your "Congrats!" and "It's beautiful!" :lachen:.

Speak for yourself. I don't give fake bandwagon compliments. And I'm not evil, I speak the truth, elbows included, ain't my fault they black :lachen:
Is she natural? Did she complete her transition?

Yes she is now natural. She just flatirons her hair and keeps it straight.
She also tried to tell me I wasn't natural because she didn't understand what I was trying to say so I had to break it down. Then while talking about transitioning, she asked me how I washed my hair and I told her in 4 sections. She asked where I learned that and I told her from LHCF. I my head I was thinking where the ignorant and silly cowashers are. :lol: I have never used her products but I know others have had great results with them so I can't knock them. Q
LMAO yall crazy. i didnt think this thread would have so many comments on how she can be rude or doubtful. i have been misting my hair daily with the dew since i got it and it seems ok. i then seal it with coconut oil. my hair is straight and it hasnt made it revert so thats good. i will use it on freshly washed hair soon to see if it's really good. my hair doesnt like a lot of protein so i wont be using the conditioner anytime soon and when i do it will be mixed with goodies.
Yes she is now natural. She just flatirons her hair and keeps it straight.
She also tried to tell me I wasn't natural because she didn't understand what I was trying to say so I had to break it down. Then while talking about transitioning, she asked me how I washed my hair and I told her in 4 sections. She asked where I learned that and I told her from LHCF. I my head I was thinking where the ignorant and silly cowashers are. :lol: I have never used her products but I know others have had great results with them so I can't knock them. Q
what were you trying to tell her that she couldnt understand? she thought you had a relaxer?
Yeah, sprung. Maybe you personally don't do it, but you must admit it happens all the time. And though bandwaggony, it's not necessarily fake. I.e. I think once hair is long (say past APL), many members don't seem to care if it's "ashy" or not, because they see long hair as such an achievement. I can understand that.

You know, I just re-read some of Cathy's tips on her site, and I must say she has some kernels of truth in them, e.g. protein-moisture balance, the non-necessity of trims (get up and leave if the hairdresser doesn't follow your instructions), etc. But it the vehemence and aggressiveness with which she gives the advice is off-putting.

Just also wanted to point out: 14 years of hair growing doesn't = 14 years of hair. We all know about the growth-shed cycle. For the vast majority of people, it doesn't go over 6 years. And for many people (including myself), it's probably around 3 or 4 years. So I know for me, no matter how long I grow my hair, even if i keep every centimetre (impossible), it's unlikely that any one strand will ever be more than say (4 x 6) = 24 inches long. The best I can do is try to maximise my growth *rate*, say try to get 8 inches per year, so that my terminal length would be ( 4 x 8) = 32 inches long.

OK, I've done my defence attorney duties for the day. :look:
what were you trying to tell her that she couldnt understand? she thought you had a relaxer?

I told her I was natural and I only get my hair pressed every 6 months (which it was at the time). She said oh no you can't be natural if your hair is straight like that and you only have to press it every 6 months. I said no, I am natural. The other months I am wearing twists, puffs, braidouts etc and then at 6 months I get it pressed and trimmed. A lot of people were not surprised at how she acted and said they knew she could be a bit rude, I had no idea.

Let me just say I am not bashing her at all. I just believe if you don't know something about a topic just say you don't know it. Don't call it ignorant and silly to the same people who could be your customers especially after we explained it and the results we got. Everything isn't for everybody so I am not going to say chebaby you are silly for doing xyz because I haven't tried it or it didn't work for my hair. I understand she is passionate but she also has to understand that as time goes on, new techniques and products come up and they actually do work for other people. All black hair is not the same. Q
Q - how many women attended the conference in Vegas?

I've never been impressed with Cathy's hair. It looks a little on the thin side.
Q - how many women attended the conference in Vegas?

I've never been impressed with Cathy's hair. It looks a little on the thin side.

There was about 16 total I think. There were a few people that only dropped in for different sessions here and there. Q
Howse at for sistas only. it was a really nice event. anyway her's was the first able i went to. her hair is some serious bidness. it's beautiful and thick. i snatched up the deep conditioner and the dew(never used before).

can someone tell me if these products are good?

i also went to the table for roundbrushair. all they were selling were silicon mix and this oil. i got the oil. its called aceite bomba. have you ever heard of it? the ingr. are cinnamon, rosemary, garlic, coconut oil, olive oil and wheat germ. they said you are supposed to massage it into your scalp 20 minutes before washing your hair. i dont see the oil on their website though.

have you used these products(not the silicon mix, just the oil and cathy howse products)? if so can you give a small review?

I've only used her Dew and Lotion Creme Oil Moisturizer. I love both of these products. The oil moisturizer is so light and isn't greasy. The Dew Spray really makes my hair soft and moisturized. I would love to try some of her other products but those are the only 2 that I've been using for years.
cathy's deep conditioner was way too much protein for me. and her moisturizer sucked. like the book though, lol.
never tried anything from roundbrushhair. most of thosse products have cones, but that oil sounds good
what you do to Cathy?:look:. im being nosey:blush: do tell:grin:

Well she basically let Cathy know she was there for the convention and the convention only. Cathy tried to press her for more but it wasn't happening. You just had to be there!!! :giggle: Q
Well she basically let Cathy know she was there for the convention and the convention only. Cathy tried to press her for more but it wasn't happening. You just had to be there!!! :giggle: Q
damn i wish i was there lmao. i miss all the good stuff:lachen: