i met cathy.....

Yes she said she doesn't visit hair boards because she doesn't want anyone to say she takes info from them. Q

Umm hmmm. Doesn't visit hair boards but she sure knew when the LHCF convention was being held, and where it was and all that. :rolleyes: I guess a little bird told her about it, or it came to her in a dream. :rolleyes:

I looked at the pics on her site... and uh... :nono: her hair looks DRY as the Sahara. To be real, it doesn't look all that healthy. Yeah, it's long... I guess... but not for somebody who's been at this for so many years. I agree that not everyone wants waist length hair, but as LaReyna said, she doesn't trim. So where is all her growth going? She sure isn't retaining it.

Anyhoo. Not trying to knock the hustle... everybody's got bills to pay. I'm just glad I know better than to be following her advice.
I met her at our convention and I was not impressed with her attitude or her hair. She doubted Q's hair like she is the only one that can grow hair. And she thinks that if you do anything with your hair not in her book, you are ignorant. She used the word ignorant. Her reason for not having longer hair us because she is at terminal length.
I met her at our convention and I was not impressed with her attitude or her hair. She doubted Q's hair like she is the only one that can grow hair. And she thinks that if you do anything with your hair not in her book, you are ignorant. She used the word ignorant. Her reason for not having longer hair us because she is at terminal length.

Hey gangsta girl. :wave: Yeah she was a trip!!! :lol: Yes yall she thinks cowashing is ignorant because it didn't make sense even after I explained it. Yeah she wouldn't get a dime of my money after she said that mess. But I ain't knocking her hustle though. Q
Hey gangsta girl. :wave: Yeah she was a trip!!! :lol: Yes yall she thinks cowashing is ignorant because it didn't make sense even after I explained it. Yeah she wouldn't get a dime of my money after she said that mess. But I ain't knocking her hustle though. Q
wow. i didnt know she was like that. i went to her website and read the Q&A part and she did say some things that i thought was down right rude. i guess when people always doubt and question you, you can become defensive but d*mn. at the time i bought the conditioner i didnt know it was protein, i thought it was moisture because thats what she said but i've heard several people say its protein. when i use it i may mix it with honey because i dont know if its strong or not.
wow. i didnt know she was like that. i went to her website and read the Q&A part and she did say some things that i thought was down right rude. i guess when people always doubt and question you, you can become defensive but d*mn. at the time i bought the conditioner i didnt know it was protein, i thought it was moisture because thats what she said but i've heard several people say its protein. when i use it i may mix it with honey because i dont know if its strong or not.

Well what's funny is she asked us about cowashing, we didn't bring it up. Then after I and a few others explained it after she called it ignorant she said it again. Vegasqt checked her on it and it was hilarious. Q
Hey gangsta girl. :wave: Yeah she was a trip!!! :lol: Yes yall she thinks cowashing is ignorant because it didn't make sense even after I explained it. Yeah she wouldn't get a dime of my money after she said that mess. But I ain't knocking her hustle though. Q

:rolleyes: I'm sure she does... That's why her hair looks so dang dry and thin.

Cathy Howse = :jester: When it comes to her, I think anyone who really wants long healthy hair needs to :ignore: her and head on over here to LHCF! :imo:
:rolleyes: I'm sure she does... That's why her hair looks so dang dry and thin.

Cathy Howse = :jester: When it comes to her, I think anyone who really wants long healthy hair needs to :ignore: her and head on over here to LHCF! :imo:

Girl you have me cracking up. Just check out my recap in one of the links above. I will say she is very helpful and was willing to answer questions but she was still a little rude. But she has helped a lot of women and I respect her for that. Q
hmmm... I always thought that she was a member of a hair board (like LHCF) who decided to go off and do her own thang. I thought she was a possible nikko's cousin in the past... Guess not... lol
Lawd... I just read through the recap of the convention.... :nono:

I'm surprised it didn't "get real" for Ms. Howse when she came out her face with ignorant AND silly...

ETA: I just read on her site that she's been pimping... uh, I mean, providing, this system of hair growth for 14 YEARS. So why is my hair only an inch and a half shorter than the pics on her site, when I BC'd down to an inch of hair 2 years ago? Tis all!
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Que i just finished reading the vegas recap and sounds like you all had loads of fun. i remember when it was being talked about i didnt have the money to go because i had just went for my b-day. i wish i could have gone though, i was still kind of a newbie.

i cant believe she called co washing ignorant. i can see she didnt think it is benificial since there's no heat involved but i could have sworn she said on her site that common since said that water was moisture, so i you co was on a daily basis with WATER and a moisturizing conditioner than whats there to not understand?

and Que she prolly questioned if that was all you becuase its so long and THICK. her hair is long but not very thick.

on her website it seems like she uses a lot of heat. maybe thats why her hair looked a litle ashy(before i went to the website and noticed all the heat i thought it was just because she's older and maybe doesnt care about shine). but i know when i use too much heat my hair starts to look ashy and dry.
Lawd... I just read through the recap of the convention.... :nono:

I'm surprised it didn't "get real" for Ms. Howse when she came out her face with ignorant AND silly...

