I made my first goal...kind of. Sorry no pics

DMJ's Mom

Well-Known Member
I just have to share my excitement! My goal was to be SL by march. This time in december(my hair was barely NL) I couldn't even pull my hair into a decent ponytail then last night just to see i wet my hair and combed it up and i had a pretty decent ponytail and can even get a mini donut bun :grin: the very front hits mid ear but I'm pretty sure that when its stretched its actually past that I'm just too scared to use heat right now to find out.
Congrats girl, i think i may have reached shoulder length myself but i haven't checked properly.

It's a great achievement especially in those few months. Make sure you atleast have pics for yourself to look back on.
Yay! Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.
Wish I could see pics...(hint - hint) but Horray for you!

Keep up the good work!