Naw we didn't want it to go down like that. But trust we said what we had to say. We had a nice little laugh about it though because the proof is in the ignorant pudding. Our hair looked a lot healthier than hers and most of us cowashed so whatever. Q
wow. at the time i bought the conditioner i didnt know it was protein, i thought it was moisture because thats what she said but i've heard several people say its protein. when i use it i may mix it with honey because i dont know if its strong or not.

Be careful with the usage of the conditioner...it's indeed protein.
I can't believe she was surprised at the thickness and length of people's hair! I guess she feels like she has a monopoly on black hair growth
True, but she doesn't trim, right? So she sould be there by now. I want to know the answer too.

(This is just from reading other posts. I haven't read her books, so I don't know if she cuts her hair to her desired length...)

Well I never found out if she cut her relaxed hair since she has be natural since 2004. Based on what I see on her site the photo's were taken in 2007 and at least BSL. I would like to know what her present length is too. I know she stated that the length she was in 2007 may be her terminal length since she was not getting past it. :look: Maybe someone should send her a bottle of Mega-Tek.
Cathy seemed kind of dare i say rude. not really rude but on the defensive side. she tried to tell me my hair was greasy and when i told her it was coconut oil she was like "ar you sure, its just cocnut oil?" then it was hard for us to hear each other because of the music and i was trying to tell her i heard great things about the dew she was like "you heard what?" in that way thats makes me think she thought i said something bad about it.
but i still cant wait to try the products.

Lol, when I saw this thread I started thinking, isn't that the mean lady. I used to always see people say that she is pretty mean but her products are good.
LOL...yea, she seems to be a "tell it like it is" and "I will say whatever I think" type of person. I dont know how you can be successful giving the customer service that she does. I've read a lot of hair books and hers was the only one that I tossed w/o getting half way through because there was so much BS in it; at least at the beginning. If your product is good you dont have the time to dis and downplay somebody else's because your's would be selling off the shelf. I'm not surprised she couldn't believe Que's hair was real...seems like a typical Cathy Howse comment. "Anything that's not from me can't be real"
Que i just finished reading the vegas recap and sounds like you all had loads of fun. i remember when it was being talked about i didnt have the money to go because i had just went for my b-day. i wish i could have gone though, i was still kind of a newbie.

i cant believe she called co washing ignorant. i can see she didnt think it is benificial since there's no heat involved but i could have sworn she said on her site that common since said that water was moisture, so i you co was on a daily basis with WATER and a moisturizing conditioner than whats there to not understand?

and Que she prolly questioned if that was all you becuase its so long and THICK. her hair is long but not very thick.

on her website it seems like she uses a lot of heat. maybe thats why her hair looked a litle ashy(before i went to the website and noticed all the heat i thought it was just because she's older and maybe doesnt care about shine). but i know when i use too much heat my hair starts to look ashy and dry.

:giggle: OMG... you said ASHY! Yeah, that's the perfect description for her hair.
Her stank attitude is a total turnoff. I would'nt give her a quarter. I see she FINALLY updated them old butt pics on her website. Her hair has always looked a hot mess to me. It looks better now. But it's still not all that. And I see she got that serious LHCF head tilt some people like to do going on. Come on Cathy you ain't foolin nobody you aint waistlength :lachen:
She should put some of that dew on her elbows cause...:nono:
Her stank attitude is a total turnoff. I would'nt give her a quarter. I see she FINALLY updated them old butt pics on her website. Her hair has always looked a hot mess to me. It looks better now. But it's still not all that. And I see she got that serious LHCF head tilt some people like to do going on. Come on Cathy you ain't foolin nobody you aint waistlength :lachen:
She should put some of that dew on her elbows cause...:nono:

I agree with this whole post.
I do have some gratitude for her since she started me on my hair journey, but she is barely BSL after 14 years!! She is in no way an authority on hair even if she did write one of the first hair books.
She also might want to start frequenting hair boards as might help improve her hair :rolleyes:
I purchased her deep conditioner and her lotion creme moisturizer after reading her back. I was not impressed by either product. The deep conditioner did not leave my hair shiny or soft and her mositurizer gets flaky when I apply it to my scalp. I found WEN and will be using this as a deep conditioner. Still lokking for a good moisturizer though.
Her stank attitude is a total turnoff. I would'nt give her a quarter. I see she FINALLY updated them old butt pics on her website. Her hair has always looked a hot mess to me. It looks better now. But it's still not all that. And I see she got that serious LHCF head tilt some people like to do going on. Come on Cathy you ain't foolin nobody you aint waistlength :lachen:
She should put some of that dew on her elbows cause...:nono:

Tell the truth and shame the devil! Who does she think she's fooling? Anybody's hair LOOKS long when you lean your head over so far it looks like it's gonna snap off!

When I see people on here with thier head craned over so far they are doing spinal damage... talkin' bout "I'm Finally BSL!" and only 3 hairs can reach :nono: It's a shame. And if it's a popular poster there's 4 pages of comments saying Congrats! :spinning: I'm like :yawn: ANYway....

And she needs more than Dew on them elbows... she needs a sandblaster, followed by some Elasta QP DPR-11, stat!